Status: keep this alive.

No Limits.



Honestly, I don't know why I've fallen for you. It's ironic, really. You're different from the other guys I've had a thing for. Unlike them, you have this faith in Christ, that I absolutely love. You have this thing about you that makes my heart beat so much faster every time I just even take a glimpse at you. When I hear your name, I automatically think: Wow, I missed so many oppurtunities to talk to him. And it's so true. I did miss a lot of oppurtunities. When I feel horrible for not taking a risk, I regret these things so much. And I tell myself: Things happen for a reason. Maybe it just wasn't the right time. Trust me, the feeling absolutely sucks.
I wish I could be able to see you more. But then again, I don't. I'm trying to figure out the feelings I have. And how I'm going to control them. Since you're different from the other guys, you definitely intimidate me more. Which makes me want to learn even more about you. Yeah, I barely know you. So it'd be nice to have a conversation about learning about each other. I think that'd be pretty good. (Maybe we could even secretly have another hug while we're at it, too.)
I'm confused and miserable. Not knowing you kills me. I like knowing a person. And you, it's harder for me to get to know you since, well you know, we practically live on the otherside of the world from each other. Which is only what. . . Thirty minutes away? I wish we'd be able to see each other a lot more. Maybe by some miracle, that it will happen.
I hate that I'm shy when it comes to crushes. Being shy around you is such a pathetic thing to do. Maybe if I wasn't, I'd be more comfortable around you. Then again, I never see you. So it'd be pretty useless? I don't know. I just wish.
Every person wishes that their crush would read the things that we right for them. Usually, it doesn't happen. If it does, it either goes up or it goes down. Up meaning things turn out the way they want it, Down as in things get too awkward and those people ignore each other for the rest of their life. Let's face it, that's how life goes.
& Life just sucks.
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Posted by Sugarcoat./Bulletproof.