Status: slowly active.

Can You See Me?


Olivia couldn't believe everything she had heard during her time sans Nick and Joe. It was just so shocking. She looked around the town square, searching for the clock tower to see what time it was. The tower told her that it was nearly ten o'clock. She figured that the Jonas clan had probably been back in LA for a good few hours now, and since it would be just about seven there, she wouldn't disrupt anything. She closed her eyes and focused on the picture Nick had shown of his room, and imagined herself there. It was certainly an easier way to get there, rather than flying or driving. Lucky her.

Olivia opened her eyes and saw the the furnishings that had become familiar to her. She had made it to his room! Olivia looked around for Nick but didn't see him anywhere. She figured she would surprise and him and wait for him. She got up and looked at the pictures he had of himself and his family. They all looked so happy and cheerful that Olivia was immediately reminded of her own family, all of whom were dead now. The door started to opened and Olivia turned to face Nick, "Look Nick! I made it!"

Only the person she had come face to face wasn't Nick. It was Joe...and he looked like he had just seen a ghost. Which, in all honesty, he had, but Olivia didn't look like any of the ghosts movies portrayed so she figured she didn't count. Besides, it wasn't even like she felt dead...she just was.

"Who-who are you?"

"I'm Olivia," her ruby red lips turned into a smile, "can you see me?!"

"I-I-I'm Joe. You like just like your picture," he stammered as he came fully into the room and closed the door behind, "why can I see you now?"

"I'm not sure, but it's good, isn't it? Now I can talk to you and Nick and you won't feel left out," she smiled at his worried expression.

"Yeah, it'll be good," he shook his head as though making sure he wasn't dreaming and sat down at Nick's desk, "glad you made it okay."

"Oh, it was no big deal. Lots of visualization," she grinned.

"I wish all travel worked that way,"

"Most people would,"

"Did you have a good day then?"

"OH! You will never believe what happened, Joe. I know who killed me!"


"Well, not exactly who, but I know we're close to finding out," she closed her eyes for a few seconds before going into extreme detail on everything that had happened during her eventful afternoon.


"Oh my goodness," was all Joe could say. He could now feel all Nick's determination on finding out who this wonderful girl's killer could be. Before he kind of it just went along with it, for Nick's sake, almost thinking he was a bit off his rocker, but now he knew what he was brother was talking about.

"What should we do?"

"What should we do about what?" Nick walked into his room and was suprised to see both Joe and Olivia, "when did you get here?"

"I got here a while ago," she smiled and waved at him, "I've been talking with Joe."


"I can see her now," he grinned.


"I don't know, but this makes better, doesn't it? Now no one feels left out!"

"Good point," he sat down on his bed, "now what's going on?"

This time Joe told the story of Olivia's afternoon.

"The obvious thing is that we've got to go back to New Jersey,"

"How are we going to convince mom and dad of that?"

"We're going to have to find a way,"

"That way we can get that number,"

"And be one step closer!"

"Finally," the three of them laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the filler, but 'twas needed.

New rule: I'm no longer updating unless I get a comment for every update. I'm not going to waste my time if no one reads this.

Thanks XD