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'Til My Bitter End

It's a "Lust For Life";

Oliver’s POV

I woke up underneath a peaceful looking Melody. I smiled and exhaled, touching her cheek lightly. I was actually happy. My phone vibrated quietly on the table across from the couch. It was a text message from Matt reminding me about the 6 week tour around Europe in promotion for our new CD we were finishing up. Once the CD was published we would go to the USA. I wondered if Mel would go with me.... 6 weeks is a long time, but then again it was my wife we were talking about.

It was already 2 in the afternoon, I could stay here with her all day. I looked down at her body again, it was perfect. Her long black hair was tucked behind her ear and trailed down her back to her panties waist line. She was wearing a black laced bra with a matching thong. I smiled, again. She was my sexy angel here to give me pleasure. If only in the way I hoped. The honeymoon was already over in 2 days.

“Melody.” I whispered drawing circles on her back with my index finger.

“Mmmm?” She adjusted her legs and arms, stretching and flexing her muscles, settling back into my side looking up to me.

“Oh jesus, what did I do?” She mumbled.

“Nothing, we just fell asleep!” I looked into her green eyes that reminded me of jewels.

“You kissed me...” She blushed and touched her lips, almost like she was remembering the feeling.

“I know. It was just a little one though.” Waiting for her to explode and leave me cold.

“I don’t care. I was slightly drunk.” She laughed.

“Do you wanna get some room service?” I asked not wanting to have her get clothes and cover her body.

“Yeah, that sounds good. Can I get some tea, toast and oatmeal? She asked handing me the phone from the table, keeping her spot next to my body.

I quickly placed our orders and she looked at me.

“This really isn’t as bad as it could be..” She mumbled.

“Well, I mean look who you were forced to marry. I think we both were pretty lucky.”

“I didn’t know you could get more cocky, Oli.”

“I love the way you say my name.” I mumbled wishing she was underneath me and screaming it.

“Oli..oh Oli, Oh OLIVER.” She pretended to moan.

“God Mel please stop.” I said concentrating on thinking of birds or trees and not her voice. She giggled and kissed my cheek and got up, jumping across me and running to the bedroom. The room service arrived and I began to eat, wondering how I should bring up the idea of her going on tour with me. She returned with her hair up in a pony tail and some shorts on and a low cut tank top allowing me to see right down her shirt. She also had a bathing suit on underneath. The best outfits were the ones where your mind could wonder about what was underneath. And believe me when I looked at Mel all I could do was fantasize.

She sat next to me and poured her tea sipping softly.

“So i thought we could go to the beach again.” She began.

“Sure, sounds good. I have a question.”I said swallowing all my food and taking a drink. She looked up and raised her eyebrows.

“Would you come on tour with me...?” I said looking straight into her eyes.

“For how long?”

“The tour is six weeks, and I’m sure you could get a lot of business by settin up a tattoo bar at our Drop Dead tent!” Just now coming up with the brilliant idea.

“Sure, sounds fun, I just need to move my appointments up or back and tell my boss.” She exclaimed.

“Thank GOD.” I said. And it was settled Melody, my wife would be touring with me. The usual time where I fuck hundreds of women, did I just set myself up for a pussy-less 6 weeks? Perhaps I would get Melody’s.

Mel sat down on a towel right on the beach and pulled out tanning oil, I quickly snatched it out of her hand.

“I’ll help you.” She turned on her back allowing me to massage the lotion into her back. Her skin was soft and pale, she would probably burn even with the lotion, but then I could take care of her. I covered her back and moved downwards reaching in between her legs and rubbing the lotion on the inside of her thighs. She squirmed slightly and I knew she was enjoying this. My tattooed fingers turned her body over and began to cover her front. My hands started at her shoulders and lightly massaged her collarbones, she opened her eyes and stared widely at me as my hands drifted to her breasts. I slipped my hands under the top of her bathing suit and rubbed the lotion in.

“Oliver...” She muttered slightly shaky.

“Alright, alright, now you’ll be nice and tan my love.”

“Oh yes I’m sure, thanks for all the help” She rolled her eyes and quoted the word help with her fingers raised in the air. She closed her eyes and allowed her body to bake in the sun.

I could no longer decide what my plan was with Melody Marie Sykes.... did I want to just sleep with her like originally? I couldn’t bring myself to actually admit that I wanted something more. I wanted her to fall in love with me.

We were already back from the Bermudas and Melody had a nice color to her otherwise pale skin, that I had come to adore. We were back in good ol’ Sheffield, my home. Our tour had officially started today, the crew was helping pack all the instruments behind our bus and the bus was being prepped to be royally fucked up by the bandmates of Bring Me the Horizon. I waited impatiently for Melody to join me, she was already 15 minutes late and all the boys were waiting on the bus.

A car pulled up and out popped Melody looking sexy as ever. Her dress was damn unfair, the view of her breasts gave such a teasing glance, the dress barely covered her fortunate chest. You could see the subtle roundness of her breasts, and the skirt portion hugged her hips in all the right ways.

“Sorry, sorry I’m late.” She rushed out of the passenger seat, slipped the driver some pounds and helped get her four pink suitcases out of the trunk.

“I had a meeting with the owner of the tattoo shop I was working out my schedule and getting supplies to set up here. I had to give him 25% of everything I make here so thats pretty great.” She rolled her eyes as I helped put the suitcases on the bus. All the guys quickly stood up and stared, like deers in headlights, the horny headlights.

“Hello boys. I’m Oliver’s wife.” She smiled her red lips shimmering, god she looked amazing, my mind began to trail off into a much more sexy subject while the guys welcomed my wife.

“I’m Jona!”

“I’m Matt and he is Matt, yeh can call us Matt squared. Or don’t whatever makes yeh happeh pretteh little ladey.”

“I’m Lee, nice teh meet yeh!” He smiled with a wave and they all sat back down.

“Pretteh, why yeh dressed so nice?” Matt asked.

“I was having a meeting with my boss, I had to look nice.” She answered simply.

“Well, here on tour, we never dress nice, sometimes we ain’t even dressed love, somefin yeh will half teh get use to, we don’t need some preppeh bitch round these parts, complainin’ bout us boys.” I was gonna kill him.

“Well, I don’t mind walking around without clothes personally, so feel free, and let me get one thing straight you little piece of bandmate shit, I am not some PREPPY bitch, but if you annoy me, I will be a normal bitch. Get some manners, or don’t speak to me.” She pulled her suitcases behind her and grabbed my hand.

“Sorry love.” I mumbled. “This is the common area, tables and a telly, bathroom is in the front, back here is the bunk area.” She pointed to each counting outloud. There were only 5 but one was a tad larger then the others and there were a few storage selves between each bunk for a few things.

“I’m going to assume, you and I will be sharing a bunk.”

“It appears so lovey!” I was happy, I could sleep next to my wife and hopefully put the moves on her.

“This is the back, hang out room, also a tv and another bathroom, mini fridge, couches.” I pointed everything out and watched her. She shifted around and sighed.

“Well lets get this shit on the road.” And with that tour started. Scotland here we come.
♠ ♠ ♠


So i'm really glad to see 53 subbers :) GIMME SOME MORE COMMENTS!
