Status: slowly active.

Can You See Me?


Joe and Nick arrived at the airport bright and early the next morning. Being who they were gave them a certain...advantage to say the least. Soon they would be in New Jersey and able to confront Addie and find out who killed Olivia at last.

Nick and Joe wore disguises, nothing too drastic, but enough so that people wouldn't recognize them. They just wanted to get out of LA and back home to get the ball rolling. Olivia had accompanied them, even though she'd be able to get back in a matter of seconds. She was...moral support. She was, after all the reason for all of this.

"I'll see you guys in a little while then, okay? Be careful," she sighed as she said her short lived goodbye to the boys her afterlife had now revolved around. Nick smiled a bit and thought she was way too worried.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine," he tried to reassure her, but wasn't quite sure how successful he was because her brow stayed creased, "it's not that big of a deal."

"Anything can happen, Nick. Remember that. I wasn't worried about anything either, but I was...killed," she sighed and cocked her head to the side in order to prevent herself from breaking down in tears.

"I-I yeah," Nick shuffled uncomfortably, "it's so easy to forget. You don't seem-"

"Dead? Well, I am," she gave a stiffed short laugh, "you better get going. Where is that brother of yours?"

"There he is," Nick said as he spotted Joe walking over with two cups of coffee in his hand, "hurry up, Joe!"

"Well, I'm sorry if there is a line for coffee. You wanted some so get over it," he sighed and thrust the second cup in his hand.

"You are such a drama queen," Nick rolled his eyes, but was still thankful for something hot to drink.

"You two better get going," Olivia laughed a little bit as she bid the two boys goodbye.

"Bye Olivia! We'll see you soon," Joe called over his shoulder as they went to board the plane. Olivia shook her head as she realized how silly he must have seemed saying goodbye to thin air. Luckily, Joe wasn't too caught up in what people thought of him.

"Bye boys," she said to herself and decided to go ahead and head back to New Jersey right away. She might as well go and see where Addie was so they would have some idea of where to get started.

She closed her eyes and thought of her home, the home that now stood in near ruins, left to nature in honor of her. After a few seconds she opened her eyes and she was in front of her garden. Just like her home had been the day she died. Although she knew she shouldn't, she let herself in the gate and into her house to look around. Whenever she did this, she would always break down and curse her actions for that day and wished she could go back and change everything. She had been killed unjustly, she had been deprived of a full life. She was dead all because someone else had decided to kill her. Olivia felt the anger go through her as she walked around and saw everything perfectly as she remembered it. This time she wasn't sad - this time, she wanted justice.


Knowing that Addie worked at the library, this being a normal weekday, she figured that's where she would be. She walked down to the library, really only a few streets from her house, and thought about how she could get Addie to know she was there. She wanted to her to know what she had a hand in doing. She wanted her to know what she had been going through.

The morning was slow at the library since most people were at school or work, and Addie didn't have much to do. She checked in all the books, put out new announcements, and made sure the everything was clean and still had time to kill. She let herself into the office and decided to go ahead and do the day's mailings. Nothing too exciting, but it needed to be done. Olivia followed her into the room and noticed a small, shiny, rectangular white board on the side wall. It was empty, but she figured it was used for memos and reminders, and it had a red pen sitting in the tray below.

Suddenly it all clicked in her mind. She would write her former best friend a little note. She walked up to the board, grabbed the pen, making sure not to make noise, and uncapped it and put it up to the board. Olivia paused for a few moments before deciding on what to write.

I'm still here.

She put the pen down and sighed. Manipulating objects took a lot of energy and it wasn't easy. She wasn't even able to do it properly until a few years ago. Addie didn't seem to have noticed anything, so Olivia used to rest of her energy and pushed a book off her desk. Addie's head snapped up and she glanced around for the source of the noise. She looked around for a brief second, saw the book and put it back on her desk. As she glanced at it, her eyes traveled to the board and she let out a gasp. She jumped up and wiped the note off as she wildly looked around for the source. Olivia smiled a bit as she considered it a job well down and decided to leave. Just to spook Addie out a bit more, she grabbed the door handle and let herself out with what little energy she had left and decided to go back to the Jonas' house to wait for the boys.


"I'm glad to be back here, even though we've only been gone a week or so," Joe sighed a bit as he put down his bag and took in the stagnant air in the house. Nick walked in after him and put his bag down too and immediately went into the kitchen for a snack.


"I don't know...LA is just so...LA I suppose. I always miss New Jersey," Joe shrugged and headed after Nick into the kitchen, when he realized who had spoken to him, "Olivia!"

"Oh, now you notice me," she laughed lightly and walked into the kitchen with the two of them, "you'll never believe what I did!"

"Should we be worried?"


"Go on, then,"

"Well, while you guys were flying over here, I was already here. I decided to go into the library and see what Addie was up to," she rubbed her hands together and grinned a bit, "long story short: I followed her into her office and freaked her out by writing on her white board."

"No way! That's awesome!" Joe started laughing, but Nick, always the practical one, creased his brow and looked seriously at her.

"How did you do that? Isn't using objects almost impossible?"

"It took most of my energy. When I was done, I came here and rested while I waited for you guys. I always came up with a plan on how to get that phone number," she smiled in spite of herself, "I've been a busy little beaver...or ghost so to say."

"And that would be....?"

"Well, since the library isn't busy today, I figured we'd go in and one of you make a distraction. Disguised of course, since she probably remembers you. The other one will go in her office and copy down the numbers from the phone from the last couple week, and then we'll call all of them and ask about me. If they have any info, we'll know it's them and we can track them down and confront them," she suggested.

"If they were your murderer, how would we get them to say that to us? We're not Addie,"

"I've already thought of that," she sighed, "there was another guy who would always hang out with Addie when we were in school. He wanted to court her. So, you'll say you're him and tell them you're married to Addie and she asked you to call or something."

"It's pretty risky,"

"And even if we find the right number, it'll still be hard to track the person down,"

"Are you willing to go through the risks?" Olivia frowned when she realized all the danger she was actually putting the two boys through. Things could get very sticky. And if someone could murder her all those years ago, they could probably still murder.

"We said we'd help you,"

"And we're not going to give up," Nick finished Joe's sentence and Olivia smiled at the two of them.

"You guys are the best,"

"Something like that," Joe grinned.
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Sorry for the long wait!

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