Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe

Lady in waiting

As Eleanor slowly woke up from a dreamless sleep, she found herself in an unfamiliar room. She laid in a bed under a white cottoned bed cover. As she sat up in the bed, she grew confused as she looked around the room. She pulled off the blanket cautiously; she sighed with relief as she found herself still dressed her pajamas. She groaned softly as she tried to remember what had happened previously. She tried to retrace her steps from the last things she could process. First there was the wedding, then she remembered singing at the wedding...and her mother talking about marriage and homecoming, and she remembered coming home the previous night and then Seth.....

"Seth," Eleanor whispered, touching her lips softly. The kiss she shared with him last night, hot and gnarly like a dead carcass. And then...he changed. "Elliot..."

Eleanor swung her body off the bed and stood up. She could feel her blood starting to boil from within her. She gripped her forehead, trying to phase. She could just feel her inner wolf just begging to burst out, but somehow she started to grow weak and she slowly got onto her knees. She breathed heavily as she once again grew confused, why couldn't she phase?

She started to panic. She got up and ran towards the door, she tried to open it but it was locked. She figured it might have been stuck, this room did look quite old, so she started to yank on it as she wiggled the door knob. She gave up as it wouldn't budge. She quickly found a mahogany chair in front of a vanity. She gripped it by the back and picked it up. She positioned herself in front of the door and she started to swing.

As she chair was in the air, the door started to open and there stood an unfamiliar vampire in the doorway. A normal person would have put the chair down, but Eleanor saw him as an enemy, and she swung the chair. She expected the chair to collide with him somehow, but the vampire's reflexes were far too quick; he gripped the chair and snatched it away from him. Eleanor gasped as the chair was pulled out of her grasp and she started to back away as the vampire walked into the room. He was fairly tall, about 6'3 or so; his jet hair slicked back and a striking jawline. His outfit was definitely not what she expected, he was dressed formally, white collared shirt, black tie and black dress pants.

Eleanor's back suddenly hit the wall, and now he was hovering over her. She dared not to look up into his eyes, for she knew he was staring daggers at her.

"Is she awake yet?" A woman's voice hollered from the hallway. The larger vampire turned around and Eleanor looked at the door way. In walked a thin and tall female vampire with something black on her arm. The woman wore a dress where the top half was white and the bottom half was colored black. Around her scoop neckline it was graced with ruffles. The dress hugged her body like a blanket and reached the top of her knees. Her hair was bleached blonde, almost white sort of, and was pulled in a tight ballet bun. She looked at Eleanor and smiled. "Oh dear, she's shaking. Rupert get away from her and go inform the others."

The vampire named Rupert walked away from Eleanor and to the woman, grabbing the black jacket she handed him.

"Who are you?" Eleanor barked as Rupert disappeared.
"Oh dear, where are my manners," The woman giggled. "My name is Elaine."
"Where the hell am I? The fuck is going on!?"
"Language dear. You're in Winchester."
"You're in Wales dear. The United Kingdom."
"Are you serious!? I swear, you better get me out of here or I'm going to kill you."
"I'm afraid you can't do that dear."
"Watch me."
"No I mean, you really can't. You see that choker you're wearing?"

Eleanor brought her hand up and felt something around her neck. She went over to the vanity mirror and saw a white Victorian chocker with a red jewel in the middle of it.

"That choker there is enchanted. It's made to keep you from phasing. Or have any abilities really. No high sense of smell, hearing, none of them. Didn't it confuse you when you didn't hear anyone coming, or the fact that you can barely smell me? As long as that choker's can't do anything."
"So I'll just take it off."
" use for it. See, there are other vampires here in the castle, far more than one wolf can handle and if you take it off well...we'll all be forced to kill you."

Eleanor sighed as she leaned on the vanity table. What was she to do?

"Well, get dressed."
"What? For what?"
"Well, we can't keep them waiting, eveyone's so anxious to meet you darling. Especially father. Everything you need is in the closet, I'll leave you to your privacy."
"Hey wai-,"

But she left. Eleanor sighed once again, she couldn't do anything or they'll kill her. She couldn't phase, and she couldn't take off the choker without possibly thousands of vampires coming for her. She wondered, where her family was and if they were able to find her before something could happen. She eyed the closet from across the room, worried about what she might find in there. She walked over to the closet and opened it slightly, hanging in the closet was a single white dress. The sleeves were kimono like and the v-neck was low, probably down the middle of her chest. Below the dress were undergarments.

When she slipped on the dress, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She must admit, for vampires they had good taste in fashion.

"Are you ready?" Elaine called from the hallway. Without waiting for an answer she opened the bedroom door. As she looked Eleanor over she smiled. Already in her hand she had a pair of white one inch heel sandals and handed them over to Eleanor. "These should fit you just fine."

Eleanor hesitantly took the sandals from Elaine and slipped them on. They were a perfect fit. Elaine too her but the hand and sat her at the vanity and she started to do Eleanor's makeup and brushes her hair down.

"Caleb?" Elaine hollered. Eleanor looked up to see another male vampire walking into the room. As he walked in he eyed Eleanor up and down, marveling her presence. "Eleanor this is Caleb. He will be helping me escort you out."

Eleanor looked up at Caleb, he winked at her and smirked.

The walk down the hallway seemed long and endless, Eleanor took the opportunity to look and observe her surroundings carefully. There were paintings of old of what Eleanor figured to be of past residents. Eleanor noticed that the attire was very mid evil like, something you wouldn't see everyday. Soon they came across a large dinig table. As soon as Eleanor stepped inside, every vampire sitting around the table stood up. There were hundreds of pale faced, golden eyed vampires just staring at her. Some gave her blank cold stares, some licked their lips just wanting to take a bite out of her.

"Introducing," Someone announced. "Our lady in waiting, Miss Eleanor Princeton of La Push Washington, America."

The room was silent, Eleanor could just feel everyone's eyes staring her like a piece of meat. Well, technically she was.
"This way," Elaine said walking forward, and Eleanor followed her as well as Caleb.
At the front of the table sat a older vampire, with silverish hair and a beard, making him look quite distinguished.
"So nice to finally meet you Miss Princeton," The older vampire remarked as he stood in front of her.
Eleanor sighed, knowing she was in more trouble than before. She looked over and she froze, automatically her fists clenched and she felt her blood getting hotter as Elliot stood across the table from her, hair slicked back and dressed formally, smirking at her. Elaine walked around the table and stood next to Elliot in front of the open chair.
"Doesn't she look marvelous Father," Elaine said.
"Why yes," The father vampire said. "Elliot clearly has good taste. If you will Eleanor, please take a seat."

Everyone took their seats and scooted their chairs in, all well but Eleanor and Elliot. Eleanor stared down Elliot, and Elliot continued to gawkingly smirk at her.

"Please Eleanor," Elliot said, his voice making Eleanor cringe. "You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself do you?"

Eleanor could have lunged forward, could have attacked Elliot like a rabid animal. However the father vampire laid a hand on Eleanor's shoulder; she looked up at him as he gently squeezed it with his fingers. Eleanor looked at everyone, everyone was indeed staring at her. Eleanor hesitantly and slowly sat down as Caleb pulled out her chair. Once her bottom hit the cushion, Caleb pushed the chair in.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Eleanor," The father vampire said, laying a hand on top of Eleanor's. Eleanor flinched as the cold skin hit hers. "But you have....enthralled us. Elliot especially."

Eleanor sucked in her lips, in her mind she knew these vampires were going to use her for their benefit. But what exactly?

"Elaine, I assume you have her dressings ready for later tonight?" The father vampire asked.
"Oh yes father," Elaine said, her voice chirpping like a bird. "I have her dress ready for tonight, and tomorrow morning. Everything is set up for Elliot and Eleanor's big day."
"W-Wait," Eleanor finally said. "What big day, what do you people want?"
"Oh dear me, I don't seem to be getting anything right tonight. You see Eleanor...this is your engagement party."

Eleanor could feel her heart dropping at the word engagement. As she looked over at Elliot, the smirk was gone, only a hard frown played on his face. Eleanor looked around at the people just staring at her. At that moment, she didn't know what to do, so she got up from the table and ran out of the room.

Caleb got up and was about to go after her, but Elliot retaliated.

"Caleb!" Elliot scolded. "I'll go."

Caleb nodded, sitting back down in his chair. Elliot got up and walked out of the dining room.
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