Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe


That same night she did not wait for Bella and Xara to follow her, for they saw the whole thing as well. Eleanor drove home, disobeying the speed limit, not caring who saw her. She stormed into the house, locking the door behind her.

"Eleanor!" Her mother exclaimed. She was about to shout at her daughter for slamming the door so hard her dead ancestors would wake up from eternal slumber, but she froze as she read the look on her daughter's face. Aedan ran into the room, wondering what was happening. Then he stood there, the look on his daughters face shocking him.

Eleanor was breathing heavily, her eyes turning dark, almost black like a child's doll. Her skin was shaking, she could feel her inner wolf threatening to come out.

"Baby," Aedan said, slowly approaching his daughter. He knew she was about to phase. "Baby girl, calm down."

She ran. Up the stairs and into her room, closing the door behind her. By the time the door closed, a river of tears were finally pouring from her eyes; but out of rage. She was still breathing heavily and shaking as if she were having a seizure. Usually she could contain her inner wolf easily, but this time she couldn't hold it in anymore.

Thinking quickly, she went onto the edge of her balcony outside and jumped out, phasing in mid air, her clothes shredding to pieces. She landed swiftly, and she galloped her way into the forest.

In the house, her parents watched her from the window. They saw her wolf land on her paws and ran into the forest.

"Are you going to go after her?" Shana asked as her daughter disappeared into the trees.
"No," Aedan replied. "She needs this. She's been holding that wolf of hers in for too long."
"What if she hurts herself, or...."
"Our daughters a smart girl. She won't hurt anybody." Suddenly they could hear Eleanor's wolf howl in the wind. "Hopefully."


Eleanor gnawed her fangs into the carcass of the dead deer. She ripped the skin off and licked her wolf lips as the blood trickled down her jaw. While she feasted, she could hear whispers in her mind. The Quiluetes. She ran so far into the woods that she appeared on the rez, but did that stop her?

She blocked out the whispers as much as she could and she bit down on the raw flesh. Though she blocked out the voices, images of Seth and that girl together kept imploding her mind. She imagined that the dead carcass she gnawed on was the girl. Her rage overwhelmed her as she ate more of the dead deer. Then the memory of seeing the girl and Seth kissed came into view.

She stopped her feeding, and she howled into the air. Her howl was a mask of her sobbing, the tears came to her once again, making her fur wet. She started to walk back to her house with her head hanging down.

'Ella?' She froze as a voice popped into her head, one of the Quiluete boys had seen her. She slowly turned around. She saw two wolves. A russet colored wolf and a bronze, creamy fur colored one. She recognized the voice, it was Jared.

'What are you doing here?' The other wolf asked. She recognized that one as well, it was Jacob. Once she realized it was Jacob in his wolf form before her, she didn't hesitate. She pounced on him, knocking him down to the ground.

'Ella, Jake stop!' Jared shouted in his head. She ignored him as they wrestled in the ground. She bit him on the shoulder. Jacob howled out in pain as she sunk her teeth into his flesh. Jacob bit her ear in response, she let go of his shoulder and backed away from him. They crouched in a defending stance, both of then growling at each other.

'Jacob!' All three wolves turned and saw a pitch black colored and a sandy colored wolf approaching them. She recognized the sandy colored wolf, as she remembered Seth phasing into that wolf infront of her when she returned.

But then she recognized the voice of the black wolf. The deep and booming voice of Sam. The two wolves looked at Eleanor quite shocked that she would be there on the rez.

She felt Seth's eyes follow her as she turned away from them. She couldn't look into his eyes, it was too painful for her to see him. She landed her eyes on Jacob, and the rage came back to her. On instinct she went back to her defensive stature and a growl emerged from her diaphragm.

'Ella, wait!' She froze as she heard Seth's voice in her head, but she continued to stare at Jacob. Her eyes went blank as well as her mind, so none of them wouldn't hear her. She turned a heel and ran off. Her mind still blank to the core. But the tears threatened to come out, so she let them fall.

She came across her house, the lights were on and the curtains were shut. She jumped from the ground and phased into the air, landing on the balcony bare naked and she walked into her room.

She put on pair of underwear and a bra. She went into the bathroom and splashed cold water in her face. She took a look in the mirror, the water dripping from her face.

She looked like a corpse. Her brown skin was pale and her eyes were circled with a dark rim. Her eyes were black, seemingly lifeless. She started to shake again, she hated the reflection. She balled her hand into a fist and collided it with the mirror. The glass shattered and spilled into the sink. She didn't notice the pain inflcted on her hand, but she looked at her palm and her knuckles. It was bleeding, small shards of glass stuck in the skin.

Suddenly, a sort of stabbing and throbbing pain grew from within her. She clutched he stomach with good hand and groaned out in pain. It started to burn inside her. She couldn't keep her balance, she leaned on the rim of the sink while s omething was urging to come up her throat and out. She tried to fight it down but the blood spilled from within her and into the sink. The crimson waterfall emerged from her throat as tears of pain peaked out from her eyes. She coughed up the last drops of blood and stood up straight. She turned on the water and watched the blood go down the drain. She sighed, thankfully she didn't faint this time.

She turned, about to walk out of the bathroom and into her room, but the pain came back. This time hitting her with more force than before. She collapsed on her knees as she clutched her stomach in pain. She could barely breath, the blood was building up in her throat again. The blood spilled once again, a burning sensation tingling her throat. She collapsed next to the ocean of blood and she laid there, unable to move. Her body was weak and numb, she couldn't move an inch of her body. She was breathing heavily and twitching, her vision was becoming glassy and hazy. She waited there, until darkness came over her.


Shana walked up the stairs towards Eleanor's room, checking up on her daughter. In her hand was warm tea with honey and lemon. Piping hot, just how Eleanor liked it.

"Eleanor sweetie," Shana said softly, knocking ever so lightly. "Are you okay?"

She waited for a response. Nothing. She knocked once again, this time a little louder and waited again. Nothing. She turned the knob slowly, opening the door; the creak of the hinges filled the room.

"Eleanor?" Shana looked inside, surprisedthat she was nowhere to be found. She looked out onto the balcony if she was there.

Shana turned around, the bathroom door connecting to Eleanor's room open, she gasped and she let go of the cup of tea and let it hit the ground. The cup shattering and the tea spilling onto the floor.

"Oh my god!" She shrieked. She ran over to her sedated daughter sprawled out over the floor next to the blood. She shouted Eleanor's name over and over again, slightly shaking her. With no response, she checked Eleanor's pulse. She sighed with relief when she found the beat, but it was breathing at a high rate.

"Shana, what happ-?" Shana looked up and saw Aedan standing in the doorway of the bathroom. He looked at his daughter wide eyed, frozen in place.

"Aedan, put Eleanor in the bed," Shana said frantically, getting up. "I need to call Carlisle, stay with her!"

Aedan quickly went to his daughter as his wife left the room to call Carlisle. He didn't know what to say, tears were peaking out. He slowly turned Eleanor on her back and picked her up bridal style. He placed her on the bed gently. He quickly to notice of her right hand and knuckles. He took out the shards of glass as wounds were healing slowly. He sat down next to her and held her hand tightly, as if he held for dear life.

"What happened baby girl?" He asked as if she could answer. Shana came back into the room, and walked over to Aedan and rested an arm on his shoulder.

"Carlisle's on his way. And I called Xara and the boys too." Shana said, a little raspy. Aedan felt Shana's arm move away, he turned around and saw his wife leaning against the wall. Tears falling from her eyes. "What's happening to our baby?" Her voice started breaking.

Aedan stood up from the bed and walked up to his wife, embracing her in a tight hug.

"I can't go through this again Aedan," She sobbed. "I can't loose her."
"I know," Aedan cooed, rubbing her back softly. "I know. Carlisle will help us, he'll no what to do."

Shana nodded, resting her head on Aedan's shoulder as they waited for Carlisle.