Status: Finished :D

The Witch of Wyward Place

Part 1/2

I had to be quick. I had to be silent. My feet were pounding on the compact earth, and my breathing became labored. They were after me, I know they were. I pulled my black cloak around me tighter, clutching the thick book in my hands. The branches from the trees I passed whipped my face, catching my cloak; plucking at the seams.

I heard the yells from behind me, and saw the glow of their fire lit torches; piercing through the welcomed night. I picked up my pace, I can’t be caught! Not yet!

The bloodthirsty yells echoed through the forest, seeming to come from all sides.

My bare feet crunched on the dry leaves, and I cringed; knowing they’ll be heard. Panic overwhelmed my body as my toe caught on a stone, sending me down. My black, matted hair was thrown into my face. The shouts were getting closer by the second, I had to move!

I can’t be caught now! If I am, my whole life’s work will be for nothing! Summoning my last ounce of strength, I pulled myself up from the damp soil, and started running again.

The full moon was my only light as I ran deeper and deeper into the dark woods.

- Earlier that day –

I had been out picking herbs this morning, for I was running low. In these days and ages, people like me had to be careful. My heart was pounding as I shut the door behind myself; familiar thoughts running through my head. Was I seen? Will they come pounding at my door any minute now? I shook my head and let out a sigh of relief.

I uncovered a square indent in my wall by throwing down some fabric; this is a good hiding place for the things I cannot allow to be seen.

I tied the herbs, ready for them to be dried and placed them carefully on the hooks in the indent of my wall throwing the tattered sheets back over the hiding place.

People like me; we had to be careful.

The morning passed smoothly into afternoon. I was startled to hear knocking on my door. Have they found me? Is this it?

"H-hello?" I asked as I slid the door open carefully.

"Hey Venetia, how are you? It's me, Elizabeth." she smiled at me from under her long red curls.

"Oh, Elizabeth, you startled me." I said happily, opening the door wider. Elizabeth is one of my many friends. She runs the orphanage down by the church.

"May I come in?" she asked, gesturing inside my house.

"Of course!" I say stepping aside.

"Your house smells lovely Venetia!" She said taking deep breaths through her nose and closing her eyes.

"R-really?" I ask nervously, the herbs must be starting to dry. "I don't smell anything in particular.”

“Must just be me then.” She smiled and twirled on the spot.

"I saw you down by the meadows this morning, what in the world were you doing down there?" she asked with a coy smile.

I tried not to go pale.

"Just having a walk, it's lovely down there this time of year." I smile dreamily as I put a kettle over the fire.

"Better be careful or people may suspect a few things." Elizabeth laughed, but I could hear the warning under her words.

"Ok, I'll be more careful." I laughed alongside her.

"So what brings you around here this fine afternoon?" I ask her, desperate to change the subject.

I saw her eyes flick around my home, resting on the various items I have around. The straw mat by the door, the rugs on the stone floor, the charred stones of the fireplace, down the hall towards the bedroom and bathroom and finally to the small door leading to the edge of the woods that lie at the back of my house.

"Just seeing how you are." She smiles, but her smile is off.

"What's wrong?" I ask her as I sit on the stool next to her, my gown flowing against hers.

"It's James." She said quietly as she looked down at her hands.

"What's happened?" I ask, concern for my friend evident in my voice.

"Well, he has been working late a lot recently, I think." She pauses, her fingers intertwining as she speaks. "I think he is going down to that place near the docks."

My hand went to my mouth. "No. I don't believe it. Sweet James wouldn't do something like that to you!" The place down by the docks was where men go when they are lonely. Scantily clad women hang around there in an old abandoned house.

“I just can’t help but worry.” She said with a tear carving a path down her cheek.

“Don’t worry about a thing, everything will be fine.” I say reassuringly. I knew what I had to do.

She left shortly after, when the sun began to set.

I began getting ready. Elizabeth was by far my best friend, I had to do something to help her.

I pulled dry herbs out of their hiding place, along with various other things from other hiding places.

I pulled out the pristine velvet rug and spread it gently on the floor, being careful not to dirty it.

I looked around the candlelit room as I searched for the stool I use as a small table.
I placed the stool at the north end of the rug.

A noise at my door alerted me, if someone were to see this …

I wrote it off as a mouse, and continued preparing. It was soon that I was all set.

I took a few calming breathes and picked up my knife. With my athame I invoked the four elements to join me in my circle.

My Book of Shadows resting on my altar as I read aloud the spell. This spell will help James see the wrong of his actions, help him see it is hurting Elizabeth.

I was almost finished closing my circle when the knock came at my door. I say knock lightly, it was a pound.

I was stunned out of my spell, and was torn.

If I don’t answer the door they will come in and see me, but if I break the circle before it is closed the spell may not work, and the consequences will be dire for Elizabeth and James.

My dilemma was solved for me when the door was burst open and five police men barged into my home.

Two of the men ran over to me and took my arms into their iron grip; my athame dropping to the floor.

Another man took my book of shadows in his arms and gave it to the magistrate that stood by the door. His rich red robes were a terrible contrast to my stone house.

“Venetia Parris, you have been found guilty of the dark art, witchcraft. For this betrayal of God, you will be burnt at the stake until dead. You will come with us!” He spat at me.

I cringed, they didn’t understand …

I tried to wiggle myself free, but all that it resulted in was the hands tightened on my arms, reducing the blood flow to my hands.

I closed my eyes and tried to think. I was biting down on my lip, when I started to taste blood in my mouth.

My eyes flew open and widened in glee at the magistrate.

I spoke loudly in Latin, throwing random words together, complete nonsense was just spewing out my mouth. But they didn’t know that …

The five police men and the Magistrate all looked at me with wide eyes full of pure terror. I finished my string of words and spat the blood that was in my mouth at the magistrate.

He jumped back, as did all the policemen. I grinned to myself as I cackled loudly. The policemen that had my book of shadows dropped my precious book. I dove for it, catching it easily.

I glared at the men before I ran out the small door towards the woods. It won’t take long for the men to realize nothing actually happened.

I ran.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the first part of my story!
:) I hope you liked it, the next part shall be up in the next few minutes.