Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe

An old friend and false imprinting?

Seth woke up the next morning feeling sore and out of place. That night when Eleanor left him without so much as a goodbye, he felt that life itself was meaningless the moment she walked away from him. As much as he was heartbroken at the sight, he was seething with rage. He turned around and looked at both his sister and Jacob. He didn't bother looking at Paul, he wasn't worth the time. He wanted to rip Jacob apart, limb from limb. To make him bleed and suffer. And with Leah....he wanted nothing to do with her from then on. Mixed with his rage, he could feel himself about to cry. Holding them back, he walked away, ignoring the calls from his pack.

The day after was spent in his room. Occasionally his mother would bring up food, and that was the only with a person he made contact with that whole day.

So today as he woke up, he sighed knowing he'd have to go to school. He dressed slowly, throwing on whatever clothes he could find. He threw on his backpack and walked downstairs. He didn't make any eye contact with his sister, or even his mother who asked him to sit down and eat.

When he opened the door, he jumped a little as he saw Xara standing there. She looked worried, a little distraught. Her eyes were red and puffy, looking as if she had been crying.

"Hey Seth." She said. In her voice, Seth could tell something was wrong, something had happened.
"What's wrong?" Seth asked.
"I just....d-did Ella come by here last night?"
"No. Why would she?"

Xara looked to the side, looking at someone. Seth opened the door wider, he hadn't noticed that Shana was standing beside her. Lucky and Jameson were there as well, standing in front of the house.

"She didn't come home last night Seth." She said, worry in her voice.

At that moment, the world came to a stop for Seth. He couldn't fathom the thought of Eleanor being hurt, it was even hard for him when she told him they way she was beat up in school by his sister.

Once this news was brought out, Eleanor's pack and Sam's pack were gathered at Sam's house, discussing possibilities, what may have happened and what needs to be done. Shana sat near Sue and Emily, both women trying to comfort her.

"What exactly was she doing last night?" Sam asked.
"She was out with Bella," Xara said. "She invited her to have dinner with her and the Cullens."

She notices Jacob cringe and growl a bit at the name Cullen and looked at him in question. Jacob cleared his throat, trying to cover the growl.

"Did you at least contact the leeches?" Paul asked.
"Do you think we're stupid!? We called them last night, I even talked to Carlisle himself. Ella came there to have dinner and nothing more. And I talked to Bella too, we already have Charlie and Ella's dad looking for her."
"And the bloodsuckers?"
"They've gone outisde of the city." Shana stated. "Checking if she hasn't gone too far."
"Do you think that she..." Jared started, though he couldn't find it in him to finish.
"Where else would she go?"

Seth sat there silent. Not being able to process the information being said. Though he was glad that at least the Cullens were helping out, he was slumped. What could he do?

"See what I mean?" Paul spoke, anger in his voice. "I knew something like this would happen."

Each member of the pack started breathing heavily, they'd have phased right there if Shana hadn't spoken out suddenly.

"You know what?" She said, getting up from her seat. "It was a bad idea to come here in the first place. Come on kids, we'll go with the Cullens."
"No wait!" Seth shouted, making them stop before they could make it to the door. "Please, let me help. I-I need to know if she's alright. Please."
"Mrs. Princeton," Sam said sternly. "Let us help. Jared, Quil and Embry will help, and I'll make sure Paul...and Jacob does too. Whether they want to or not."
"I'll help too." Leah said suddenly.
"Why?" Shana asked, a little surprised.
"Look, as much as your daughter and I don't get along...I'll do this for Seth's sake."

Seth looked at her surprised. She'd never made such a nice gesture before. Shana muttered a "fine" to her, and the plan was already set. Sam ordered his pack to phase and go searching or any sight of her, while Xara ordered the two wolves to do the same.


Eleanor woke up from a dreamless sleep. Slowly she opened her eyes in pain, she laid against a cold floor, smelling of bad meat and murky water. She sat up looking around, she was in an unfamiliar room, it looked like she was in a warehouse or factory. There were boxes and crates everywhere, the windows were abnormally large and she noticed that the sun was already out. She looked down at herself, her wrists were chained together.

She suddenly heard a door slamming and voices. Curious, she stood up from the floor as the voices got closer to her. She looked down and noticed her shoes were missing as well. Suddenly the voices stopped, she walked forward a little, seeing if anyone was coming to find her.

"Hello ma'm!" Eleanor jumped and shrieked as the high voice came from behind her. She turned around, but no one was there.

"Down here." Eleanor looked down to see a boy standing infront of her. She noticed the pale skin and gold eyes. Vampire. She also noticed the freckles the boy had marked on his face, and also missing his two front teeth.

"Don't be scared miss." The twin on the said as she started backing up slowly from them.
"Why shouldn't I?" She asked. As cute as the little boy was, he was quite creepy.
"We won't hurt you." Another voice of the same pitch came from behind her. She jumped again and saw a replica of the same boy sitting ontop of one of the crates. She looked at the first boy and then the second boy. They were twins.
"We just want to play." The first twin said.
"Will you play with us miss?"
"What's your name?"
"Are you married?"

Eleanor buried her head in her hands and groaned as the twins kept going back and forth with questions. Why they didn't react to her smell confused her. By now they should have known that she was a shape shifter.

"I see your finally awake." Eleanor looked up and saw the same man from the night before walk into the room. Je wasn't alone. He walked in with three other vampires behind him. Two women and another man. One of the women had raven black hair and pigtails while the other had a snow white locks. The other man was slightly skinnier than the man that took Eleanor in the night before. She glared at him as he had a sadistic smirk planted on his lips. The first twin walked over to his brother and grabbed his hand, leaving the room.

"What do you want from me?" Eleanor growled.
"Did you just growl?" The bigger vampire said, chuckling. "What a cute litte threat."
"Answer my question!"
"Just doing this for a friend."

Suddnely she heard the excited voices of the twins, along with the voice of another person, another male. She braced herself, knowing that the person that wanted her here in the first place was coming.

"She's this way Xavier!"
"And she's real pretty too!"
"You sure know how to pick them."

Eleanor's jaw dropped slightly as the twins pulled on the arms of Xavier and he was now in view. They looked at each other wide eyed, Eleanor was shocked at to who was standing before her.

"Eleanor..." He exhaled out, smiling.
"Xy?" She said. The vampires tried stifling a laugh at Xavier's child nickname given to him by Eleanor.

Xavier was the first vampire Eleanor and her pack knew about when they were living in Hobart. He was the first vampire she was close to, he made her see that Vampires and Werewolves didn't have to be enemies in battle. As Xavier was the first vampire Eleanor was friends with, Eleanor was the first and only wolf he fell in love with.

"Elliot, what is she doing here?" He asked.
"Well," The bigger Vampire named Elliot said, walking over to Xavier. "You were always talking about Eleanor
Princeton and how much you missed here we are now."
"Yeah," Eleanor scoffed. "Except one of us happens to be chained like a prisoner."
"Why is she chained up?!" Xavier exclaimed.
"What do you expect?" Elliot replied. "She's a dog, Xavier! How do we know she won't try and hurt any of us?"
"Take off those chains, now!"

Xavier's voice echoed through the warehouse as he ordered Elliot to remove Eleanor's shackles. Elliot's lips pursed together a little as he hesitated. He turned to Eleanor and they glared at each other, while he took of the shackles on her wrists. Once the shackles were off Xavier grabbed both of her hands softly, smiling as he looked at her in the eyes.

"I can't believe your here." Xavier said, slightly overwhelmed.
"Me neither." She said, her voice a little soft.
"What's wrong? Y-You don't want to see me?"
"It's not that, it's just....I didn't really come here with a choice."
"Elliot, you kidnapped her?"
"Well I didn't really have to try," Elliot said, shrugging. "She coughed up blood and passed out before I could do anything."
"Oh Eleanor," Xavier said, turning back to Eleanor. He was also the only person besides her parents that used her real name. "You're still sick? How are you feeling, do you need rest?"
"I'm fine Xy." Elliot said, smiling. She shifted her eyes behind him, the other vampires were staring, some with smiles on their faces. "Uh..."
"Oh, right." Xavier said, turning to the other vampires. Xavier grabbed her hand and led her over to them.

Xavier introduced Eleanor to the members of his "family." The raven haired girl was named Tamina; she welcomed Eleanor with hug, pressing her cold body to Eleanor's warm and hot skin. The white haired woman was called Cherie. She was a little bit more reserved than Tamina but she whispered a hello to Eleanor. The skinny male vampire was named Hieman, a German vampire brought under Xavier's wing.

"Willkommen in unserem Haus Frau (Welcome to our home madam)." He said, kissing her hand slightly.
"Es ist ein Vergnügen, Sie zu treffen (It's a pleasure to meet you)." she replied.
"Oh, you speak German. Impressive."

Then, the twins introduced themselves as Tyson, the one with the two missing front teeth, and Tyler. Out of nowhere, Tyson tapped Eleanor on her leg and asked if she was their new mommy. As cute as it sounded it was slightly heartbreaking. The boys didn't have a mother to be with.

"And you already known of Elliot." Xavier said, frowning as they glared at each other.
"You know you remind me of some people." Eleanor stated, smirking.
"Oh yeah?" Elliot said, smirking back.
"Yeah. A couple of jar heads with no sensitivity whatsoever."

Elliot was about to pounce on her, make a smart remark at her but Xavier put and arm in front of her and pushes him back. Eleanor didn't see the demanding and threatening eyes of Xavier that made Elliot back away a bit.


The vampires trained with each other in the middle of the warehouse, while Eleanor and Xavier watches nearby, sittimg on top of a crate.

"So," Eleanor began. "Do you guys live here?"
"Upstairs there's a living space for us, down here is mainly for training and practice."
"Don't you ever worry if someone might find this place while your practicing?"
"It rarely happens. This place is abandoned, hidden by a thick wall of trees. Barely anyone ever comes here."
"Barely. So there are people who have come here?"
"Usually they wait outside, contemplating on whether they should go in or not. Most of them leave or run away, others make the fatal mistake."
"Wait, so you kill them if they enter!?"
"No," He said laughing. "It's more amusing to scare them and freak them out."
"What do you guys do for food?"
"We hunt. Bears and the occasional squirrel or deer is a great substitute."

Eleanor sighed with relief. At least the man she knew for so long wasn't really a ruthless killer.

"How did all of this happen? I mean, how did you meet these people?"
"You basically want their stories right?" Eleanor nodded a little, curious. "Well, Tamina and Cherie are best friends. Now they're totally different from one another, as you can probably tell. Tamina is more outgoing and perky while Cherie is a bit more reserved and quiet. Now with Tamina being more spontaneous got out more than Cherie did. The year was 1974, when it happened. Tamina was at a college party late at night, having the time of her life. She drank and drank until she could barely move. One of the guys were "bringing her home" seeing as how unstable she was, so he drove her away. Not home. Away. He stopped the car, shut off the engine and pulled down her skirt."

Xavier stopped there, taking notice of her face. She stared at him wide eyed and shocked.

"You probably get the rest. The twins and I found her on the street. At first I didn't want to help her, she was so close to dying but the kids were so egar to save her. So when I created her, she made herself disappear from her old life. She was announced as missing, until the town gave up looking for her.

Now Cherie, of course she was devastated. Her best friend was no where to be found. It made her so much stronger though. Slowly within the months she became more ambitious but only slightly. One day she was working late at night, while she was walking home in the dark, a man in black walked up to her, pointed a gun at her and demanded she give him her purse. She gave him the purse but he wasn't satisfied. He shot her, point blank. It was Tamina who found her, and then created her.

Now Hieman, his story is a little heartbreaking. In 1950, he tried to committ suicide. What was one a man in love, turned to be heartbroken. Dead inside. So he figured, why not be what you feel inside? But he changed his mind right at the last minute. While he was dying he wanted to keep living. So I saved him.

Now the twins, that's a real tear jerker. They were victims of the Great Chicho Fire in 1871. I found them under the bridge near the water, holding each other, lying with each other; they were dying. Across from them was a woman, lying face down on the ground. She had been suffocated from the smoke. The twins kept repeating to me 'please save our mommy,' but she had already died."

Eleanor froze with sympathy. The worst thing was if you happened to lose your mother, especially if she loved you like she should.

"And Elliot?" Eleanor asked.
"Ah, Elliot," Xavier said. "I never found out about Elliot's background. Only that when I found him, he wasn't dying. He wanted to change but he never told me why. All he said was 'I will follow you till the sun goes out. And I will serve you until I die.' I didn't ask questions and even if I did he probably wouldn't have told me. But, hopefully he'll tell us."

Eleanor nodded in understanding, and she looked at Elliot. He was starring at them as he fixed his now ruffled and dirty shift. Eleanor could read it in his face, there was something hidden in him, something horrible.

"I have to go." Eleanor whispered to Xavier.
"No," Xavier replied, looking at her sternly. "You don't."
"Yes Xy, I do. I have a family to go home to. My pack is waiting for me, and my parents are probably worried."

Xavier turned in his seat, and grabbed her hand softly into his.

"Your pack is fine, Xara would make a great Alpha. And you're a big girl, your parents don't have to be worried about you."
"Xy I-,"
"You can stay here, with me."
"I-I can't, there's.....there's someone else."

Eleanor hesitated, she knew about Xavier's infatuation and adoramce with her but she didn't feel the same. And he knew everything imprinting and soul mates and he hoped that she would imprint on him.

"Is he..?"

Eleanor nodded, biting her lip and his expression turned blank. He stared at her for a few moments, realizing that he was too late to make him fall in love with her.

"I knew I never should have let you leave." He chuckled.


Meanwhile in Forks, Xara was outside of Sam's house, leaning on the railing of the porch. She waited for Embry to come out after he was called inside to talk to Jacob, so they could continue looking for Eleanor together.

"Look, all im saying is keep your guard up. You don't know what she's capable of."

With her wolf senses she could hear Jacob and Embry inside talking. She perked up, curious. She knew snooping was bad but she listened anyway.

"But she hasn't done anything," She head Embry say. "What makes you think she's dangerous?"
"You saw the way she grabbed Leah right?" She clenched her jaw as Jacob spoke. "How do you know she won't go any further? And did you see the way her Alpha broke Seth's heart? That could happen to you!"
"....I guess so."

Xara's jaw dropped at the words. Embry was actually going to listen to him? He didn't trust her, and instead of her heart breaking and just crying she felt her blood boil and her fists shake.

She stormed inside and saw Jacob and Embry in the kitchen. She walked up to Jacob and raised her hand and connected it to his cheek. The slap sound echoed through the house, the wolves could probably hear it.

"How dare you," she hissed. "What gives you the right to say something like that?"

He stayed quiet, but his jaw clenched tight and hard. She turned to Embry, who looked at her wide eyed and shock.

"And you. I can't believe you would listen to him. A second rate Beta who doesn't even know what he's talking about." She could hear him growl from behind her but she ignored it. "I guess ignorance spreads like a virus here."
"Xara I-,"
"No, save it. Look, I'm not going to be with someone who doubts a relationship that hasn't even been created yet."

He looked at her shocked as the words flowed from her mouth. She was breaking up with him when they weren't even together.

"Now I'm going to look for my Alpha. If you guys don't want to help, fine."

And with that she left, leaving Embry heartbroken and Jacob blank. As she phased and went off into the forest,
to her surprise she didn't feel a thing. Like a weight was lifted from her shoulders. She was confused for a moment; if he was her imprint she should be heartbroken right? She thought so, until she came to realization.

She hadn't imprinted on Embry.


The vampires stood outside the warehouse. Elliot would take Eleanor back home, since he was that took her here in the first place. They each said their goodbyes, and now she was standing in front of Xavier, saying her goodbye. They had given her shoes back but she didn't put them on. Heels in a forest didn't mix well together.

"The twins need a mother," Eleanor began, she gave Xavier a card with an adress on it. "I know someone who will take care of them, someone much better than me."

Xavier chuckled at her motherly like gesture for the twins. He leaned down and pressed his lips against her forehead. She shuddered at the cold contact which made him smirk against her skin.

"Take my advice " Xavier said, pulling away. "Don't make the same mistake I did. Don't let him get away."

Eleanor nodded slightly. With each minute passing by she was aching inside the longer she was away from Seth.

Eleanor walked over to Elliot, and looked at him confused as he turned around and crouched down.

"Well get on." Elliot said, gesturing for her to get on his back.
"Do you want to walk though the forest barefoot?"

Hesitantly, she pressed her body against Elliot's and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt his arms wrap around her warm and long legs and he stood up, bending slightly so she could be practically lying against his back, and he started walking.

She pressed her cheek against his back and laid there patiently, wondering how long it would take to get home. She knew what she had to do when she get home, she needed it, and she longed for it. For him; Seth.

"Don't get too comfortable little one," Elliot spoke. "We may be in Chicago but I'll get you home soon."
"Chicago!?!" Eleanor exclaimed. She hadn't known she was so far from her family. She could hear Elliot chuckle with amusement and didn't say another word. She sighed with defeat and rested her chin back on his back. "Just hold tight and keep your head down."

She felt the wind rush within her hair and her shirt started to flutter violently within it. The world started to blur as Elliot moved at a speed that only a vampire could go. She felt her eyes dry and she shut them tight, hoping they would arrive home soon.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's chapter 10! This is super long, sorry if this took so long to read but I hope you enjoyed it! This has 26 subscribers, OMG! More than my Taylor Lautner story and that's been around for a while! And 84 readers? Think I could get more along with more comments? More comments would be swell :D