Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe

Falling Into Place

Jacob stood there near the trees, a look of confusion struck his face as his eyes shifted from Seth to Eleanor repeatedly. As Jacob slowly started walking towards them, Seth put an arm out infront of Eleanor.

"Seth," Jacob said, looking towards Eleanor. "What's she doing here?"
"I invited her here," Seth replied, as if nothing was wrong." Her and her pack. I talked it over with Sam, he said it wasn't right to keep imprints away from each other."
"What about Leah and-,"
"Leah apologized. And so did Paul."

Jacob's face fell in shock. Some sort of hurt and betrayal shown in his eyes.

"Jacob, Ella and I, we-...." Seth stopped himself short. Dare he say the magic L word so soon? "She is my imprint, don't you understand? I was there when Bella-,"
"Hey," Jacob scolded. "That is nothing like this!"
"It is exactly like this!"

Seth's voice boomed throughout the scenery, it was so loud, Jacob steppes back a little. Even Eleanor looked at Seth with surprise. Seth walked back to Eleanor and softly took her hand.

"Eleanor is staying," Seth said. "That's that."

Eleanor smiled softly at Seth, and she tightened her grip just a bit. They both looked at Jacob, he was shaking. His eyes shifted left and right, at both Seth and Eleanor. Then his eyes shifted to the back, the pack peeking out from behind Sam, all of them aware of the occurence.

"I....," Jacob didn't know what to say. His eyes laid on Eleanor, but she couldn't read his eyes clearly as she always could. To their surprise, Jacob turned around and ran, into the forest.

"Let him go Seth." Sam said. Eleanor and Seth turned around in surprise to see everyone close to the door, Sam and Paul standing in the front. "Just let him be. He'll be fine."

Seth nodded, understanding. Seth looked back to Eleanor and they smiled at each other. Seth bent down slightly and pressed his lips to her forehead and rested his arms around her shoulders. Eleanor sighed with ease as the warmth of Seth's lips were pressed against her forehead. She could feel his heart beat from beneath his chest as she took in his scent.

Everything was falling into place now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my goodness you guys, it's been so long since I've updated, and I am so sorry!!!! There's no real reason for my absence except for lack of inspiration and laziness. But I've come up with a few inspirational bits, not just for this story but for all of my others!!! I just want to thank every one of my subscribers for staying with me. I really thought I'd have like 0 subscribers by now due to my lack of absence! But I'm so thankful every one of you all stayed with me! Tha k you everyone!!!

Expect more from me soon!! :)