Status: Active if I receive feedback!

'Til My Bitter End

She starts her new diet;

“Oliver Scott Sykes bloody hell son you need to find someone, your a party boy in a heavy metal band, you need someone in your life not another whore you can sleep with and then toss aside, I am tired of my boy not having a girl! Even Tom has one!”

Tom sat there in the corner sighing as he replied to a text on his phone. Yes my little brother Tom had a stable relationship but he was just barely graduating high school I on the other hand was in a band with 2 full albums and an EP, I was quite successful for a metal band. Its not like I could have any girl I wanted, I have been told many times girls would get on there knees for me. But all I wanted was to party and be on my own, screwing whatever girls I fancied. But obviously now my parents had a little bit of a different idea.

Arranged Marriage

Melody Marie Collins

“Melody!” My parents engulfed me in a hug and I smiled. Fake.

“Ello mum and dad.”

“How was your trip?” My dad asked shutting the door.

“Great.” I mumbled, they really didn’t care. The only reason my parents would invite me to there Sheffield household, was to tell me something. I either did wrong or should of done.

“How is deares’ sissy?” I smirked as my dad gave a cold smile. Oh yes it was possible.

“She is just great getting engaged, graduated college, has a job, and an apartment in southern london.” My mum gushed, sitting down in a chair near my father.

“So why am I here?” I asked looking around, noticing the pictures hanging were all of my sister. Not that I was surprised.

“We wanted to talk to you.”

“About?” I questioned biting my monroe piercing in irritation.

“So we met this people about a week o’ so ‘go.” My mum said.

“We were out eating some dinna’ when we ran into some ‘eople sittin’ near teh bar. They were talkin’ ‘bout there sun. And we got to talkin’ and the’ ‘eople were ‘ery kind, n we decided to give you an arranged marriage.” My parents smiled with an unsure in there beady eyes.

“Since when is this legal?!” I shouted. Getting up of meh sit and pacing back and forth. What if the kid is some douche bag nerd!

“What does he look like !? When is this?! WHY!?” I shouted. I wish I was a cartoon, you could see steam coming out from my ears.

“His name is Oliver Scott Sykes, and looks exactly like you, and you are meeting him in 2 hours.” My mum added with a twisted smile. She enjoyed ruining my life.

“So no mor’ words ‘bout this ‘oth of our ‘amilies ‘ill be talkin’ ‘bout this ‘ater ‘nigh yeh understand?” My dad said firmly. I nodded my head. Hate was streaming through my veins; thick and boiling.

“What am I suppose to wear?” I seethed. I left everything back at my apartment aside from my purse that carried my personal items.

“I have something special for you in your old room. Come down when you are ready.” She smiled and turned around heading to her death chamber. I stomped up to my old room and slammed the door. It was exactly how I left if when I was 18. I left on my 18th birthday. Legal adult I can do whatever the FUCK I want.

On my bed was a long strapless black dress and some flats. I frowned. I pulled out meh scissors from my purse and cut the bottom of it. Making it shorter. I tossed the flats under my bed and walked over to my sisters bedroom. I peeked into her whore of a closet and pulled out red slut shoes. Good impression my ass.

I peeled off my tight jeans and loose shirt and slipped on the skin tight dress. I pulled a random belt around meh mid section and sighed. I don’t think meh mind was quite grasping what my parents were doing. I teased my long waist length black hair which was naturally wavy. I freshened my make up and walked out of the room, I still hate.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs as my brain slowly processed everything.

I’m not going to be single.....I’m being arranged into a marriage....
♠ ♠ ♠
Her outfit

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