Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe

The return to Forks

As she sits in the passenger seat, leaving Hobart, Indiana after three years, she leans on the arm rest looking out of the window thinking to herself how she can survive Forks once again. Knowing she would have to finish her senior year in La Push, she was tense with the thought of seeing them again. She wonders, would they remember her, would she even see them ever again? It is possible that Leah would have left; as Eleanor remember, her senior year had ended two years ago, so it is a possibility that Eleanor would at least never see her again.
But Jacob Black; they were the same age. She cringed as she thought of him. She wondered if he had gone through the change as well. She had known about the Quiluete legends as a child, knowing about their descendents from wolves, and when she changed, she knew Jacob would have changed soon as well.
A hand was softly placed with hers; she looked down at the hand as the fingers intertwined with hers. She looked to her side and her mother was smiling sympathetically at her.
“Hey,” She whispered. “Don’t be so on edge. You’re going to be fine when we get to Forks.”
Eleanor sighed, trying to calm herself down. She laid her back on the seat, trying to imagine calm collected things. Though, it was quite hard for either of them to relax, with the casket that belonged to them that was waiting for them at the Morgue in Forks, was forever haunting them.
Forks remained the same. Sad and wet, but though it look the same, somehow it felt different. It felt livelier in a way that she didn’t recognize. She took the chance to look at the window and take a moment to look at the buildings that passed. Yep, still the same. Different faces, but still the same old Forks.
Their first stop was their brand new home. A few things had been flown and placed in the right places in their new house, such as the beds, Eleanor’s desk for her room, the dresser drawers and a few cabinets for display. All they had to do was unpack the items that belonged to the empty spaces that filed the room. They unloaded the boxes from the moving truck and started.
With a few breaks and a good six hours or so, they got all of the unpacking done. Eleanor’s room was fully finished as well as the master bedroom and the bathrooms. The living and family room wasn’t quite done yet, but they’d save that for tomorrow. And as for the kitchen, the kitchen ware was put in the right place, but the refrigerator and freezer lacked the necessities it needed.
They went out to the grocery store in search for the food needed. Eleanor walked around the store leaving her mom to look for the food herself. She walked around, with her hands in her skinny jean pockets, looking around aimlessly. She began to drift off in thought thinking about starting school again, she hoped that things would be better, that maybe Jacob had died a horrible death and cursed out her name with his last breath, or Leah was raped and thrown away like a rag doll. She smiled to herself at the though. At least she was feeling somewhat better. 
Her fantasy was interrupted as she accidentally made contact with someone and made them drop their groceries on accident.
“Oh my gosh,” The girl pleaded. “I am so sorry!”
“N-No, it was my fault,” Eleanor said. They both crouched down, picking up the items, not making eye contact with each other. “I’m really sorry, I was spacing out.”
“No really, its alright I-,”
The girl looked to Eleanor with wide eyes. Her mouth agape as she looked at her. Eleanor looked very familiar to the girl, like she saw her in a dream before. Eleanor cocked an eyebrow as the brunette continued to stare at her.
“”I-I’m sorry,” The girl said as she snapped out of her gaze. The two girls rose up, standing straight, and Eleanor returned the things to her. “It’s just…you look so familiar to me. H-Have we met before?”
“I don’t think so,” Eleanor laughed. “I haven’t lived in Forks in year. But…you do look kind of familiar. But it might just be nothing.” She reached out her hand to shake, and the girl gladly took it in her hand. “I’m Eleanor.”
“E-Eleanor? Eleanor Princeton?” Eleanor furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. How did this girl know her whole name already? “Oh my gosh, I remember now! I-It’s me! Bella? Isabella Swan?
Eleanor’s eyes went wide and her mouth formed the perfect O shape. She couldn’t believe her eyes; this couldn’t be the Isabella Swan she wrote to all those years. Even after Eleanor moved that day, Eleanor still wrote to her, well E-Mailed her. They were more like E-Pals rather than Pen Pals. Over their letters, they would send photos of each other to know what the other looked like, even v-chatted as to make sure the other wasn’t some sort of pedophile from down the street. They had become extremely close; they called themselves Ella and Bella. Cute right? Well, they thought so.
“Oh my God!” Eleanor wrapped her arms around Bella, finally having physical contact with her. To Bella’s Surprise, she Eleanor was warm; more like hot, but it was because of her wolf like background that caused it. Bella hadn’t known Eleanor she was a shape shifter, and Eleanor didn’t think she needed to. Eleanor wasn’t hot enough to make Bella sweat, but warm enough to keep her comfort in the winter.
“I can’t believe-,” They spoke at the same time. “H-how did you-, you look amazing!” They laughed as they spoke at the same time. They had never thought they were ever come across each other. They had hoped, but they thought it would never come.
“What is going on!?” They looked, and saw Eleanor’s mother come across them.
“Mom,” Eleanor spoke. “This is Bella! Remember, my E-Pal from middle school?”
“Oh, yes, I remember! Its good to finally meet you Bella.”
“Likewise Mrs. Princeton.”
They two young girls continue to converse and shopped together. They wanted to catch up, to find out what had been going on in their lives since the last time they talked. They haven’t talked in a few months, it got a little hard to explain what they were going through in a simple email that the other never knew about.
When they were through with shopping, Eleanor walked with Bella to her car. They decided to meet up this Saturday before Eleanor would start school, to catch up on previous things. They exchanged phones numbers Bella wrapped her arms around her again.
“It was so good to see you Ella.”
“Me too Bella.”
Eleanor watched her drive off, and when the car disappeared, she turned back to see her mom waiting for her outside of the car. Eleanor smiled walking over to the passenger seat.
“See, I Knew you would find some friends.” Her mom said, getting into the car. Eleanor smiled and opened the car door. She was about to get into the vehicle, when someone across the street caught her eye. From where she as standing she saw four guys, and out of all of them, the youngest looking one caught her attention, though he couldn’t have been a year younger than her.
She caught his attention as well, they locked eyes with each other, and time seemed to slow at that moment. They felt a sort of pull towards each other, to them, they saw no one else and only they existed in each other’s eyes.
“Eleanor, let’s go!” Her mother exclaimed. She slowly snapped out her daze and took her seat in the car. Thankfully, she didn’t see the boy walk into an open door and hit his cheek and nose with the impact; she didn’t see him watch the car drive off with pleading eyes and walk away with the three other men embarrassed as they teased him.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's the first official chapter! The one before this was a prologue, so this one is the official one. So Eleanor finally meets Bella in person, but who was the mystery person she saw on the street? Can you guess? And who is the person in the casket waiting for her in the morgue? Her father? Brother? GUESS! Your subscriptions make me smile, your comments make my day!