Status: Active if I receive feedback!

'Til My Bitter End

Can you tell from the look in her eyes?

I woke up wrapped in the hotel’s sheets and Oliver’s tattooed arms. I sighed with relief. After last night nothing could knock me from this high. I didn’t care about my old stubbornness anymore, I was going to let myself go and enjoy.

Oliver was already wide awake and looking down upon me with a smile like I’d never seen him have. It was sweet, and happy and full of love, his eyes conveyed the same message. I moved my neck up and planted a kiss on his pinkish lips. My lips were still swollen and slightly chapped. I smiled, remembering the activities which happened last night.

“You’re so beautiful.” He smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled still. I wondered what I looked like right now. I moved my body and flexed my muscles, awakening my exhausted body. I picked the sheet up slightly and saw Oliver’s and I’s naked bodies tangled together. I couldn’t help but stare, he was completely covered in colorful, ornate pieces of art. As an artist I admired them, as a lover they turned me on.

“You’ll get use to them sooner or later.” He said laughing at me as I continued to stare. I placed the sheet back against out bodies and Oliver picked it up, it being his turn to look at my body. I learned to be confident about my body about a year after Ryan had cheated on me. I had gone to the gym almost everyday after that’d happen, I gotten into my head that I obviously wasn’t good enough so I had to improve. So I knew now what I had was as close to perfect as I could get. Regardless of my confidence, I still blushed and covered my eyes with my free hand. Oliver removed it from my face and intertwined his tattooed covered fingers with my pale ones.

“I’m never going to get used to your body, and how perfect it is.” His honey brown eyes made my heart jump. He moved his hand from my collarbone, dropping over my shoulder, across my arm, over my fingers onto my waist, over my hip bones and down my thigh. His finger tips left a trail of goosebumps down my body, a chill down my spine, and a burning fire in my stomach.

I left like I had an addiction to Oliver, or rather an addiction to having sex with Oliver.

“I want you.” I spoke clearly, and very direct. Oliver smirked and pushed our bodies closer together.

“Right now?” His smirk grew wider and revealed all of his perfectly straight teeth.

“Yes.” I whispered, our faces literally centimeters away.

“As you wish my love.” And with that he kissed me passionately. I felt sticky and I knew I smelled like sex, so as we kissed I thought of a great idea. I disconnected myself from Oliver and got off the bed. His response was adorable, he looked like a puppy dog. I couldn’t help but say “Awe.”

“Come on, follow me.” I pulled him out of the bed and couldn’t help but gawk at his body. I shook my head, and pulled him into the bathroom, starting the shower quickly and allowing the mirrors to be fogged. I opened the huge shower glass door and pulled Oliver inside. Since this room was a suite, the shower was huge, about the size of a large wall in closet. The water hit you from every direction because of the multiple shower heads. It felt amazing, Oliver pushed me under the water head and scrubbed shampoo into my hair. I smiled up at him and started to wash his sloppy brown mess, that I’d come to love running my hands through.

Now came the body washing. I lathered him down and I couldn’t help but smile there was only one place where oliver didn’t have tattoos and it was my favorite place. Oliver had done so much for me last I assumed it was my turn. I got down on my knees and returned the favor.

I didn’t finished him off like he did with me.

He pushed me up against the dripping wet wall. Kissing down my neck, I already had so many hickey’s down my pale neck and I loved it.
Oliver entered me and I exhaled. Enjoying every thrust. He stopped for a second and looked into my eyes. He grabbed my cheeks and said “I love you.”

“I love you too.” And I meant it, more than ever had. And that afternoon Oliver and I made love.

Oliver had left the hotel room to do a sound check. I was getting ready and trying to cover up Oliver’s mark, but I decided against it. It would take up too much time and foundation. I let my hair dry naturally and did my make up quickly. I was packing up when I heard my phone ring.


“Hey Honey!” It was my mom. I honestly couldn’t believe why I was so mad about marrying Oliver anymore.

“Hey mom!”

“How is everything? The tour going good?”

“Yeah mom everything is great, I’m working on the road!”

“Well I’m excited to see you in 5 weeks! The house looks amazing.” Oh yeah the house.

“Okay mom I gotta go set up! Talk to you later.” And I hung up. My mother and I never had a huge connection, I loved her but she was like an aunt to me, not really a mother. But I didn’t have a problem with that.

The tour passed quickly, every night Oliver and I found some place to make love, it never got old. I honestly couldn’t get enough and neither could he.

There were only 2 more days of tour and I was happy to finally get home and spend time with Oliver, just him and I in the house. I wondered how many places we would fuck. I smiled as I walked onto the bus. Many different bands had been invited onto the bus for a farewell party. It smelled like weed and vodka. I didn’t partake in drugs. But alcohol was great. I made myself a vodka and coke, and searched for Oliver. I couldn’t find him anywhere, but I knew he was here. I opened the back door and my eyes swept the crowd. Oliver was bent over the coffee table inhaling what looked to be a line of Cocaine.

My heart sank, and I gasped. I stared at Oliver as he finished the line and looked up in my general direction until his glassy eyes locked onto me. They went wide, but I could see the drugs take over his priorities and they rolled slightly back into his head. He stood up slowly and walked towards me. I couldn’t seem to move.

My baby Oliver was doing harsh drugs.

“Baby.” He said, grabbing my face in his rough hands. Even though I was mad at him, every touch turned me on. I fought it off like I had in the beginning and pulled him through all the bodies and outside of the bus. The cold hair hit us and Oliver frowned, this was probably cutting his buzz.

“What in the fuck did you think you are doing Oliver?”

“Doing a line.” He said simply as if it was no big deal.

“Have you done that before?”

“Last week I tried some, and I...I...I think I’m hooked.” He scratched his arm, and looked down. His high was already over. Honestly I didn’t see the appeal of a fucking awesome 10 minutes and hours of comedown and addiction.

Tears brimmed my eyes, I couldn’t tell whether they were tears of sadness or anger, maybe a little of both.

“Baby, please don’t cry.” He tried pulling me into him, I would honestly love to just forget about this and let him hurt his body but I cared too much about him. I loved him.

“Do I not give you enough? Do I not make you happy enough? Is that why you have to get high?!”

“No, no, no. Nothing to do with you.” Before he could explain, I stomped away. I left him standing in the cold. I found All time low’s tour bus and they welcomed me inside. I slept in the back and cried myself to sleep that night.
♠ ♠ ♠
There had to be a bump in the road.
xoxo alex