Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe


Elliot stopped just outside of Forks, he had to make the goodbye quick. They could find him at any minute. He tried letting her down on the ground slowly, but as her feet made contact with the floor she ended up falling to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Elliot asked. She was shaking a little, the speed he was going was far to fast for her.
"I-I'm fine." Eleanor said, slowly getting up from the ground. Elliot took out his hand offering help for her. She hesitantly took the cold hand within her warm ones and he pulled her up.
"Sorry about that. I didn't think you'd freak out. And um...about before, you know chaining you up like that. I'm sorry."
"It's okay." She lightly pushed him and smiled.
"I guess this is goodbye?"
"More like see you later."
"Well until then, I wish you well miss Princeton."

Elliot lightly grabbed her hand and pecked it softly. She smiled at the polite gesture and he smiled back at her. Suddenly a snapping sounds emerged from nearby. On instinct Eleanor whipped her head to the side, and to her surprise she saw Seth standing there. Wide eyed.

"Seth..." As happy as she wanted to be, she could read it in his face. He was angry.

In a blink of an eye he was infront of her but he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at Elliot. He was growling and seething with fury. Eleanor could sense him about to phase.

"What did you do with her!?" Seth growled.
"She's fine isn't she?" Elliot scoffed.
"Seth, please!" Eleanor exclaimed. "He didn't do anything."
"If I ever see you around here-," Seth said, but he was interrupted by Elliot.
"-Or what? Gonna put me through disobedience school mutt?"
"Elliot!" Eleanor scolded. "Just go!"

Elliot looked at her and then at Seth. He smirked at him once again and winked at Eleanor efore leaving in the same vampire speed.

Eleanor sighed with relief. She turn around expecting for Seth to take her in his arms and tell her how much he missed her, but he glared at her.

"Is this what you wanted Eleanor?" Seth asked. Eleanor could sense a bit of hurt in his voice. And she noticed...he used her real name. "Instead of just telling me you didn't want to be with me you go behind my back to be with some leech!?"
"Seth, I didn't-"
"You gave me a damn sob story saying it was for your pack. Why couldn't you just tell me?"
"Seth we're nothing like that. Why can't you trust me?"
"Yeah, like you trusted me?"
"Yes, I trust you it's what imprints do."
"Well maybe I don't want to accept your imprint."

Seth said it so fast, Eleanor thought she heard wrong. But it rang in her head over and over again like a broken record. She couldn't speak, she could barely breathe.

"You obviously don't want me. So go back to...wherever you just came from. It'll be better for the both of us."

Seth turned around and phased, not bothering to even take off his clothes. She watched, stunned, as the sandy colored wolf ran back to La Push. As soon as the wolf was gone, she started walking. Eleanor's mind went blank as her feet meshed with the ground. She didn't mind the pain it inflicted on her; she didn't even know where she was going. Tears were escaping her eyes the further she walked.

Her body was so blank that she didn't realized she was walking into the search party that was looking for her. Her father and Bella's father were there, still looking for her. Aedan was the first to notice his daughter slowly walking like a corpse towards them.

"Eleanor!" Aedan shouted as he ran up to her. But she didn't respond. "Eleanor!"

He picked her up in a tight hug and held her in the air. He put her down slowly, cupping her face in his hands.

"Are you okay!?" He asked, worried about the blank expression on her face. "Baby girl, what happened?"

Eleanor stared at him blankly, not wanting to say a word. Without thought all she could say was "Can I go home?"

She stared out the window of the cop car window, trying to fight back tears. She would not cry, not infront of her father. When they arrived home, Shana and Xara ran up to her embracing her daughter in a hug. Lucky and Jameson watched them from the doorway, when Eleanor looked at them they shook their heads and walked back inside of the house.

She didn't ask what was wrong with them, but Xara knew she'd have to tell them why they acted that way.

Seth told the pack everything. He told them what he saw; that she didn't want to be with him after all and maybe she didn't imprint on him after all. The whole pack had turned on her, all of them. Jared, Quil, Embry, even Collin and Brady. With his hatred for vampires Sam was infuriated with the situation as well. But he was wrong, what he saw wa a misunderstanding; though Seth wouldn't believe it. Just the way he saw Elliot kiss her hand made his heart turn in his chest. Lucky and Jameson were there when he told them. It started out as an argument, Lucky and Jameson didn't want to believe that Eleanor was capable of such a thing. A fight between wolves would have broken out hadn't Sam and Xara hadn't stepped in. They came to a conclusion, they couldn't be friends. Lucky and Jameson were only infuriated if Eleanor hadn't been more careful everything would have been fine. They blamed it on her. She didn't react to it, she didn't feel a thing. Xara had talked to Bella and told her of the situation. They, besides her parents, were the only two who believed her.

That night Eleanor laid in bed motionless. She didn't even hold the teddy bear that night. She didn't even sleep, everytime she tried to Seth was on her mind.

The next morning her parents let her stay home from school. They still hadn't bothered asking how she was feeling, for the look on her face was all the explanation. She would tell them eventually, but not now.


Four days had passed. She had been confined in her room, not finding the will power to say a word to anyone. She hadn't even cried, despite the pain she felt within her, her eyes were dry. Within those four days, her pack had already moved into their new homes, all on the same street of Eleanor's home. Also within those four days, her car had been fixed and taken back to the house.

It was Saturday morning and Eleanor was up early. After taking a shower she had gone downstairs into the kitchen and made herself hot tea. After taking a few sips of it she stared blankly into space, biting her thumbnail in between her teeth, chewing on it slightly.

Her mom walked downstairs dressed for work, she jumped as she saw her daughter sitting there motionless.

"Eleanor," Shana said walking up to her daughter. "You want something to eat?"

Eleanor shook her head no as she took another sip of her tea. Shana stared at her daughter for a few more moments before she left for work. The sight was tormenting. To see your daughter in a depressed state like this and not being able to do a thing to make her better. What would you do?

Eleanor held her head in her hands closing her hands. She wished she would cry, to let everything out to the world, but something in her wasn't letting her. She was aching, lying down in bed all day continuously stiffened her joints and her head was pounding inside of her. She came to a thought, would she stay this was forever? No. Wollowing in her dry tears wont bring Serh back to her again. She needed to get out, to leave. She left her a note for her father and she left.

She grabbed her purse with her keys, wallet and phone and started her car. She didn't have an idea of where she was going but she ended up in Port Angeles. She arrived outside of a coffee shop just in time for them to open. She ordered a small coffee and sat outside on one of the tables. She plugged her iPod in and put the volume up loud. She sat there watching the steam of her coffee dance in the wind as the lyrics played through her head.

"I remember years ago someone told me I should take caution when it comes to love....I did."

As the lyrics played she contemplated. She had let love take over herself and she fell for Seth. When she fell for Jacob before, she told herself not to fall so fast and take caution. She did. With past flings and dates she never really fell for anyone.

'Why did I fall for you?' She thought to herself as she felt herself begin to cry. She quickly got her things and started to walk toward the car.

Before she could step off the curb a car pulled in front of her. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw Xara and Bella inside of the car. The girls stepped out and walked over to Eleanor.

"Ella!" Bella sighed, embracing Eleanor in a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay."
"What are you guys doing here?" Eleanor asked as she let Bella go.
"We came over to the house to check up on you but your dad said you already left."
"Ella," Xara said, sympathy in her voice. "We're worried about you. You haven't talked to anyone in days."
"I know," Eleanor said sucking in her lips and circled the rim of her cup. "I don't want to go home. Just....can we go somewhere?"

"Sure," Bella said as she and Xara smiled a little, finally she was getting out and going somewhere. And she was going with them.

They took her to breakfast, and they did the best to keep Eleanor distracted. It worked just a bit but she still kept him in the back of her mind. They kept a good conversation, about college and where they would be going what they wanted to do in life; and what they're families would be doing in the long run.

"So," Bella said. "Charlie's getting married."
"What!?" Eleanor exclaimed quietly. "When did this happen?"
"About a few months ago but the wedding is about a month from now."
"Well who's the lucky lady?" Xara asked.
"Another officer from work. And he asked me if I knew someone who could sing at the wedding and....I kind of mentioned you."
"What!?" Eleanor exclaimed once again.
"I-I'm sorry, I knew I should have asked you but,-"
"Bella it's okay! I'd be glad to do it but...who told you that I sing?"
"um..word gets out a lot."

Eleanor nodded a little a smiled. Now she needed to figure out a song for the wedding.

"So what about you Xara?" Eleanor asked, nudging her a little. "What's going on with you and Embry?"

Xara and Bella looked at each other. Of couse Bella knew about it, she always knew what went on within the wolf pack.

"Um.." Xara said. "Embry and I aren't together anymore."
"What!? What do you mean, you guys are imprints aren't you?"
"Well, I didn't imprint on Embry."
"What about that look you two were giving each other?"
"I don't know, I think it was just the moment where you see a hot guy and you can't turn away."
"I'm sorry Xara."
"Don't be," She said smiling. "Its like a weights been lifted off of my shoulders when I broke it off."
"So what happened? What did you break it off?"
"He had doubts when we hadn't even got together yet."

Eleanor patter her back in sympathy and Xara just smiled at her.

"So Ella," Bella began. "What exactly happened when you were gone?"
"Well, when I left your house after dinner I was driving home buy my car broke down. So I pulled over and I tried calling for help on my phone but got disconnected so I started walking. Suddenly I heard these strange noises behind me, and then this vampire appeared behind me. Before I could react I had another one of my attacks and I passed out. When I woke up I was in a warehouse in Chicago."
"Chicago!?" Both girls exclaimed, causing all eyes to be on them. They both whispered a sorry and Eleanor laughed.

"Now the vampire that took me only took me for a friends of his."
"Well who was it!?" Xara asked. Eleanor looked to Xara with her eyebrows raised. Xara knew of Xavier and his infatuation with Eleanor. The look that Eleanor gave her was plainly obvious to her. Xara came to relaization and her eyes grew wide, gasping. "Oh my God, Xavier!?"
"I-I don't get it, whose Xavier?"
"He's a vampire that I met while I was in Hobart." Eleanor said.
"He had a little 'infatuation' with her." Xara said, laughing.
"Oh," Bella cooed. "He fell in love with you."
"Anyways," Eleanor said smiling. "Xavier has a little "family" of his own. Vampires that he saved. They were so sweet, it was like meeting the Cullen family. The first vampires I met were little twins; they looked to be about 10, maybe 11 years old. And then there were the others, Tamina, Cherie and Heiman. I stayed for a while and watched them train with each other until Elliot, the guy that took me there in the first place, took me home and then...that's when Seth saw me with him. Xavier wanted me to stay with him. Now I'm thinking I should have. But I came back for him."

The girls nodded, knowing who "him" was and quickly changed the subject. The girls took her to a nail and hair salon across the street. They sat in the chair as the girls massaged their legs and painted their toenails. Eleanor leaned back in her chair, enjoying the feeling of it.

Once they were done with the enjoyable manicure and pedicure, the girls walked out with fresh feet and painted fingernails.

"Hey Ella," Xara started. "Do you always wear black?"

Eleanor looked down and looked at her outfit. A black tank top and skinny jeans with black sandals. Before she could answer Bella and Xara took her into a clothing store nearby. They had her try on everything they thought would look suitable for her. From dresses to shorts to dressy tops and even heels. They even had her try on a few corset tops as well. She gladly bought the slightly more colorful and more demur wardrobe and the girls left.

Eleanor felt a little bit better, so they decided to head home, it was close to dark. Before she could start her car, something caught her eye. Nearby, walking out of the movie theater she watched Seth, eyes agape and heart slowly breaking. She gripped the steering wheel as he
walked with another. A girl about his age, petite and fair skinned with long locks. He looked happy as he wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Eleanor couldn't look away, like watching a car accident she glued her eyes to them. Seth looked up from the girl and he saw Eleanor as well. They locked eyes with each other and it was almost as if they had imprinted on each other once again. But the girl grabbed Seth's cheeks in her hands and turned it so it would face her. She pulled him down, and she kissed him.

Eleanor's jaw clenched and she started to shake. She was about to phase. She turned on the engine and she sped off, not seeing Seth pull away from the girl and walk away from her.