My Love Scent

Two: Jacob

After school my mother is home, she asks me to bring her some wood for the fireplace. I get into hiking clothing and enter the forest to complete my mission. With a red toy wagon full of wood I decide to return home when I hear a whisper. I wonder around in search of the pranker. Suddenly a bunch of leaves rain in top of my head, I raise my eyes to find a long black hair teenager.

“Little red riding hood shouldn’t be alone in the forest. There may be wolfs” He says in a mysterious tone. I raise my eyebrow with a giggle.

“How you got up there you strange boy?” I ask the shirtless teenager up in a tree.

“I am really good at random activities, like climbing or winning hotdog eating competitions” He explains descending from the tree as quick as a monkey will do.

“I am Amelie Basilevsky and you are?” I question curiously stretching my hand forwards.

“Jacob Black” He replies sensually. We shake hands for about two minutes.

“I think you should put a shirt on. You are getting sick, you have high fever” I say worried for the boy I just met. He laughs.

“I thought it was disturbing meeting somebody without a shirt in a forest” He says making me laugh hard.

“Yeah, that works too. Just get a shirt” I tell him shaking my head in agreement.

“Have I seen you before?” He questions joyful.

“No, I just moved here” I reply with a sweet smile.

“Where are you from?” Jacob wonders.

“Russia” I say as fast I can. Is getting pretty dark and little red riding hood shouldn’t stay outside so late, Predator may eat her.

“Russia huh, like Hitler and stuff” He compares moving his head in flow.

“No. That is Germany. Completely different place. I have to go home” I explain looking at my phone clock.

“Can I walk you?” He asks politely. I agree with a smile and we start walking. We got to know each other a little in my way home even if by moments only the squeaky wagon was heard in our silence.

“You can visit me anytime you want” I invite closing the door.

“Who were you talking too?” My mother questions as I turn around to face her.

“I was singing” I lie instantly.

“Which song is that, so I can search it on the internet and sing it with you” My mother realized about my lie.

“ Touché. I was talking with a friend. Before you ask his name is Jacob, and he is a boy” I inform my mother while I enter my room.
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