Status: slowly active.

Can You See Me?


"Final call for flight 314 to Los Angeles," the woman's voice was so mechanized and cold. Olivia wondered why she seemed so sad. She wasn't exactly the worst place in the world to work. The job wasn't too demanding, and for the most part, people were pretty friendly. Olivia turned her focus back to Nick and the rest of the Jonas' clan. Mrs. Jonas was holding onto Frankie, Kevin and Mr. Jonas were discussing the first part of their upcoming tour, and Nick and Joe were saying goodbye to Olivia. They wouldn't see her for about half the day since they had to fly there and Olivia could basically just materialize herself there.

"Well, this is us," Nick sighed and picked up his carry on bag, "we'll see you in LA, okay?"

"Of course, Nick! I wouldn't go anywhere but LA," she smiled at his worried expression, I'll meet you there. No worries, beef curry."

Nick laughed a little as her silly comments always made him smile, "okay, okay. Be careful and we'll see you soon."


"Of course," he grinned and leaned forward to hug her when he realized that they couldn't hug. She shook her and head brushed it off, although she too wished they could touch one another, "goodbye."

"No, it's not goodbye, it's a 'see you later'. Goodbye is too final. The last thing I said to my parents was 'goodbye' and look where I ended up. See you later, Nick Jay," she gave him a small wave and started to walk slowly walk away. Nick watched her go and wished she was alive. They probably could have been very good friends.

"Is she gone?" Joe strained his eyes as he tried to make her out in the distance. Now that he knew what she looked like, he hoped it would help him see her. Now every time he saw a glimpse of blond hair, or blue eyes, or red lips, he'd think he saw her until Nick told him otherwise.

"Yes, Joseph, she's gone. We'll see her again once we're in LA," he followed the rest of his family as they started to board their flight.

"You'll see her again, you mean. It's kind of frustrating, y'know? I can feel her and everything, but that's it. I wish I could see her," he frowned and tossed his travel on into the upper compartment.

"Maybe you'll see her sometime, you never. There's tons of weird ghost rules and stuff,"

"Ghost rules?!" Joe started laughing and getting a few stares from people around them, as Nick elbowed him in the ribs, "sorry! It's just really funny."

"Okay, okay, it's a little funny, but still, it's serious, Joe," Nick too had a smile on his face as he tried to ignore the stares from a few of the teenage girls sitting near him. He slunk a little further into his seat and prayed that they wouldn't make a scene.

"I know, little bro. It'll work out, right? Things always do," he shrugged and popped his earbuds on and turned up the volume of his iPod. Nick shook his head and pulled out the articles he hadstolen taken from the library. He studied them intently and tried to piece them together. After a good hour of reading and rereading the articles, the only conclusion he came to was that Addie was somehow more involved. She had to be. She had acted too weird.


Olivia had no idea of what to do. She had almost a whole day to kill. She walked around for a while and watched kids in the prime of their lives enjoying the end of their summer vacations. She remembered when that was her; when times were simpler. And yet, those horrible things had happened to her.

After a while she got bored of watching them and decided to go to the library. If she concentrated enough, and focused all her energy, she might be able to get a book of the shelf and read it. Olivia walked into the old building as someone was coming out and was surprised to see Addie leaning over a pile of books, with a nervous expression on her face. She knew that look: it was the one she had had since she was a little girl. When they had taken the car for a joyride in the middle of the night, when they had taken some candy from a stand when no one was looking, the same expression whenever she thought she was going to be in trouble. Olivia furrowed her brow and decided to watch her for a little while.

Addie continued to put away books in their proper places for the next half an hour, the expression never going away. As Olivia was about to leave, Addie quickly walked over to the counter and almost jumped into what Olivia presumed to be her office. Addie slammed her small body onto the office chair and opened Google on her computer and quickly put in Olivia's name.

"How strange," Olivia said to herself as she watched her former best friend riffle through all kinds of articles on her death and the the legacy her death left behind. Apparently her death had been the turning with which parents started being more tabs on their children, rather than giving them free reign. After a few moments, she picked the phone on the desk and hastily dialed some numbers, "what are you doing?!"

The phone seemed to be for a few moments before it was picked up, "hey. It's me, Addie."

There was silence for a few moments before Addie's voice, higher pitched than normal, started to go again.

"Listen. Some kids were in here the other asking about Olivia's murder. I don't know how or why they know about it, but I think something's up. If anyone approaches you about or asks you about it, you don't know anything, got it? We don't need this case reopened, which I think is going to be happening with her brother dying and everything. Keep your mouth shut, okay? It was so long, we should just let it be. Nobody needs to know that you killed Olivia, got it?"

Olivia's mouth opened in horror as her scream rang out. Addie hung up the phone and rubbed her eyes. All she could do know was pray that those kids asking about the murder meant nothing. Only time could tell.

"Addie! How could you! You let someone kill me!? I was your best friend!" All Olivia could do was scream at Addie as her tears rolled down her pink cheeks. She mustered up all the energy she could and threw around the things in the office. Addie's eyes grew wide with fear as she tried to figure out what was causing this supernatural chaos. She ran out of the room and slammed the door behind her. Olivia could barely make sense of what she had just heard. Whoever had murdered her was on the other line of the phone. Her murderer was so clue, she could taste it. She tried to grab the phone and redial the number Addie had just called. She didn't have enough energy so her hand just slipped through it.

Olivia sighed and curled up in the chair as her tears started flowing again. If only Nick or Joe had been there to help her. Maybe she could get them back here to help her...or maybe she could contact Addie herself.

All she knew now was that she had to find her murderer. They were that close.
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