Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe

All that matters

Xara, Lucky and Jameson appeared moments later, frantic and worried about their alpha. Shana and Aedan let them see her, they were heartbroken at the sight of their alpha strangely pale and twitching in her sleep. Moments later Bella and Edward arrived with Carlisle. Xara had called Bella to inform her of the situation. Bella was panicking, crying her eyes out. When they appeared at the house Bella was on tears. Red stricken eyes that were puffy and squinted.

They waited downstairs as Carlisle checked on Eleanor. They were silent, the room was dead cold and very dark. Shana prayed her head quietly, hoping that God would spare her life or Shana and Aedan would have to resort to something....drastic.

Carlisle trailed downstairs and into the kitchen. Everyone stood up quickly, awaiting for Carlisle's result on Eleanor.

"She'll be alright," Carlisle said. Everyone sighed with relief. "But she's a little depressed right now. Give her a few days, hopefully she'll feel better."

Everyone nodded in understanding. Edward, Carlisle and Bella left shortly after. Bella wished to see Eleanor but Carlisle stated that she wouldn't see anyone for tonight. She wanted to be alone.

Xara, along with the boys stayed behind. Trying to comfort the parents.

Eleanor stayed in her room, under the covers with the lights out. She stared out of the window into her balcony and she looked up at the golden white moon. The tears were dry, her body was motionless. Her mind still at a blank and her limbs were numb. Moments later she fell into a dreamless sleep.


Eleanor was able to go to school the next day, but the feeling was the same. She didn't dress to impress today, with what she's feeling why would she? A purple hoodie with basketball shorts and athletic slippers with thick socks. She didn't care about her appearance as her waves were pulled tight in a ponytail and she hid her eyes behind aviator sunglasses.

When she walked into first period, there was Seth next
to her empty seat. She didn't look at him after a second but she could feel Seth's eyes bore into her as she took her seat. She took off her glasses and put them away, careful not to break them.

Seth opened his mouth to say something to her, but she avoided any sight of him. She wouldn't look his way, only to the teacher.

Eleanor tried to stay clear away from Seth. In music production she didn't sit anywhere near him. She sat in the front. Once she sat down she took of her slippers and put her feet up on the seat, holding her legs close to her.


The days had passed as Eleanor still felt the same. Lifeless sort of, not being able to talk to Seth was killing her and Seth felt the same.

It was Friday after school and Eleanor was in the grocery stoee with her mother. Eleanor trailed off, wandering around the store on her own. The store was cold and breezy, it felt good to have the cold hit her heated face. She turned into an aisle and jumped before she ran into someone. Her jaw tightened and her eyes became cold as Leah stood in front of her. Not wanting to hear anything Leah had to say, Eleanor walked past her.

"Eleanor wait!" Leah called after her, but Eleanor continued to walk. "Eleanor, please just listen!"
"What do you want!?" Eleanor replied back, not turning around.
"Look, I don't believe in what Serh is telling me."
"What?" Eleanor asked in disbelief. She stopped in her tracks and turned around, facing Leah.
"I don't want to believe that you'd do that to Seth; none of us do."
"So!?! Seth hasn't been himself lately. He doesn't eat, barely sleeps and he doesn't talk to anyone, not even me."
"Well that's hard to believe. You guys are practically the same."

That answer was expected but it took Leah back a little bit. It sort of....hurt.

"I want to know what happened, what really went on when Seth saw you."
"Now why should I tell you?"
"Look, by orders of the Alpha no one is allowed to talk to you. I don't even know if I'm supposed to look at you, but I'm willing to go out on a limb...for Seth's sake."

Eleanor looked at her in surprise. At first she would never consider even making contact with Leah, but the fact that Leah was doing this for her little brother, now different things were coming to mind. Eleanor sighed, coming to realization that she would do the same for Masson if he were in the same predicament.

"I was taken," Eleanor started. "The day after our little bonfire I had dinner with the Cullens and on my way home I ended up having one of my attacks and I passed out. When I came to I found myself in Chicago. Now the person that took me only took me for a friend of his. A vampire. Turns out the vampire he took me to was an old friend of mine back when I lived in Indiana. I met his 'family,' his clan of vampires. I stayed there for a few more hours, learning everyone's backgrounds and how they came to be. And then I decided to leave, so the vampire that took me there in the first place brought me back home, and that's where Seth found me with him. All the vampire did was wish me well and kiss my hand. That's all. Now before you lead yourself to believe it's all innocent there's something else. That vampire, the one I've had history with...he fell in love with me."

Leah looked at her dumbfounded and shocked. A vampire falling in love with a wolf? Hard to believe.

"He wanted me to stay," Eleanor continued. "To live with him. Start a family. But I came back just for Seth. He told me not to make the same mistake he did and not to let him get away. I was coming back for Seth. To tell him it was wrong of me to disregard him and we would be together. Now it's over, he wants nothing to do with me."

Eleanor turned and started walking away, but Leah started going after her, trying to change Eleanor's mind.

"But you're wrong," Leah said. "Eleanor, you are all he thinks about.
"Look Leah," Eleanor stopped and turned to look at her. "I appreciate what you're trying to do for Seth but whatever you're planning it won't work. His mind is set, he'll move on."
"That is not how the imprint works, you know that. He won't be able to move on, and you won't either."
"Yeah well, why don't you mention that to him the next time he decides to go out on a date?"
"W-What are you talking about?"
"The day after I came home, I saw him in Port Angeles with another girl."
"So what? You didn't think he'd be friends with just guys did yo-?"
"They kissed Leah!"

Leah looked at her shocked. Her mouth flew agape, becoming speechless at Eleanor's words.

And with that Eleabot walked away, leaving a frustrated Leah. Eleanor knew how the imprint worked. Imprints are soulmates, destined to be together. But with Seth's actions she had no hope.


Leah was in La Push now, in Sam's house for they're weekly meetings. Leah was the first one there while Seth wasn't around, he refused to see anyone at the moment, not even the pack. Before the meeting started the pack lsat at the kitchen table, Leah's mind in a flutter as she tried to fix this horrendous problem that Seth was going through. Sure, Leah and Eleanor didn't get along but Leah was willing to help Seth through this.

"Leah?" Everyone looked up from the table and saw Jacob standing in the doorway. He made his way over to the table and sat next to Leah. "You okay?"
"No," Leah sighed. She propped her elbows onto the table and tapped her fingernails into the wood. "I can't stand watching Seth this way."
"Why do you care?" Jacob asked. Leah looked at him in disbelief as Jacob looked at her with eyes hard as rock. "I mean, if Seth and Eleanor are together you'll be at risk of butting heads more than ever."
"But the farther apart they are, the more Seth...and Eleanor, will not be the same. If anything they could die without each other, you know the ways of the imprints."
"Yeah but Seth is a child. He's too young to know what love is."
"He's a year younger than you are, there's not much of a difference."
"There's a big difference!" At this point, Jacob starts to growl and his fists ball up tight. "Seth is just a baby. He's too young to understand."

Everyone looked at him in disbelief and furrowed brows. Suddenly, their canine like senses heard a rustling sound from outside of the door. Jacob and Leah stood for up and headed for the open door, the pack following behind.

They stopped in their tracks as Seth was standing in the doorway, looking at Jacob with eyes of fire. The pack was standing nearby, away from the house and possible fight that could occur.

"Seth, I-" Jacon started, but Seth cut him off.
"Don't. Say. it." Seth hissed. "I can't believe you Jake."
"But Seth-"
"Shut up!" Jacob stepped back, startled a little at Seth's sudden bark at him. "You don't have the gall to say that I do not understand what love is."
"Seth, I-I'm only trying to protect you! You need someone who will take care of you and won't try and break your heart. Don't you want that?"
"I had that...or I thought I had that," Written on Seth's poor face was the hurt and sadness inside of him. Tears were peaking out, but he tried to fight them back. "Eleanor doesn't want me."
"She's a leech lover." Jacob said. "Let her be with that heartless bastard. You can find someone better."
"No," Leah exclaimed from beside Jacob. "You two are wrong. We all were."
"What are you saying?" Seth asked.
"Seth, she didn't leave to be with someone else. She was taken away. It was someone who she was close to when she lived in Indiana. They asked her to stay but she came back...for you."
"H-How do you know!?" Seth asked as he looked at his sister in disbelief.
"I ran into her earlier today. Look I know it may seem shocking that I would go up and talk to her but I didn't believe that she would do something like that. And I know you don't either. She came back for you Seth, to be with you."
"She...I-I...." Seth couldn't find the correct words to say. He realized the mistake he had made in telling Eleanor he wouldn't accept her imprint.

Seth ran out of the house, away from everyone. He ran his way to Eleanor's house, in need of her. He knew it was a longshot that she would forgive him but he would try. He'd get down on his knees and beg if he had to.

All that mattered was her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well there's chapter 13! This took me a while to write, like days! Sorry if this didn't thrill you guys or please you in some way whatsoever but I do hope you enjoy it'

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