Status: slowly active.

Can You See Me?


Nick had finally recovered from the shock of having been told the girl he was talking to was dead. It was something that had happened often to him! He was sitting at the local park, on his favorite bench. He hoped that the good vibes he normally got off this bench would help with what he had just heard. Nick turned and looked at the girl sitting next to him. She looked so real, he couldn't believe she was dead. But she must have been: he couldn't touch her and vice versa. He decided just to make sure that he wasn't going crazy, he had decided to perform a test. Nick looked and saw a woman walking down the path with her small child.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" he called when she was by the bench.

"Yes?" she smiled at him and so did the little girl she had with her.

"Is there anything on this bench? I-I dropped something and can't seem to find it..." he lied and cast his eyes on Olivia.

"No...I don't see anything," she back away a little bit. He seemed a little confused, "are you okay?"

"Umm...yeah. Thanks, though," he said weakly and turned his full attention back to the blonde girl sitting next to him, "oh my gosh."

"I told you," she stuck out her tongue at him before laughing at his shocked expression.

"I believe you," he nodded and regained himself, "why is it only me though?"

"Maybe you're special?" she smiled and reached to grab his hand but stopped when she realized that she couldn't.

"I've never seen another...dead person. Only you,"

"I think you have to help me," she started and grinned at the confused look that crossed Nick's face. However long they would be stuck together, she knew she'd like him a lot. He was everything she would have gone for in her normal live. When she was alive.

"You mean to cross over? Or whatever the heck it's called?"

"Well, I know that spirits that are stuck on Earth have unfinished business. I suppose I have unfinished business. And you've got to help me,"

"What is your unfinished business?"

"That's the problem...I have no idea!"

"Well, we're off to a riveting start," he sighed and threw his hands up. An older woman walking by with her dog paused to star at him and continued to walk away, "I better talk less obviously."

"Yeah, or else they'll have think your crackers," she giggled.

"They don't already?" he laughed but quickly stopped himself before he garnered more stairs, "why don't we go somewhere where we can talk in private?"

"I think that might be a good idea," she agreed and they walked back to the Jonas house. Nick opened and door and looked around for anyone.

"Anyone home?" he called out and no response came. He figured they all had things to do so they would be gone for a while, "come on."

Olivia walked into Jonas household and had to keep from crying right them. It had been so long since she had been in a home. Since she had been where a caring family lives. They walked into the living room and sat down.

"I feel bad for asking this..but how exactly did you die?" he asked without meeting her eyes in case it was too much for her.

"I was out with my girlfriends and on my way home. Some man, he couldn't have been older than me, stopped me and said I dropped some money. He seemed nice enough, so I believed him. I was about to grab it when he threw his arm around me and over my mouth. There were a few people around, but they were all busy. So he carried me to his house and into the basement. He raped me and then he killed me," she explained and shrugged her shoulders as if to say 'oh well'.

"That's horrible. I'm so sorry," Nick said and again he wished he could just give her a hug or something!

"It happened. The sad thing is, it's always happening to people, and it doesn't get stopped,"

"What was his name?"

"I don't know. I didn't know the man," she sighed.

"Maybe-just maybe, you need to find him," Nick suggested.



"Then I could cross over," she closed her eyes and imagined not being anymore. She may haven been dead for the last forty-eight years, but she was still conscious and thinking.


"Maybe...just maybe,"
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