Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe

Let me tell you

Eleanor was now home alone, with her parents working the night shift. Normally she would have the pack over, but Eleanor talked her way of being along tonight. She sat on the living room couch downstairs with an old movie on. She stayed away from the romantic movies she usually watched, right now she watched as the killer ran through the forest after the damel in distress with a bloody dagger in hand.

The coffee table she had her legs propped up on was filled with bottles of water and empty soda cans. She drank the liquid non stop until now, she had to take bathroom breaks every often.

She trailed upstairs in search for a spare blanket. Most likey she would sleep downstairs tonight. Halfway up the stairs she stopped to sniff the air. It was a sweet sort of smell, it tickled her nose as she sniffed the air. It was sort of familiar to her as she went up the stairs.

The smell grew stronger as she went towards her room. Hesitantly she opened the door to her bedroom slowly, the hinges creaking. The room was dark but the light of the moon beamed into it, lighting it slightly. As she stepped into the room she looked out onto the balcony through the glass window and open curtains. A tall dark figure was leaning back on the railing of the balcony.

As she got closer, the figure on the balcony got clearer. She smiled as her eyes met the strangers and opened the door to the balcony and stepped outside.

"Hello beautiful." Xavier spoke as he leaned his body against the railing.
"What are you doing here?" Eleanor asked as she walked up to him.
"I came to check on you; see if you were okay."

Xavier was looking down at her slightly. He lifted his hand and gently brushed back a piece of her hair and hid it behind her ear. Eleanor flinched slightly as the cold flesh bruised up against her skin.

"You see when Elliot left you and the imprint that you told me about, he was still able to hear you. So he heard everything."
"I'm fine," Eleanor said, trying to mask her pain. "Seriously, you don't have to worry."
"Eleanor, I know when you're lying," Eleanor looked away from him as tears were begging to come out. Xavier softly grabbed her chin and made her looked straight at him. "Your eyes are so different now. So lifeless and cold. The last time you were like this was..."

Xavier couldn't finish, he didn't really have to. The last time Eleanor really cried like this was when Masson passed on, leaving the family forever. Eleanor let the tears fall from her dead eyes, she couldn't hold it in anymore. Xavier stroked her cheek softly and wiped away a few tears with his thumb.

"I don't know what to do," Eleanor sobbed, her voice breaking. "Seth wants nothing to do with my anymore. H-He already found someone else a-and now.....I shouldn't have come back."
"So why do you stay? Why don't you leave?"
"I feel like the only way I can survive is if I see him. Just one look and I feel like I can live again. But then at the same time, it hurts to know that I can't have him. That if I can't have him, life won't matter anymore. I still love him."
"So what's stopping you? If this imprinting situation is so powerful, why can't you see him? Set everything straight?"
"His alpha won't even let him look at me."
"He said he couldn't, that doesn't mean you couldn't. You're not apart of his pack, you're the alpha of yours. Nothing should get in the way."

Eleanor thought for a moment as Xavier pulled down his hand from his face. Eleanor knew he was right. It was like she was obeying everything that Sam was demanding. Sam demanded that Seth, even the pack wouldn't see Eleanor, but that did mean Eleanor had to obey, did it?

"There's something I don't understand." Eleanor said, raising an eyebrow.
"And that is?" Xavier asked.
"Why are you telling me this? I mean you of all people should be ecstatic that I'm....single."

Xavier looked at her for a few moments with a blank stare. Suddenly he cracked a smile and snorted a laugh. Eleanor looked at him puzzled while he gently laughed. He stopped after a while and looked at Eleanor with a smile. Eleanor froze in place as Xavier leaned in closer and closer to her until his cold lips pressed against her warm ones. She did not kiss back. Eleanor shivered under the kiss as a chill ran down her spine. Xavier pulled away from Eleanor, still grinning.

"I love you," Xavier said as he leaned on the railing. "If it were up to me, we'd be living together. Just the two of us. But...not even I could break this thing you call an imprint. And let's face it Ella, it only works if the other person felt the same way."

Eleanor sucked in her lips as she placed a hand on the railing. She loved Xavier, she really did. But not like she loved Seth.

"Someone's coming." Xavier said.

Suddenly Xavier's body got tense and his expression changed. Eleanor perked up a little, a familiar scent filling her senses. It wasn't the smell of a human however, the faint smell was husky and strong, like a wolf as if one of her pack members were coming. But scent had another smell to it; the sweet smell of mint and sugar mixed into it. She recognized the intoxicating smell, it was Seth.

"Seth..." Eleanor whispered unintentionally.
"Looks like he felt the same way." Xavier said winking at her as he could smell Seth's scent as well. "I should go."

Xavier gave Eleanor a kiss on the forehead and in a flash he was gone. Eleanor sighed as she stood alone there on her balcony. She sniffed the air once again, she grew more tense as Seth's scent grew stronger; he was coming closer to the house.

She turned to the forest in her backyard where the scent had been coming from. She stepped back a little and her heart started going crazy when she saw him coming towards the house in his human form. Shirtless, in nothing but his cut offs. Seth walked up to the house and looked up at Eleanor as she leaned on the railing.

"Ella..." Seth whispered.
"What are you doing here Seth?" Eleanor asked softly to him.

Seth swiftly moved to the side of the balcony and jumped onto the wall. When his foot hit the wall, he used that as a push to jump off of the wall, towards the balcony. He hung onto the railing of the balcony and pulled himself onto the balcony. When his feet hit the floor of the balcony, Eleanor moved to the other end of the balcony and leaned on the railing as Seth slowly walked up to her.

"There was a vampire here wasn't there?" Seth asked as he sniffed the air. Xavier's scent still lingered around.
"So what if there was?"
"Are you crazy!? What if something happened to you?"
"Well, last time I checked you didn't care if I was with a vampire or not."

Seth bit his lip for a moment. His stance was timid, but at the same time stiff as Eleanor looked at him with eyes of rock.

"Ella...I was wrong. I-I shouldn't have acted the way I did, I should have let you explain."
"Yeah," Eleanor said walking into her room. "You should have."
"Ella.." Seth whispered as he followed her. She stopped infront of her bed and turned to look at him. "I-I can't stay away from you any longer. Every day that goes by that I don't talk to you, every minute that passes that I'm not with you, I feel myself tearing apart from the inside."
"Y-Yeah, acted like a real jackass."

Seth looked at her in question as her attempt to make Seth feel like crap failed her. Truth be told she felt the same. She could not live without him, the fact that he was here pouring apologies out to her was overwhelming. Eleanor smiled softly as Seth snorted out a chuckle and a smile. They hadn't seen each other's smiles in what was like years.

"Look," Seth started, his smiling falling. "About that girl...the one you saw me with? She-,"
"Wait," Eleanor interrupted. Seth looked at her in confusion ad she bit her lip. "Let me go first."