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'Til My Bitter End

And after everything you put me through

I rushed out of the bus. To be honest I was beyond horny and I wanted Oliver so much. The warm night air hit me. I was punching myself. I went behind the parked bus and leaned against it, slowly sinking down until I sat on the floor. I wanted to scream, I wanted to fuck the shit out of oliver, multiple times.

“God dammit!” I yanked my hair and closed my eyes. Trying not to think of him.

“Mel?” I opened my eyes to see the tattooed Jona.


“Well I was just wonderin’ why yeh ran out of the bus like Micheal Myers was in there?” he chuckled and helped me stand up.

“Since there aren’t any girls on this trip, not saying I would poor my heart out to some bitch, I just need to trust you and vent, okay?” I breathed out

“Yes ma’m I am quite trust worthy.”

“So you know Oliver’s and I’s situation, correct?”

“I know he is crazy about you, but I also know it was an arranged marriage as well, and he fucking lucked out, but so did you.” I couldn’t believe Jona was actually sounding intellectual.

“I never wanted this. I’m sure he didn’t either. but-”

“Well if he didn’t then, he certainly does now.”

“I just thought he was too immature and just wants sex, and would sleep with other women and-” again he cut me off again.

“You obviously don’t see Oliver as he truly is. Thats what everyone thinks about him, but fucking get to know him Melody. I would never of pegged you for someone so shallow.” I was stunned. I opened my mouth but only to close it

“He may like to party and he has tried drugs, I mean for god sacks he is the frontman for a band, it’s not surprising, and he may love to have fun with women but so does everyman. I’ve seen it, whenever Oli truly loves someone he holds them close to his heart and he won’t ever let you go. He may seem like a tool but it’s only because he has been hurt, like every cliche. But honestly I think he is really into you, and don’t be a little shallow bitch, give him a chance!”

I thought for a few minutes and he allowed me.
“That just enlightened me. Thank you.” He gave me a hug and smiled

“Any time you need to talk, I’ll always be here to give advice.” He walked away towards the other boys who were waiting for him to go to a pub.
I walked back to the bus with a new look. I really was being an asshole I didn’t give him a chance, which everyone deserves.

I walked back on the bus and saw oliver in the same place on the couch with another glass of Scotch.

“Hey.” I sat next to him and he scooted away slightly leaning on the opposite end of the couch. My heart dropped, what had I done?

“Can you look at me?” I asked steadily. He turned and his eyes were glassy, not the high kind but the upset kind.

“I’m so sorry. Honestly I was being a fucking bitch, you have no idea how much I wa-” I paused, maybe I shouldn’t give him so much satisfaction, it will go straight to his head.”
I could see him already smirk but it fell when I stopped.

“I was just stupid. I haven’t even given you a chance like I promised I would, and I’m dumb.” He scooted toward me and I once again got lost in his eyes. He put his rough hand on my cheek and it felt heavenly.

“I don’t think you’re a bitch, love. I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but by the look on your face right now, I don’t” He smiled and moved his thumb over my cheekbone I felt compelled to kiss him, but yet again I restrained myself.

“I would love for me wife to give me a chance, would you like to go to dinner tomorrow night? I’m preforming at 3.”

“Yes.” I blurted out, barely after he finished, blushing. He removed his hand and chuckled, wrapping his arm around me and turning on the TV. I allowed myself to settle into his side and relax. I was tired.


I woke up on the couch, alone and it was 10:30 the bus was quite and I got up and began to get dressed, I didn’t want to admit it but I was eager for Oliver’s and I’s date. And of course time passed very slowly.


Oliver’s Point of View

She was giving me a chance, finally! I planned to show my sensitive side. I was getting kind of pissed, all these sluts walking around here begging for me to have sex with them, and I was married to the most beautiful girl and she refused to have sex with me. I knew deep down she wanted to, it was just hard to break that wall, to make her allow herself to let me pleasure her. Over these past few days and weeks I’ve kind of fell in love with her and everyone but her understands my feelings. I mean all I could think about was her.

“Ready!” she said coming into the front room where everyones heads turned to look at her, which is a pretty normal thing now whenever Mel comes in the room. She was wearing a red dress with leather sleeves with red lips that turned me on.

“Let’s go!” I grabbed her, winked at my boys and opened the bus door for her.

“How was work today?” I asked as we walked to the restaurant 10 minutes from our bus.

“It was good, I never get tired of bringing art to skin.”

We walked in silence the rest of the way until we reached the restaurant they set us in a booth in the back of the restaurant. Perfect.


“Why do you hate relationships, truly Oliver? I told you my cheating boyfriend Ryan made me bitter, what is your story?” She questioned, finishing her dinner. I never really talked about my past, but I needed to with Mel.

“Well. I met this girl in a pub and I instantly fell for her. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes, fake boobs, honestly now that I look back her fake body barely compared to yours. But that besides the point, she took interest in me, and thats back when my band was playing shitty gigs. She gave me her number and I called her, we dated a few times, and I brought her to meet my parents, but she never did for me. She said she wasn’t on speaking terms with them. We dated for a couple months and I was stupid, I bought a ring, and proposed to her. She said yes. I was happy. Then two weeks later, I woke up alone, and all of her things were gone, with only a note on my bed.
Thanks for the ring, and the good sex.
Thats all she left me. All my money was missing, I’m guessing she sold it, and expensive things like my dads watch was missing. She just took everything that mattered to me, including my heart. She just wanted whatever money I had, I’m just glad I didn’t have what I have now, or else she would be rich.”

She grabbed my hand from across the table. 

“I’m sorry.” She looked upset, and perhaps I would get a little action tonight, sympathy sex.
“Have you ever seen her?”

“Yes, turns out she was already married and her husband just needed some money.” I honestly hated talking about this, I sounded so naive and weak.

“Well holy shit, We are both fucked up, aren’t we?” She chuckled sadly.

“Well, I’m happy now” And I really was.

We got back to the bus, and we had held hands the whole time. The boys were out at a party, so we had the whole bus to ourselves.

“Oh! Good news. Tomorrow night we get to rent a hotel room because we are being rained out in Glasgow tomorrow!”

“Thank God! Ugh a fresh huge bed, I’m gonna take up the whole thing.” She smirked and giggled a little. I loved that sound.

“I like sleeping close with you though, forces you to cuddle with me.” I admitted. But hoped that perhaps a big bed would lead to big activities.

“I like it too, but we can cuddle in a big bed too.” She said softly, disappearing in the back to get changed into her pajamas.

She returned in a cute pair of short and tank top, yet again she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“I’m tired, can we go to bed?” The use of we made me so happy, when usually it made me want to vomit.

We climbed in the bed together and snuggled into one another, a tradition.

I drew patterns on her arm and cold see her shiver, she closed her eyes and I placed a kiss on her lips. She rolled over, her round, perfect ass snuggling into my package. We spooned together until sleep over took us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Something big shall happen next chapter, something you've all been waiting for.
xoxo alex.