Status: slowly active.

Can You See Me?


"Find the man, find some closure, then crossover," Olivia smiled to herself as she followed Nick around the Jonas household. He figured he would tidy up a bit so no one suspecting anything weird or unnatural going on. He had to keep a low profile, after all!

"There," Nick huffed as he grabbed his keys off the counter, "that should do it."

"It's so nice," Olivia pointed out, "having a family and everyone living together."

"Wasn't your family like this?"

"Yes. My life was like this, but it's been so long," she smiled weakly.

"Right. Sorry, I keep forgetting. You-you don't seem...dead."

"Thanks? So...what are going to do?"

"Well, I need to know one very important thing. Where did you die?" He asked quietly, he almost whispered the last word.

"Here. In Wyckoff,"

"Oh. I didn't know you were from here-"

"I was born and lived here all my life,"

"Have you been here the entire time you've been dead?"

"Oh no! I traveled around the country, trying to find the one person who could help me. And then, right here in my hometown, I find you,"

"That-that is a bit weird. I have to say though, I'm only here for another few weeks," he sighed and twirled his keys in his hand.


"I live in Los Angeles,"

"Why?" Olivia asked again. For Nick, it was definitely refreshing to have someone not know who you were or what you did. Olivia was already unlike any other girl he had met - despite the fact that she was dead.

"I'm in a band..with my brothers,"

"Oh," she didn't care for any music of the last twenty years or so, therefore she didn't listen to much music at all. Or know any artists.

"Yeah...come on then," he said and grabbed his jacket and walked to the door. Olivia followed him and they went to his car.

"Where are we going?"

"The Hall of Records. It's in the library. I figured we could look for old newspaper article, and birth and death records. They usually have pictures with them, so maybe you could identify the man," he suggested.

"You are a savior, you know that right?" she smiled and reached to pat his arm. Much to no avail, "damn! I keep forgetting."

"It's okay," he smiled when he saw her exasperated expression, "I'll do whatever I can to help you, okay?"

"Okay," she took a deep breath and looked out the passing scenery. After forty-eight long years, she was finally going to confront her murderer and stare her murder. All the wounds from the past would be reopened.

And now they would finally be healed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo...I kept this short because I don't know if I'll continue it.
I seem to have a decent amount of readers, but hardly any comments.
Thank you to the readers who have commented!