My Love Scent

Three: Tribe

Two weeks have passed and my friendship with Jacob has grown considerably. He is picking me up this night to meet his friends in La Push, the beach.

“Mom how should I dress?” I desperately question my mother. For the first time in 7 years I hear my mom giggle.

“You like him” She says laughing.

“Mom for the third time, he is only a friend. I can’t see him as something else” I reply entering my room covering my body with a towel.

Trying to figure out how to look presentable for strangers I remember the blouse Lora gave me back when I was in Russia. Lora was my best friend since we were six years old. Sadly two years ago she was murdered by her boyfriend, she was pregnant and it was not his baby. I still can’t believe she kept such secrets from me, but it doesn’t matter anymore.

I end up wearing the long sleeve prune blouse, skinny ripped pants, bright olive sneakers and black knitted jacket. I gently comb my hair and tie it in a braid. Looking at myself in the mirror for a moment makes me change my mind and I leave my loose. I am filling my black leather purse with my belongings when somebody knocks at the door. I run to open it but my mother is already talking with him. I smile softly to my mom, grab him by his warm hand and walk away.

“I love your bike! Can I drive it?” I try to convince Jacob.

“No way!” He denies without thinking it twice. Giving up in my trial I sit behind Jacob in his vehicle and he drives us away.

At the instant we arrive a bunch of muscular males welcome us in a friendly way. I notice they welcome me as Jacob’s girl, embarrassing both of us. We sit in a huge rock near the fireplace in the beach coast. As I talk with non-stop talking Seth I lightly look at Jacob with the corner of my eyes. He is eating a hotdog while Sam is mocking him about me. Minutes later Jacob’s father steps in and greets me. We have a long conversation getting to know each other. After I make clear to him my relationship status with Jacob he gently drives his wheelchair near Sam to hit him, we all laugh.

Jacob offers me a hotdog but I refuse to take it, Sam offers me some potato chips and I refuse them too. Later on Seth offers me something to drink and because I’m cold I take the hot chocolate. Billy’s tribe stories are very interesting to me, but it looks like everyone else have heard them already. By the look on Jacob’s face it’s obvious he dislikes Billy’s words.

“We are going to do some crazy stuff tonight” Seth assures to me loud enough for everyone to hear when Billy finished the stories.

“Who knew hiking could be some crazy stuff” Sam says laughing. Everyone joins the laugh.
“You never told you will go hiking tonight” I tell Jacob in curious way. He stares at me about to say something. I patiently wait for him to swallow the rest of the hotdog.

“We are going to the forest. That includes you. You packed the things I told you right?” He asks me looking carefully trough my purse.

“I had never hiked before” I murmur terrified in Jacob’s ear. He burst in a loud laughter.

“There is a first time for everything” He assures.

“You should eat something before we go” Sam offers me in a leader voice. Emily, Sam’s fiancée, hands me a hotdog and I slowly eat it. Jacob opens a can of soda for me to finish my meal. When I am finish we stand up, say goodbye to Billy and walk away.

“Give me your bag” Jacob demands as we walk behind the rest.

“And confirm the rumors?” I reply in a giggle referring to their thoughts of us.

“Who cares?” He growls stealing my bag. Sam call Jacob to the front, exchanging position with Emily.

“How long have you been with Sam?” I curiously ask her. She looks at me shyly covering her face with her hair.

“It’s a long story” Emily replies looking away from me.

“You two look like meant for each other” I murmur near her ear, trying not to make her feel like I am a freak. She laughs and agrees with her head. We have a conversation about each other without realizing I was walking inside the forest already.
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I am on vacation, but I took time to do this because I love my readers. Comment ans subscribe