Status: slowly active.

Can You See Me?


"Olivia? Are you okay?" Joe was looking intently at her, as her gaze didn't move from Nick's backpack. As much as they had hoped the bones would be Olivia's, it was still a shocking thing to find out about. It must have been the whole death thing...there is always an aura of mystery and sadness around death.

", I'm not going to lie and say I'm fine, because I don't know how I am," she frowned a bit and met Joe's eyes, "it's weird."

"I can't say I understand, but it must be strange," Joe agreed and looked away from her deep eyes that seem to see into his soul, "at least we have another piece of the puzzle."

"I just realized something," Nick's normally mellow voice was higher than normal, and had a strange edge to it, "how are we going to go back to New Jersey?"

"We're going to fly," Joe shook his head at his younger brother, "honestly we don't live in the olden times, Nick, how'd you think we were going to get there? Horses!? You're silly-"

"-Joe, are you done? What I meant," Nick rolled his eyes, "was how are we just going to leave LA with mom and dad not suspecting anything?"

"Oh," Joe's face fell and he realized their predicament.

"This will be interesting, I'm sure," Olivia smiled lightly at the boys.


"Mom? Dad?" Nick walked into the kitchen where he found his parents sitting at the bar.

"What's up, honey?" His mother turned to face him and he frowned a bit...he was hoping that he would not get their full attention.

"Joe and I....ugh, we left a bunch of things back in New Jersey, and we really need them...I was wondering if we could go back home and get them?" It was the best lie that the boys had come up with, and he prayed that it would work.

"What kind of things?" His mother's eyebrows immediately went up.

"Clothes, and some books, and...Joe left his glasses," he lied and hoped Joe wouldn't walk in with his glasses on.

"Do you guys really need them?"

"Mom! Joe's glasses?!"

"Well, alright two can go tomorrow then," she sighed and shook her head at Nick as he walked out of the kitchen, worried she might change her mind.

"Thanks," he breathed out slowly, "I'll go and tell Joe."

He walked up the stairs slowly and was glad things had gone smoothly.

"How did it go?" Joe asked from where he and Olivia sat on Nick's bed. And he, to no surprise, was wearing his glasses.

"Fine, we can leave tomorrow. And...ugh...don't wear your glasses," he smiled lightly.

"Why not?"

"Because I told mom and dad that you left them in New Jersey,"

"Fine," he sighed and pulled them off his face, "at least we're a go."

"This will be exciting," Olivia smiled sincerely, and wondered what could possibly be awaiting them next.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's just a transition, but I needed one...sorry it took forever to update!
The next chapter will up soon, I promise!
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