Status: slowly active.

Can You See Me?


Olivia? What did you say the guy's name was? The one that used to hang out with you and Addie?" Nick had the list of phone numbers in his lap and a pen ready in his hand. Olivia sat between the two Jonas Brothers, the older of which was clutching his phone in his hands.

"His name was James Henderson," she said quickly, "I finally remembered it!"

"Okay, good. So Joe, you'll call these numbers and say you're Addie's husband and ask what to do about Olivia," Nick tried to make it sound as logical as possible. Truth was that the whole thing was a long shot. Getting someone to divulge murderous secrets wasn't exactly the easiest thing in the world.

"I hope they buy this," Joe frowned a bit as he put back on his glasses. Nick looked at Joe anxiously and he nodded.

"Alright then, here's the first number then," he rattled off the number and Joe dialed it with nervous fingers. Nick readied the notebook and was waiting to write down everything Joe relayed back to them.

It rang a few times before a woman's voice answered, "hello?"

"Hi...this is Addie's husband, James," he lied and held his breath, waiting to be exposed.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know any Addie," the woman said earnestly.

"Oh...wrong number then. I'm sorry to have bothered you ma'am," Joe sighed and ended the call. He looked over at Olivia and Nick who both had anxious looks on their faces, "it's a no."

"Well, that's one down," Nick shrugged and crossed the number off the list, "eleven more to go."

And so they went, methodically down the list, calling each number until they ended up with only two numbers left.

"Okay, then. Here goes," Joe bobbed his head a bit as the phone rang and rang. Finally there was an answer.

"Hello?" An older man's voice answered, sounding as though they were annoyed at having been interrupted.

"I'm James, Addie's husband and she-"

"I told Addie not to call me again. With this case being all over the news again, we can't be in contact. People could still find out,"

"And what would be so bad about that? Wouldn't it be better-"

"No! No one can know that I murdered Olivia Cayhill. And if Addie tells anyone, I will let everyone know just how involved she was. She was the one that wanted to be rid of her after all," the voice was getting more angry with each and every word.

"After all these years-"

"After all these years no one needs to know. What's done is done. Now I'll thank you to never call me again," and with that the voice hung up the phone.

Joe stared straight ahead and tried to comprehend everything that he had been told.


"That was the right person. He said he murdered Olivia, but only at Addie's request," Joe scrunched his brow.

"We have to call the police," Nick practically shouted, "they can find the man from the number!"

"I'll do it right now," Joe pulled out his phone again and dialed the local police number.

"Police. What can I do for you?"

"I'd like to report a killer,"

"There's been a murder!?"

"Yes, about fifty years ago,"

"Is this some kind of joke?" The woman at the other end of the line suddenly had some ice in her voice.

"No, this is just serious. Regarding Olivia Cayhill," as soon as he had said her name, the woman perked up with attention.

"What do you know?"

Joe relayed everything he had been told by the mysterious man. The woman was going to send the police over to the address pertaining to the phone number. Nick and Joe both seemed so excited to have finally found her murderer. 

Olivia though remained silent and in shock. After almost half a century, she was going to be vindicated. 
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Sorry for the long wait lovelies!
Enjoy <3