Status: Finished

Mixed Feelings of Elation

Chapter 41 (END)

The birds outside the window chirped loudly, causing Neon to stir. Her eyes fluttered open, meeting the sight of Alex's bare chest. She smiled; his arms were still tight around her waist as they had been when she fell asleep earlier that morning. His eyes were closed, the corners of his mouth turned upward. The morning light from the window illuminated his face.

She wasn't going to mess this up. Not this time.

Neon's stomach growled, demanding she feed it. She looked down at her stomach, then back at Alex. He didn't seem to hear the gurgling noise her stomach made. Neon nudged his chest with her hand. The baby in her stomach needed food; Alex needed to let go of her.

Alex's eyes opened, landing on the pink-haired girl in his arms. He smiled and pecked her lips with his.

"You're not going to tell me to wait in the kitchen again, are you?" Alex asked.

"I'm hungry," Neon returned.

Not to mention the band was coming over later in the day. She needed to get ready.

Alex's smile widened. He was glad she knew she needed to eat. She wasn't going to let their baby lose a chance at life. Neon would be a spectacular mother to their child and he knew it.

"Okay, go get something and come back over here. I'm not done with you yet," Alex stated.

"You better be done before three. My friends are coming over to practice and we have to tell them the news."

"Little Gaskarth does not understand the concept of time."

Neon laughed, getting out of bed. Alex wolf whistled at her nude body; Neon flicked him off while pulling on her white lace panties and matching bra.

"I'll be back," Neon said.

"You better."

Neon walked out of her bedroom, through the hallway, and went to cut through the living room to get to the kitchen. She froze in the living room doorway. When did so many people get in her living room?

The members of RxN, the members of All Time Low minus Alex, the managers of both bands, Lestat's fiancée and little sister, Rian's girlfriend, and Dorian's boyfriend sat around Neon's living room. All eyes were on her.

"Hey, guys, when did you get here?" Neon gave a nervous wave.

"About twenty minutes ago," Dante answered.

"Someone decided not to wear clothing to bed," Jazz stated.

"I want panties like that, big brother," Claudia said.

"Not until you're older," Lestat replied, "Why are you so not clothed, Neon?"

"It got really hot last night," Neon responded.

"And you look like you just had sex because?" Dorian trailed off.

"Rough night."

Alex stumbled into the doorway, wrapping his arms around Neon's waist, pressing his front into her back. He rubbed his face into her neck. Shock coated her band mate's faces.

"I decided I'm going to make you breakfast," Alex mumbled.

"What's up, dude," Jack said.

Alex jerked his head up, eyes widening at the number of people in the room. Thank goodness he decided to put his boxers on before walking out of the room.

However, this put a damper on his plans to take Neon on the kitchen counter

"I'm going to go make breakfast now," Alex said.

"You do that," Neon replied.

Alex released Neon, walking through the living room and disappearing from sight.

"Hot and rough night, indeed," Lestat said, leaning back in his chair.

"Wait, what just happened?" Dorian asked.

He looked ready to burst into hysterics.

"Alex came over and we," Neon paused, "Fuck, I can't come up with an excuse. We had sex, okay?"

"I thought you two weren't together," Arpeggio said.

"We are as of yesterday."

"What happened to change your mind about waiting?" Dante asked.

"It’s a long story."

"We have time."

Neon sighed. She was going to have to tell them she was pregnant while standing in the doorway in her underwear.

"Well, you guys know I've been having a lot of health problems lately. Nothing's really let up until now, which I'm sure will change after I eat. I took the pregnancy tests like you guys asked and made an appointment with Doctor Cart," Neon said.

"You went to Doctor Cart without us?" Dorian asked.

No one was asking about the results of the pregnancy tests. No one even questioned the fact that she took more than one. She guessed they all assumed they knew it was negative. They didn't know Doctor Cart specialized in eating disorders and pregnancies.

"I didn't want you guys to worry so I called Alex to go with me. Before we left, he told me he didn't like waiting and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said 'yes.' It's really not that long of a story."

"I'm glad you two finally decided to become a couple," Dante said.

"Took you long enough," Arpeggio mumbled.

"How did the doctor visit go?" Lestat asked.

"It was fine," Neon replied.

She wanted to wait till Alex was in the room to announce the news. The daddy had to be there.

"What's the diagnosis?" Lestat asked.

As if on cue, Alex walked through the room with a plate of food. He gave it to Neon, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I made bacon and eggs," Alex said.

"I can see that. Thank you," Neon pressed her lips to his.

Arpeggio squealed; Neon pulled away laughing. Her sister was more excited about them being together than Neon was.

"They're so cute together," Annabelle commented.

"Right," Lestat drawled, "What did the doctor say?"

"She ran a blood and urine test. Then made me take an ultrasound," Neon said.

"Oh my god, Neon's dying," Dorian said.

"Baby, where the hell did you get that from?" Joseph asked.

Dorian shrugged.

"Neon, what did she say was wrong. We need to know how to fix it," Lestat said.

"This isn't something you can fix," Neon said, "I'm pregnant."

It was silent. Neon fidgeted under the intense gaze; Alex gave her waist a squeeze to calm her down. Arpeggio was waiting for someone to tell her Neon was lying, that it was some sick joke. The look on her older sibling's face made it clear she was telling the truth. Arpeggio shot off the couch and screamed. She jumped over the multiple bodies to get to her sister.

"You're going to have a baby? Really?" Arpeggio asked.

Neon nodded. Arpeggio screamed again, jumping around in circles.

"Auntie Neon, does this mean I'll have someone to play with?" Claudia asked.

"Yes, sugar plum."

The young girl clapped her hands in excitement.

"Oh my sweet mother of Hello Kitty, Neon's pregnant," Dorian mumbled.

That statement seemed to be enough to set everyone else in the room off. Neon watched her band mate's excited chatter, leaning her head against Alex's shoulder. The couple accepted rounds of congratulations from both bands.

Neon placed a hand on her stomach. There would be a baby in there soon, growing and expanding her stomach. She was excited.

Alex put his hand on top of Neon's and kissed her forehead.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Alex asked.

"Only because you're here to help me," Neon responded.

Neon had Alex; she was pregnant; she would get her eating together. Even if she relapsed after the baby was born, she would get over it in time. She had people who loved her and wanted to help her. That was enough to make her happy.

"Alright, I say we go out to eat to celebrate the achievement of Alex's magic sperm," Jack announced.

"It's super sperm, Jack. Super sperm," Alex clarified.

"That sounds like a superhero name."

"I got a barren woman pregnant; I am a superhero."

"You should run around in spandex," Jack yelled.

Neon laughed, rubbing her face against Alex's shoulder.

With friends like the ones she had, she could handle this. She could handle whatever the pregnancy threw her way. She could handle the baby when it was born.

Everything would be fine, she knew it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to erika_xtc, breepocket, The-Ugly-Duckling, tq6776, rivals are insane, superfina192, Generation_R1321, Wasted Ambition, xoNatasha5xo, katiemeatsix, xDaisyLovee, xxsassykinsxx, and shoutforever.
And thank you to any new subscribers.
Yes, this is the end of Mixed Feelings of Elation.
I linked the Jazz story as the sequel to this one and the prologue should be out by tomorrow, if not later today.
It's called Smiling at Everything.
The link should be in the corner area.
Let me know if you'd like me to comment or message you when its up.
I hope you enjoyed this portion of the series.
Ending comments?