Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe


“You. Cannot. Be. Serious.” Lucky said, pausing at every word. The three wolves sat at the kitchen table in Eleanor’s kitchen. Eleanor had explaied everything to them, from Seth’s story to the plan he had concaucted the night before. The two male wolves were shocked to the bone while Xara sat there by Eleanor’s side completely ecstatic at the thought of the two imprints patching up their differences and finally coming together.

“Ella this is amazing,” Xara said as thrilled as a young baby wolf. A wide grin appeared on her face as the two males looekd distressed and worried.

“H-Hold on a second,” Jameson said. “Ella this guy rejected your imprit before because of raging jealouy, how do you know something bad’s not going to happen?’
“Look,” Eleanor sighed. “If this was any other guy I would have left him hanging at first beach in the cold. But we’re dealing with the subject of imprinting. And besides…Seth’s different.”
“How do you knoww?” Lucky asked.”
“I just do…and besides it’s not just for me, he’s doing it for you guys too.”
“What is he going to try and romace us too by the open fire!?”
“Knock it off, this is serious. We know you guys loved hanging out with Quil, Embry and Jared and we thought this would be the perfect time for you guys to hang out and rekindle again.”
“As slightly disturbing and awkward that sounds,” Xara spoke. “Didn’t you guys say it would be nice to have some more company around other than Ella and myself?”

The two wolves looked at each other in defeat. They sighed and mumbled their agreements as they looked down at the table.

“W-What about Jacob, Leah and Paul? Last time we all got together it didnt exactly end with a happily ever after.” Lucky asked.
“Yeah, and Sam?” Jameson asked. “I’m pretty sure he’s not okay with it.”
“Those three don’t have to know anything, and all Sam needs is both stories and everything will be under the bridge with him.”
“So you’re sure everything’s going to be alright?”
“Honestly..I cant promise there won’t any problems but there’s no harm in trying.”

The two wolves sighed once again, but smiled weakly as they agreed to the plan. Xara grinned widely with exhilaration as Eleanor smiled as well. Inside she was bouncing with anxiety and thrill as she awaits for the right time to leave for


The four wolves waited in the forest for Seth to arrive. At a nearby walking distance was the cliff that Seth told them to meet at. Eleanor leaned on a close by tree, wearing a simple black tank top and denim shorts, while Xara sat on a large rock with a similar outfit: a yellow stripped tank with shorts too. Lucky and Jameson stood nearby as well, shirtless with cargo shorts on.

The pack was in light conversation until they heard a snapping noise, as well as a a familiar scent. Xara and Eleanor rose up from thieir positions as thy saw Seth as well as Sam, Embry, Quil, well as Paul walking towards them. All except for Seth, had a look of confusion upon their faces as they saw Eleanor and her pack.

“Seth,” Sam said, as they all stood face to face with each other. “What’s going on?”
“Look Sam,” Seth said as he stood next to Eleanor. “I know you said not too, and I know that you guys have strong doubts about Ella and her pack but…I just couldn’t stay away from her any longer.”
“Seth, what you’re doing is a big mistake. We can’t trust them.”
“Sam, please. What would you do if you and Emily were in our place?”

Sam had a stern and unsympathetic look on his face. He continued to stare at Seth with his dark eyes, occasionally looking at Eleanor and her pack. After a while, he sighed at the sight of Eleanor and Seth together, he could feel the strong onnection between the two. Something the reminded him of him and Emily.

“Fiine.” Sam said in a harsh tone. From him slight smiles crept on the faces of Jared, Quil and Embry. Well…all except for Paul, he however his look was..unreadable. Far diffferent than the usual bite – your – head – off scowl he had towards Eleanor’s pack.

Seth smiled widely and turned to Eleanor and her pack.

“Well you guys,” Seth said. “Let me introduce you to a Quiluete boy’s past time we like to call: Cliffdiving.”
“Cliffdiving?” Xara asked with cofussion. “You guys jump off that cliff fifteen feet from the ocean?”
“Yeah,” Jared spoke up with a grin. “You guys arent scared are you?”
“Please,” Jameson scoffed with a laugh. “Hobart may not be as ‘exciting’ as La push, but we like to take risks.”
“Well Jameson,” Eleanor said. “If you’re so high and mighty with courage, why don’t you go first?”
“Well, don’t mind if I do.” Jameson started to walk over to the edge of the cliff.
“W-Wait!” Paul spoke up, coming to the front of the pack. He walked up to Eleanor, with eyes of sympathy and regret. “Look, Eleanor…you guys. About my actions..I just wanted to say im so sorry for what I said. I don’t mean everything that I say when im angry it’s just…I figured that if more shapeshifters come along more trouble would too and I didn’t want any more problems for the pack and…I was wrong to misjudge you and your pack.”

Eleanor looked at Paul, her eyes turning soft just a little. She turned to her pack looking for approval. They smiled just a bit, giving her approval. But Lucky walked over to them and stepping in between them, facing Paul. They looked at each other, Paul still with a look of commiseration and worry, while Luky stood tall and hard as a rock. Moments passed, and a grin appeard on his face.

“So who jumps first?” Lucky said, nudging Paul just a little.
“Well, I think the brave Eleanor should go first.” Paul laughed as he eyed Eleanor.
“Now, wait a minute, she’s never even done this before.” Seth said as he placed a hand on Eleanor’s back protectivingly. “If she goes one of us has to go with her.”
“I’ll go with her.” Someone spoke. It was a woman’s voice. They all looked behind them and saw a familiar figure walking towards them. Someone they didn’t think would come along with them.
“Leah,” Seth said as he saw his sister approach them. Eleanor and Leah starred each other down as Leah got closer and closer. Without word, Leah and Eleanor started to walk to th edge of the cliff. But Leah stopped suddenly as Seth grabbed her by the arm.

“Do not let her get hurt.” Seth warned her. Leah just looked at him blankly and snatched her arm back. She turned back to Eleanor and walked with her to the cliff. Tension grew between them as they walked closer to the edge.

“You’re not going to push me off the edge hoping for me death are you?” Eleanor asked as they stopped walking.
“No,” Leah laughed a little. “I just wanted to take the opportunity to say…thank you.”
“For what?”
“For giving my baby brother a chancce. Seeing him everyday like that, it really tore me apart.”
“Well, I really did it for Seth but…you’re welcome. So..are you just being nice to me because my imprint happens to be your brother?”
“At first I did, I mean you two are imprints so I’ll be seeing a lot of you now. But..I was a child when I did that to you. Pressure of high school was so overwhelming, I was the disreputable bad girl who got into fights and I needed to keep my rep up. I even got into fights with my so called ‘”friends,” and then I realized how much of a friend you reallly were. I mean, we had a pretty good relationship until….you know. You were willing do so much for everyone. I took advantage of you, but you were a real friend…and I wasn’t.”

Eleanor stood for a moment before smiling a little. It felt a little weird havig Leah apologize to her, she never thought she’d see the day that Leah would step up to the plate.

“Well, we are going to see a lot of each other more often. So we better get used to each other.”

Eleanor grabbed Leah’s hand for a moment and they jumped off the fifteen foot cliff. The wind was rushing through their hot skin and hair as they got closer and closer to the water. They held they breathe as the sight of the water was piercingly close to them. They collided with the water, from the sound of the wind sweeping their ears to the muffled hum of the water. As soon as their bodies stopped moving down further into the water, they both started to swim to the surface.

Both girls took their breathes as they came up from the water. They treaded in the water as Eleanor looked up to the fifteen foot tall cliff as she saw the rest of the packs watch them from the top.

“Wow.” Eleanor said trying to catch her lost breath. Leah laughed at her as she watched in awe. After a moment they started to swim to the shore of the beach.

“So,” Leah said as they sat on the sand. “What’d you think?”
“You guys do that sort of thing a lot?” Eleanor asked as she held her legs close to her chest. She smiled as she Leah nodded. “Then we’re going to have to hang out a lot more.”
“Just do it when the weather’s just right. When the wind is going crazy, it’s suicide.”
“I can see why.” Eleanor noticed how smooth the water was moving against the bottom of the cliff. Had this been a regular cold and gloomy day in La Push and Forks and theye had jumped, they wouldn’t have come out of there alive.

The two girls watched as the rest of the packs jumped off of the exceedingly tall cliff elevated from the water. They practically threw Jared and Jameson off the edge and laughed as the shrill of their laughter was heard practically miles away. Next from where they can see Xara jumped off along with what was assumed to be Embry and Quil. And to Eleanor’s surprise, it was just who Xara was walking with as they came out of the water.
Then Lucky and Paul jumped together and all who were left were Sam and Seth. As they stood at the top of the cliff, Sam stood with Seth with a dead on gaze at him.

“Seth,” Sam spoke as he turned to him. “What you did was wrong. You went behind our backs and you disobeyed my orders.”
“Sam,” Seth said. “I know I went behind your back but what I did…i-it felt just so absolutely….right. I mean, I’ve never felt this way before about anyone. Ella she..she’s everything to me. I’m being torn apart each and every moment knowing I couldn’t see her, scared for my life thinking she can end up in the arms of someone else. I am head over heels for every single little detail that is her; her flaws and everything. Did you feel that way when you imprinted on Emily?”

Sam stood there for a moment, his stare softening a tad until he sighed deeply. He brought his hand up and ran it through his jet black hair.

“If this was some other girl I randomly met on the street I prorbably wouldn’t have given her a second glance but Eleanor…even you know she’s different than most people. You even said it yourself ‘she’s a keeper.’”

Seth was right, Sam did say those exact words. She was able to make him happy; happier than the guys had ever seen. And Seth was known for being so cheerful and full of amusement. Even he was able to change the way Eleanor saw life. She was happier now than ever since she had met Seth and she knew that.

Sam brought his hand up to the top of Seth’s messy hair and patted it a few times as a kindly gesture to him. He brought it down from him as Seth huffed in annoyance.

“I’m sorry for going behind your back but I’m not sorry for seeing her. You can’t stop us from seeing each other.”
“No….,” Sam sighed as he looked at Seth. “I guess I can’t. Seth, I’ve seen the way you look at her. It reminds me of Emily and myself. When I imprinted on her, nothing stood in my way of getting close to her. I…I mean, what kind of person would I be if I let two imprints go on without each other?”

Seth smiled greatfully as tears welled up inside his loving eyes. He was glad Sam was giving him his blessing, and even more contented finding out that both packs were getting along well.


Both packs were now at ease as they were at Sam and Emily’s blue painted house. Emily, Leah and Xara were sitting at the table in conversation; occasionally watching the boys loaf on the couch and play video games while Seth and Eleanor sat on the porch next to each other. Seth wrapped his arm around Eleanor’s shoulder as she leaned onto Seth’s bare shoulder. Occasionally Seth would turn his head towards Eleanor’s slightly damp hair, and he would kiss the scalp and black strands sneaking a smell; the smell of strawberries was purely exhilarating. The blush tinted on her cheeks grew redder as she felt his face make contact with the top of her head.

Eleanor held Seth’s hand as ot was drapped over her shoulder. She fiddled with the fingers a little brfore she brought the back side of his hand up to her face until her lips brushed up against it slightly. Seth couldn’t help but bite his lip and blush at the contact as she kissed the skin again and again.

Seth brought the hand away from her and moved it, holding Eleanor by the waist. She turned towards Seth as she let go of his fingers and placed it down ontop of his knee. Seth pressed his forehead against Eleanor’s and he sighed. As their foreheads were pushed against each other they looked in each other’s eyes. It was as if they were imprinting once again, their hearts a flutter and their limbs shaky.

“Seth…” Eleanor breathed as he found him inching closer to her. They closed their eyes, waiting for each others touch.

A sudden ruffling of leaves were heard from a distance made the two jump. On instinct the two stood up, facing the direction the noise came from. There in the distance the two saw a very rage ridden beta as he looked at the two together. Eleanor’s jaw clenched in anger at the sight of him, her eyes growing dark with fury. Seth started to panic as he could feel Eleanor’s rage vent from her as she stood there locking eyes with the beta. Seth opened his mouth, not knowing what to do.

♠ ♠ ♠
I am so, so sorry to make you guys wait for me for so long, I was going through something stressful that caused me to take a pause on my writing. But I'm getting over it, and I'm currently updating "I Never Told You" and I just recently started a new story involving Taylor Lautner and Luke Bilyk called "He just needs somebody to love." I would deeply appreciate it if you guys would check out that story for now, it's a little slow on process but i have a good feeling about it. Also I just wrote a Booboo Stewart one shot that was written for a fellow reader on Quizilla, so I hope you guys check that out as well and when you do I hope you guys like it.

So anyways, hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Comment/Subscribe! :)