My Love Scent

Six: Grounded

"I had a great time!" I shyly inform Jacob while getting down of his bike.

"Well, I had a good time too" He replies with a blush on his cheeks.

"You can come in for a drink before you go" I gently offer and he agrees. At the moment we step the house, his smile fades and he starts slightly to look around, as for me not to suspect.

"Hey, finally you came back" James says stepping out of my room. I open my eyes wide when I see the ways Jacob stares at James and James hisses at the boy who kissed me.

"Who is him?" Jacob questions in confusion, looking into my eyes with fury.

"He is a friend of mine" I answer badly closing my eyes in shame.

"A friend who stays in your room while your gone?" Jacob ask looking at James with inferiority.

"She has to give you details of her life? What are you her boyfriend?" James faces Jacob getting near him. In a second I find myself bewteen the two of them, above to fight.

"Stop it! Both of you! Jacob, he is right. James I told you to go before I left this morning" I yell madly at the two of them.

"He is dangerous" Jacob warns me as if I don't know. But how does he knows?

"What makes you say that?" I question raising my eyebrow looking at Jacob, both hands extended to avoid a fight. When Jacob starts talking we hear a car parking infront of my house.

"That should be my father. Jacob get out, James my room. Now!" I order them in order to save my butt. My dad is back from a business trip and it would be awkard to welcome him with two man and no mother in home.

Jacob opens the door and my father is infront, with key in hand about to open it. Everybody paralized, my father drops his keys and Jacob smiles nervously. I facepalm at such situation.

"Hi son. Din't know we adopted a new kid, because that is the only way you can be in this house if my wife is not" My dad babbles angrily.

"He is paying me to tutor him" I say stepping again bewteen two angry man.

"Why don't you tutor him in his house" He questions me.

"I'm homeless" Jacob answers stupidly. I stare at Jacob, serious without blinking.

"That is the most retarded thing you could have said. Dad he is my friend, we were hiking and I invited him over for a drink" I explain as fast as I can. I pull my dad in, Jacob out and close the door.

"You are grounded for two weeks" My dad says as he enters his room.

"I'm grounded for having friends?" I ask kicking his door with my knee as hard as I can, he ignores me. I run to my room expecting to have a time alone, but James is sitting in my bed, eating my pijamas.

"I told you to leave" I whisper removing the purple bandana of my head.

"No, you told me to be in your room" He replies in a mocking tone.

"I mean to leave trough my bedroom window, and besides I'm talking about this morning. What the fuck where you doing to my sheets?" I start a discussion.

"You are grounded for two weeks, if you want to be alone in your room. I'll go away" He replies with a nonsense answer that makes sense. After school, with no phone, no Jacob it could be boring.

"Do as you please, but you are not sleeping in the same bed as me" I taking my shoes out.

"I don't sleep, I'm a vampire" James answers crudly to me.

"Well, you are not blind, so get out I'm changing my clothes" I murmur pointing out, he obeys.

"Get into the heaviest pijama you have, please. I'll be right back" He warns me. It makes me blush that he does not wants to kill me. Half and hour later he wakes me up.

"Where were you?" I question curiosly.

"Eating a homeless person. Now I won't eat you" He replies with a big smile.
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