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'Til My Bitter End

I've been away for every day;

“Idunno what teh fuck yeh think yeh are doing, buht ey ‘ertainly am NOT gettin’ married too some stupid ‘hore.” I yelled, getting off of my seat. Was this even legal, anymore?

“Watch your language, Oliver!” My mum scolded me.

“May I be excused?” Tom mumbled dully, looking at his phone.
“Yeah, just go get ready we are going out to ‘inner with ‘er and ‘er parents in a ‘ew.” My mum kindly told Tom. Of course he is the angel child cuz ‘e is in a “realtionship”.

“WHAT?!” I yelled.

“‘ool your self, its an arranged marriage ‘son so you have no say in it. Its about time you started fulfilling your life! Not parties and ‘hores. Now you will have a ‘ife to come ‘ome too.” My dad said with a smile interlacing his hands with my mum.

“ Maybe I don’t want that !?” I questioned looking at my parents.

“We want that, for you.” My mum said softly. I stood there with my long tattooed arms in my pockets. This wasn’t me.

“So we are not ‘alking ‘bout this ‘nymore. Go get dressed in teh suit, thats on yeh ol’ bed.” My dad said motioning his free hand in a “sho” motioned. I walked up the bloody stair case and quickly changed into my suit. Maybe I could cheat on her. Knowing meh parents she would be some preppy nerd. My neck tattoo stood out brilliantly against the boring ol’ suit. My parents and including my brother were dressed ‘so’ nicely. Prim and disgusting.

“Lets go, Oli. I expect you to be on your best behavior.” My mother announced as she fixed teh critical wrinkles in my suit.


We pulled up to some fancy smancy restaurant on the edge of Sheffield. My father held the door open as my mother and brother pranced in. Fuck. My. Life.

“Table for 6 please, the other ‘hree ‘ill be join’ us shortly.” My mother spoke frankly to the hostess. She lead us to the long table in the back, when it hit me. Only 6?

“What ‘bout Tom?” I asked frantically.

“He is going to go eat with his girlfriend in a different table, dear.” She smirked as Tom laughed in my face.

“Git.” I muttered. My parents sat together at the west side of the table.

“You two will be sitting across from each other as the parents discuss, the arrangements.” My farther told me. I sat in the uncomfortable seat and fidgeted with the tall over-stuffed menu, with pricey things I couldn’t understand.

-- 20 minutes later --

I sipped on the tap water as I waited for my ‘soon to be wife’. I looked up at the door to see three people clearly a couple fighting with a daughter perhaps. The mother continued to touch the daughters nose as the husband gazed over at our table nodding twice and tapping his wife. The daughter looked over and I caught only her eyes because of the mood lighting. They were piercing green. My parents attention was now directed to the couple and daughter walking closer to the table. The daughter walked a bit slowly and kept touching the dark tips of her hair.

“Ello!” The couple said hugging my parents and looking at me with a smile. I assume they were as happy as my parents, to be finding one for there hopeless daughter.

“This is our daughter Melody, she is a bit shy. But none the less excited.” The couple said smiling eagerly. I caught a roll of the eyes from the girl, exposing the truth. She wasn’t happy, just like me. She placed her bag on the chair across from me and thats when my eyes started to wander.

She was incredibly pale with long legs, and on her feet were prolly the sexiest pair of shoes I have seen upon a girls feet before, it was only cuz she was wearing them. Her black dress had jagged ends which showed she had cut it. The belt right below her boobs pushed them up so they peeked right over her strapless dress. A tug or two in either direction something would be exposed. Yet she didn’t look slutty, it was kind of beautiful. Her long black hair reached almost clear to her waist, it had natural waves and was teased at the top. She had a monroe piercing above her plump lips and 3 earrings and an industrial on one ear as her hair was carelessly tucked behind it.


I snapped out of my haze and tuned in. The parents were happily chatting and she finally sat down. Putting the napkin gently on her lap. She looked at the menu and closed it, most likely decided what she wanted. I looked away and came to the realization I was watching her every move. I blinked twice and mentally splashed water on my face, she was the girl taking away my ability to fuck whom ever I wanted.

“Melody what would you like to order?” Her parents asked her as the waiter buzzed over our head. She whispered in his ear something and he nodded smiling.

“What about you sir?” The waiter asked me.

“Fish n chips n some beer yeh?”

“I’ll see what they can do.” He rushed away and then my attention was redirected back to Melody.

“Ello, Melody. I am Oliver, but I prefer if you call me Oli.”

“I’m sure, Oliver.” She smirked and shook my hand tightly letting go quickly. I tried my hardest to keep my gaze upon her face but it kept dropping to the feather necklace that nestled in her cleavage.

“Give me your hand.” She said rolling her eyes. I placed my hand in hers. She carried my hand over to her chest and let my hand reach in and get the necklace out of the line.

“Is that better, so yeh can stop staring?” She said with venom in her throat. Hot..

“Sorry.” I muttered. Her martini was placed in front of her as she turned away and downed the whole thing, setting it back down on the table before her parents could notice. She filled the glass back up with some water. Damn..

She scratched her nose and adjusted a septum piercing that was hiding.

“How many do yeh have?” I asked her now curious.

“Quite a few.” She said with a monotone.

“Where at?” I said pressing her.

“Is this needed?”

“Yes.” I nodded smiling.

“Fine, I have two earring on each ear a set of gauges small ones. One cartilage, and one industrial. Septum, monroe, belly button and two hip piercings.” She said counting them off on her long slender fingers.

“Anything else, you wanted to ask?” She said with a smirk, that was starting to grow on me.

“Any tattoo?” I said winking.

“Yes, two on my wrist, two on the back of my ears, one my ankle, and one between my hip piercings.” She said twirling her straw around her cup looking directly in my eyes.

“Will I ever get to see these hip piercings and tattoo?” I added smirking.

“Most likely...” My smirk turned into a grin.

“Not, better luck next time, sweet’eart.” She smirked and let out a giggle.

Maybe this wouldn’t be so terrible in the end...
♠ ♠ ♠
Much longer then the first chapter
Well what do yeh think!?
lets just pretend arrange marriage is legal ? okayy ;D
Leave me some love, & i would try and figure out who left me that long ass comment, but I'm to tired.
But thank you ALL very muchh !
-much love , alexxx
sorry if there are mistakess !