Status: slowly active.

Can You See Me?


Viva como si debiera morirse maƱana. Aprenda como si debiera vivir para siempre.


Imagine a life were you had it all, no worries about anything.

That's what Olivia had. Everything. The perfect family: her two parents, her brother and their dog. The family that is described by everyone as 'perfect and textbook'.

That was until Olivia was murdered. As she was walking home from an outing with her friends, someone had stopped her innocently enough, claiming she had dropped her money. As she went to take it back, thinking it was hers, the man had grabbed her, there in broad daylight, in their all-American town, and took her to his basement. That's where he proceeded to rape and murder. Olivia tried to fight the man off, but every time she did, he would hurt her more and more. And before she knew, she was dead, her lifeless body under her murderer's disgusting sweaty one.

The next thing Olivia remembered was waking up on the front of her lawn. But there was something different; it was the same world she had always known, but at the same time, it was her own perfect universe. Nothing and no one could harm her. It took her a while to figure out why her mother and father ignored her or why they seemed so sad. Then it hit her: she was dead. Olivia had assumed it was utter madness that was taking over mind until she saw the newspaper article:

Local Teen Murdered; Body Never Recovered.

She stiffled her own gasp even though no one else could hear her. She tore out of her house and ran as far away as she could.

She couldn't be dead. If she was dead, she wouldn't be where she was right now. That made Olivia stop in her tracks. She looked down at the soft grass under her feet and tried to pluck a few pieces. But she couldn't. Her fingers just ran right through it.

"Oh my God," she whispered to herself, "I'm really dead."

It was entirely alien to her. She remembered how she had been attacked and raped, but she didn't remember dying. That must be the one thing no one remembered...if all people existed like this everywhere else.

"Why am I here?" she wondered out loud. Olivia knew that the people that came back as...ghosts, spirits, whatever she was, often had unfinished business. But those people were all adults and they had lives and families and everything else! She was just eighteen, on the brink of life, she had everything to live for! She had just graduated high school and was getting ready to start college. No she had none of it. Nothing. She was just left on Earth after being murderered, wondering what on she had to do.

Olivia stood up and looking around. There were people going about their everyday lives. Watching them made Olivia want to join them, but she couldn't. And she would never again. It brought tears to her eyes. She wiped them off and starting walking around again.


"Do you really think this looks okay?" Nick asked as he adjusted his shirt and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Nick, just calm down! You're worse than a girl!" Joe laughed from across the room, resulting in a pillow being thrown at his face.

"Shut up," he growled and left his bedroom, Joe still lying on his bed and laughing.

"I'm going for a walk," Nick announced and walked out the door. It was a beautiful sunny day and he was glad to be back in the quiet neighborhoods of New Jersey. It was always nice to be away from all the fame and attention. Even if it was just for the summer. Nick smiled to himself an continued walking along the sidewalk not really looking at anything in particular. That's when he saw her. And almost walked into her, "sorry!"

He had narrowly avoided knocking her over. That's what he got for not paying attention. Maybe his mom was right; he should take his head out of the clouds sometimes!
The girl stopped and stared at night for a few moments. She cocked her head to side and survyed Nick.

"You can see me?" her voice almost sounded horse now that she was speaking out loud and projecting her voice to someone else.

"Of course...shouldn't I?" he was confused by her question. She was quite pretty, so he thought she wouldn't have a reason for being ignored.

"No one else for so long," she sighed and looked at the cute boy who had finally noticed her. Nick was even more confused.

"What do you mean?"

"No one else can see me," she sighed.

"It's okay. I'm sure your family-"

"My family is dead," she sighed and turned to walk away. Nick tried to reach out and grab her shoulder, but he couldn't. It was like he was grabbing air. His eyes widened and he stared at his hand. The girl stopped and turned back around, "I think I need your help."

"What's going on here?" his voice was higher than normal and Nick wasn't quite sure that he was entirely sane anymore.

"My name's Olivia-"

"Olivia," he barely nodded.

"I was murdered on March 14th, 1962,"

Nick grabbed the nearby tree so he wouldn't fall. He stared at the girl in front of him, "whoa."
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New idea!
What do you think?