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'Til My Bitter End

So cash all your chips tonight baby;

Oli's POV

She just slammed the damn door in my face, and I couldn’t have less of a boner. Little did she know this was only the beginning. I was going to have MY way with her, just like I have with all the other girls. I mean we were getting married, she would be legally attached to me, there is no chance in hell I wouldn’t fuck her.

I stood there, awkwardly, I glanced up to see on the forth floor her light go on. Hmm good to know.

“Goodnight SEXY!” I yelled not carrying if I got any strange or disapproving looks. She stuck her head out of the window and flashed me the finger. I smiled devilishly. This was all a game. A game I was going to win.

“Love you too.” I screamed and walked away. Back home.


“Oliver get yeh ass up.” My mother shouted.

“Mmm ‘ive more minutes.” I mumbled I rolled over in the bed. The door opened and she removed the pillow over my head and opened the curtains.

“Get showered get dressed, pick up yeh wife, then meet us at teh bridal shop, yeh have an hour. DO IT.” And she left.

“Fuck meh, hard.” I mumbled thinking of Melody doing something along those lines. I stumbled out of bed and turned on teh shower. It was near 8 in the morning. I stripped and slipped into the shower. Doing the normal shit. I finished quickly, actually eager to see her. But not for the right reasons. I smirked thinking of last night. She was so damn hot I couldn’t get over it. Her magical tits and ass, hell yes.

I grabbed one of my Drop Dead shirts and a pair of skinny jeans and boxers. I straightened my hair and fluffed it around. I grabbed my Drop Dead hoodie and sprayed myself with AXE.

“I’m leaving!” I shouted in my parents room.

“See yeh there.” They said. I grabbed my keys and left my parents house. I didn’t have a useless apartment, I was either on tour or with a mate. It didn’t matter.

I pulled up to her building and walked in going up 4 flights of stairs and looking on the door that said Collins on it. 403.

I rang the door bell a few times and knocked a couple waiting impatiently. I heard foot steps and a quiet mother fucker. The door opened to reveal a braless white v neck pink lace thong Melody. Oh god.

“What the....fuck.” She said her eyes still stuck shut. She leaned against her doorframe quite sexily. I was gonna shit right there and then. This has to be a dream. I couldn’t help but stare at the obvious. Magical was for sure.

“Close your fucking mouth, pig.” I wiped at my mouth as she crossed her arms and opened her eyes, blinking a few times. Her black hair was messing and a bun.

“Why are you fucking here?”

“Uh..Uhh..”. Then my eyes drifted down her legs and back up, the material had to be smaller then my god damn hand.
“Oh FUCK, I completely forgot about the whole you picking me up shit.”

“Holy fuck, you are hot.” I said stupidly, staring in awe.

“Oh, please.” She left the door wide open and I followed after her catching the full movement of her ass before she turned the corner. Damn. Really words aren’t capable when you are that horny. I looked ‘round her apartment it was actually nice. I sat on her couch and tried to calm myself. When I think about it out of all the girls I have fucked none of them had that nice of body, or rack. Matter o’ fact.

“Hey pervert, come here for a minute.” She shouted from her bedroom. I smirked.

“Yeah babe?” I said going into her room, she was wearing skin tight black jeans with a pointy belt and her top was a corset type thing. She stood in front of her mirror rolling her eyes.

“Zip this up for me. Quickly.” She was holding the back with her hands.

“Mmmkay.” I said, If i let go I could most likely get a whole view in the mirror...

“Don’t think about getting a flash in the mirror, asshole.” Damn! She was good.
I zipped it up quickly, it was like a push up bra for her. Her boobs were busting over the edge, yet in the shirt. It was amazing.

“Now get out of here, I will be out in a minute.” She said walking into her bathroom.

This was the perfect time to go through her stuff, I mean she my wife in all.
First was her panties drawer. I quietly opened all them and stared down at a collection of brightly colored thongs. This was more like it. The next drawer included most likely the whole store of Victoria Secrete.

“Get the fuck out of my draws and lets go.” She said. Her septum was hanging out and her was teased and put back into a pony tail, so you could see all her earrings. She grabbed her purse and waited for me to close the drawers.

“You know you don’t really need push up bras.” I mentioned exiting her apartment as she locked it.

“I have fucked many girls who NEED them, but you on the other hand, they are pushed up naturally.” I smirked and opened the car door for her.

“Cute, you talk about my boobs and then open the car door for me, interesting.” She rolled her eyes.

“It’s the Oliver way.”

“I’m sure.” She turned her head to the window and I could see her tattoo behind her ear. I reached up and touched it, letting my hand trail town her side.

“Can I help you?” Her green eyes looking directly into mine as I started up the car.

“I think that tattoo is cute on you, thats all.” I said smirking. All the girls that wanted to fuck me weren’t just ‘cause im fucking sexy, or that I am a front man for a deathcore band, Oliver Sykes has charm.


I pulled up to the dress and suit store, where both of our parents were waiting.

“Ello Melody.” My parents greeted her. She smiled and waved.

“So the mums are gonna go with melody and help you pick out a dress and the dads are going with Oliver to help him with a suit.” We nodded sullenly.

“Before we go in, what color of bridesmaids do you two agree on?”

“Red.” Melody said looking at me with her piercing green eyes narrowed on me.

“Yeeah, red.” I said laughing.

“Okay lets get started.” We spilt into two different sections.

“So Oli shes good right?” My dad asked as her dad smiled eagerly. WTF. This was so fucked up.

“Yeah, she great dad. Your daughter is very beautiful.” I said to her father.

“Thank you son, I’m so glad she is finally settling down, she is such a party animal.”
Hmmm.. something I didn’t know. I would have to take her to a club sometime..


After trying on like 3 suits I gave up and just picked one.

“Well done.” My dad said giving me a pat on the back. We walked into the brides section as I saw her in a wedding dress. She looked beautiful.... but my mind couldn’t help drift to what was underneath the sparkling white fabric.

“The one before this was my favorite.” She said softly.

“And the 3rd veil would be nice too.”

“Okay, good job sweetie.” Her mom said.

“Go get dressed and we are gonna go to the wedding planners office for the honeymoon and the wedding, we already hired a very nice woman.” Melody went in and changed quickly coming out with her corset half zipped, I walked over and zipped it again.

“Thanks.” She mumbled walking out teh door.

“See yeh there.”


I hopped out of my car with Mel and we walked into the wedding planner building.
This was going to be a long as day, and no rewards.

Melody was quiet. We sat down in front of her desk with our parents. We were squished into a small couch.

“Ello guys, are you the Sykes and Collins?”

“Yes.” The four of them chimed in.

“So I will be your wedding planner.” She said with a warm smile. Our parents scooted in closer and began to make the plans for us. Where we are having the wedding to where we are going on our honeymoon.

“How does the bermudas sound?” The wedding planner asked us.

“Fuckin’ awesome.” I said smirking at Melody, who just smiled and nodded.

“So the bermudas for two, we will have to get flight tickets. The wedding is in a week?”

Seven days... And I wouldn’t be single anymore...FUCK.

“Okay, so we have to make these plans for the honey moon, I was thinking a week there? With a honeymoon suite on the beach and we could plan some snorkel, jetski, dinners and stuff? Yeah?”

“Oh that sounds wonderful!”My mom said.

“Okay so then I will get the tickets and set everything up tonight and you can come back in so I can show you and verify everything.”

“Sounds great.” I said.

“Good to hear, now onto the actual wedding! I need a guest list tomorrow and a sample testing-”

“I have an idea, I think you should the most amazing ever and don’t ask our thoughts on us, make is a surprise a complete fairy tale.” She smiled. This was completely different. I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not.

“What do you think Oliver?” She asked slipping her hand over my jeans. God damn her.

“Yeah, sounds fuckin’ boss.” I mumbled and she removed her hand, smirking.

“So see you tomorrow for a guest list and that it, here is my card. Bye.” She said waving and reentering to the back of the office.

“That was a great idea Melody.”

“Thanks.” She said putting on a fake smile to our parents.

“So why don’t we go get lunch! To celebrate, then pick a house out?” My dad suggested.

“Sure why not, too the pub!” I shouted grabbing melody.

“Fuck you, Sykes.” She was back to her self.
♠ ♠ ♠
So i am back from Paris and really inspired to write something(:
I am terribly sorry if there are lots of mistakes.
I really like this story,
I would love it if you told me WHAT YOU think.
Love all the long comments, tell me what to fix(:
Her outfit ;D