Status: slowly active.

Can You See Me?


"Oh my God," Nick's eyes grew wild as he and Olivia exchanged glances. What on earth was an elbow doing buried on the edge of the woods? Leah barked at them and turned back to the hole she had dug. Nick pushed the dog aside and started removing the dirt himself. Olivia looked at the elbow and noticed how yellowed and aged it was. It was almost like a scene out of a horror movie.

"Who on earth would bury bones?" She wondered aloud as she looked around. There were few other people out, and they were all enraptured with what they were doing, so no one gave them a second thought.

"I'll tell you who," he grunted as his hand hit something hard. He used all his strength and unearthed more bones. The further he went down the more he found, "a murderer."

"You don't think-"

"Yeah, I do," he replied as he pulled each bone out individually, "I think this is your body."

"What- what if it is?" Olivia watched eagerly as Nick took the bones and wrapped them up in his jacket.

"I don't know, but this definitely a lead we've been waiting for," he took the bundle, grabbed Leah's leash and stood up," let's go home."

"What are we going to do with them?"

"Nothing for right now. I think it'll be too suspicious if we do anything here in Wyckoff. We'll wait until we get to Los Angeles. Then we can take them to a specialist and they should be able to give us some answers," Olivia nodded. They walked back to the Jonas household in relative silence. Each contemplating what these bones could possibly bring. Nick held his jacket awkwardly as he tried not to draw too much attention to himself. Leah kept slowing down and sticking her nose towards the bundle. Just as curious as they were.

"Nick? Is that you?" Nick froze as his mother's voice reached his ears. Olivia shrugged her head and Nick gulped a few times trying to formulate a good answer, "Nick?"

"Uhh...yeah mom! Its just me. I took Leah out for a walk,"

"Oh good! Thank you sweetheart," she didn't seem to suspect a thing, so they bounded up the stairs, two at a time, and practically sprinted towards Nick's bedroom. Nick dumped the bundle onto to his bed and slammed the door shut.

"Nick? What the heck is this?!" Joe's voice crashed on his ears as his throat constricted. He hadn't even seen his brother sitting at his desk!

"Joe! How-How did you get in here?" Olivia looked back and forth between the brothers. Joe seemed shocked and confused. Nick was just shocked.

"I walked in...through the door. You seemed a little weird earlier so I thought I'd make sure you were okay. Then you come home with this?"

"It's not what it looks like...?" Nick stammered and looked our of the corner of his eye at Olivia. She just stood there, ruby red lips parted, in surprise.

"Really? Because it looks pretty bad right about now," Joe slowly made his way to Nick's bed and tentatively picked one of the aged bones up, "you've got a lot of explaining to do."

"I can, uh, see dead people. Well, one actually. So really, I see a dead person,"

"What?! Nick this isn't meant as a joke,"

"I'm not joking, Joe! Her name is Olivia Cayhill. She was murder here in Wyckoff almost fifty years ago,"

"Cayhill...the girl whose body they never found?"

"Yes! And we, Olivia and I, think that this might be her body. Leah dug it up,"

"Nick, you're absolutely serious right now?"

"Dead," he replied without thinking about it. He looked over at Olivia and remembered, "sorry."

"No worries," she smiled, "I'm used to it."

"Are you talking to her?"

"She's here, now,"

"Right there," Nick pointed at Olivia and saw Joe strain to see anything. But he didn't. No one else did besides Nick, "give me your hand."

Joe reluctantly gave Nick his left hand, this way, he figured, if anything went wrong, it wouldn't cost him his able hand. Nick places his hand on Olivia's arm and Joe's arm hair stood on end. It was a large cold spot.

"It's so cold," his voice gave away his excitement.

"Tell him I say 'hi'," Olivia watched Joe's face as she too became excited, "and I think he's cute!"

Nick grimaced as he turned back to his brother, "Olivia says hi. And she thinks you're cute."

"Oh, well, I'm flattered," he grinned as he narrowed his eyes to try and see her again.

"Dude. Not gonna work," Nick laughed as the weight he left on his shoulders for the last few weeks lifted slightly. It felt good to be able to tell someone.

"How did she die?"

"She was raped...and murdered,"

"Oh God,"

"I'm used to it," she shrugged.

"She's says its okay. She's gotten used to it,"

"Why can you see her? What are you going to do?" Nick looked at Olivia who nodded that it was okay to tell the older Jonas boy all that was happening.


"Do you think you'll actually be able to help her?"

"I hope so, Joe. I mean, how would you like to die a horrible death and then be stuck trying to solve for almost half a century?"

"I know....I hope we can help her."


"You don't seriously think I'll let you handle this one your own, right?"

"Thanks, Joe,"

"Anytime little bro," his dark eyes glazed over for a few moments before he spoke again, "I just had an idea."


"Does Olivia remember any of her friends' names?"

"My best friend," Olivia's expression grew distant as she closed her eyes, "Addie Miller."

"She said her best friends' name was Addie Miller,"

"We can ask someone a out her when we get to the library," Joe suggested, "she might be able to give us some clues."

"Good idea."

The rest of the car ride to the library, where Nick and Olivia were going to show Joe all the articles they had found, was silent. It was a comfortable silence, not one where anyone felt obligated to speak.

"Let me get this," Joe suggested as they approached the counter. Nick nodded and he and Olivia followed him, "Excuse me, ma'am?"

"What can I help you with?" The woman was fairly old, yet she had a warm smile on her aged and wrinkled face.

"Do you know anything about an Addie Miller?"

"I'm Addie Miller. Or I was before I married."

"She married?!" Olivia looked at her best friend and almost burst into tears. She had gotten to experience life! She had everything that Olivia had never had. It was just all so unfair.

", do you know anything about Olivia Cayhill's murder?"

"What? Olivia was murdered over fifty years ago. How could you possibly know anything about that?"

"We saw an old article on it and we saw that it was never solved,"

"Rotten, nosey kids! Asking me if I know anything about my best friend that was murdered so long ago. Just leave!"

"But, please! We just want to know a few things about when it happened!"

"It was so long ago," her voice was now shaky, "can't you just leave it alone?"

"Please! We think we may have found-"

"Let it go! It would be better for everyone if you just let it ago."

"But ma'am-"

"Leave my library now, or I will have you removed."


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