Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe


They spent the last period together, Eleanor was slowly starting to let Seth in her life now. They walked out together, wanting to walk out hand in hand. Eleanor wanted this day to last, but the worst had to come. She froze as she saw Leah walking toward her, her dead on glare still in tact.

"What do you want?" Eleanor asked.
"Look," Leah said, feeling a little uneasy. "I know that I'm probably out of my luck, but I wanted to let you know that....I-I'm sorry."
"Are you serious?"

Eleanor looked at her in disbelief, Leah's silence said it all. Eleanor rolled her eyes and walked past her, bumping their shoulders against each other. Being the person she was, Leah grabbed her hand and turned her around. Leah started to shake, and she started to growl.

"Hey, I'm trying to apologize to you, and if you're going to be like that would be a grave mistake."
"The only mistake made was thinking we could be friends. And think twice before fighting an Alpha, that wouldn't be brightest thing you've ever done."

Eleanor turned and walked away towards her car. Leah turned around to Seth looking for support.

"She's got a point." Seth said laughing. Leah's mouth dropped as Seth walked past her. She watched as Seth called her name jogged up to her. Eleanor turned around to see him and she smiled, just a tad.

Seth walked with Eleanor to her car, disappointed at the fact that the day had ended, and he wouldn't see her until the next day.

"Maybe I was wrong about you Seth," Eleanor confessed, leaning against her car.
"Good, because I was really trying hard to change your mind." Seth said, laughing a little.
"Well, you succeeded....a little."
"At least I made some progress today. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Same time, same place."

Seth grabbed her hand softly, and brought it up to kiss it. As his lips pressed against the soft skin of her hand, she can't help feel but shake under him with the contact. They whispered goodbye to each other, and she got in her car. She watched him walk away with sadness, but with light happiness that she finally got to talk to him at last. He turned around and waved goodbye to her, and she gladly waved back.

The next day went by smoothly as well, Eleanor talked to Seth a little bit more. With each conversation they had, Eleanor was slowly accepting Seth into her life, but she was very cautious about this relationship that they wet slowly building.

With that being said, Jared was also being accepted into Eleanor's life. Jared was very active and fun loving, it was hard not to befriend him. Though with his fun, heart felt side, he was different when it came to their music class. He was very serious when it came to music and singing; and Seth and Eleanor respected that.

So now after school, Seth was with Eleanor once again at her car, Seth was standing closer to her, leaning his arm against her car.

"Listen..." Eleanor said, laying a hand on his chest. "I'm not going to make it to school tomorrow...t-there's something I have to attend to. It's kind of personal to say..."
"I know," Seth said. "Billy knows and uh....we kind of
heard him.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."
"Its okay Ella; I know there are things you can't tell people. I'm sorry for your loss."
"Thank you."

Seth bent down a little, pressing his lips to Eleanor's forehead softly. Eleanor was more relaxed now that Seth was comforting her softly, when she was fully relaxed, they said goodbye to each other and she drove off in her car.

Instead of driving off to her home, Eleanor drove her car down to the Fork's airport. She tightened the grip on her steering wheel, anxious to get there.

As soon as she parked in the closest parking spot, she jumped out of the car, and speed walked over to the airport. She walked through the crowd, in search for gate 23B, the flight from Hobart, Indiana.

As soon as the gate was clear to her, her eyes widen as she spotted three familiar faces to her.

"XARA!" Eleanor shouted through the crowd. The three people jumped as they heard the voice of Eleanor. Xara's eyes went wide as she sar Eleanor run up to her, Xara shouted her name and ran through the crowd.

Xara was shorter than Eleanor, so she jumped into the arms of her Alpha, laughing as Eleanor spin her around in her arms. She put Xara down, ecstatic that her best friend was with her once again. Eleanor turned her attention to the other two, the two remaining people from her pack: Jameson, Lucky They were accompanied by a bit of their family, people Eleanor were close to as well. They were here for the funeral being taken place tomorrow, and it wouldn't be a proper funeral without the family there.

They arrived at the Princeton home, where they would be staying. Eleanor was on the bed of the guest bedrooms that Xara was staying in; she sat down cross legged as Xara laid on her back staring up at the ceiling. Eleanor was telling her about meeting the Quiluete boys of La Push, her accident a few days before and her ending up in the hospital.

"So, not even a full week back in Forks and you wind up in the hospital?" Xara laughed.
"Just like old times right?"
"So you meet Jacob again, he remembers you, you remember him. You really deck him in front of everyone?"
"He had it coming! And he deserved it!"
"And Leah?"
"She didn't say anything, but she did try apologizing to me today."
"Are you serious!?"
"Very! But it wasn't happening. It takes a lot more than that to win my trust over."
"And what about this Paul guy? What's his deal?"
"Who knows. One day that look is going to be the death of him."
"So. Five days back in Forks. Seen anyone you like?"
"Well....there is this one guy."
"Who!? Tell me!"
"His name is Seth and....I might have imprinted."
"Oh my gosh! This is amazing! D-does he know?"
"Maybe, I think he imprinted on me too but we haven't talked about anything about it yet. We're basically building up a relationship slowly, and steadily, until we find out if this relationship is good for us or not."
"I thought the imprinting was simpler than that."
"Well, it is. But, you know me."
"I know." Xara smiled sympathetically. She sat up and patted her knee with comfort.

"I don't want to fall in love so suddenly and then have my heartbroken so fast."
"Ella, if this Seth really is your imprint then he's the one for you. And if he really imprinted on you, there's no way that he'd go and break your heart like some cheap glads at the flea market. That's not how an imprint works."

Eleanor nodded understanding. She knew that if Seth imprinted on her like she did, he wouldn't break her like Jacob did.

The funeral the next day wasn't long, however it wasn't short. As she watched the casket go underground, Eleanor didn't cry. Not like she didn't feel the pain in he heart like always, but he didn't have the will power to cry this time. Had her tears dried up already?

After the funeral had been done, everyone went back to the Princeton household. As the peolpe filled her house, she hadn't noticed how many unfamiliar faces had shown up. Eleanor and Xara stood near the stairway, watching over everyone.

"Mom!" Eleanor said, grabbing her mom passing by. "Who are all these people, I don't recognize any of them."
"Some of your dad's and my ex-co-workers baby, they're people you and Masson met when you two were younger."
"How many people have I met? Do I have a secret family that I don't know about?"
"Dont be silly dear, you two, go see Ella's father outside. There's someone he wants you to see."

Eleanor and Xara looked at each other confussed and her mother walked away, but they shrugged it off and walked towards the door. Once outside, Eleanor couldn't help but smile at who was standing in her walkway.

"Bella," Eleanor breathed out. She stepped off of her porch and held Bella in a hug. "What are you doing here?"
"Well," Bella said letting her go. "Just because I didn't know Masson, doesn't give my dad the excuse to miss his funeral."
"Thanks Bella. Bella this is Xara, my beta. And Xara, this is Bella swan, the pen pal I told you about."
"Its good to meet you Bella." Xara said smiling as she shook her hand lightly.
"Likewise Xara."

Eleanore smiled as they shook hands, but her smile sort of fell when she saw the man her father was talking to. She was another person she didn't recognize, but with the look oh her fathers face, she knew he was close to him.

"Baby girl," Aedan said. "This is Charlie Swan."

The look on Charlie's face was heartwarming. He didn't seem like the type to cry, or even smile a little, but the smile on his face and the almost tears forming in his eyes as he looked at Eleanor was enough to make the toughest man cry.

"My my," He said. "Look how much baby Ella has grown. I haven't seen you since you were three. I'm so sorry for you loss."
"Thanks Charlie."

Eleanor felt a bit of happiness, at least she had some support, even if she didn't remember meeting any of them. Though her light happiness went away, when she saw someone she didn't expect to see at her brother's funeral. Xara noticed her hard on expression, and put a hand on her shoulder for comfort.

Jacob was standing there, it seemed like his face wouldn't change around Eleanor. There was another man he didn't recognize. She guessed that it was Jacob's father , he reminded her of him, despite his attachment to the wheelchair.

"Billy!" Aedan exclaimed as Jacob wheeled his father over to him, who seemed to notice Billy before Eleanor did. He shook his hand roughly, just like a man would. "It's so good to see you again."
"Now, now I wouldn't miss this. Now where is little Ella?"

Aedan pointed his daughter out to him, and he looked like he needed glasses. Eleanor smiled as his look of disbelief amused her. Billy took her hand into his roungh one and held it.

"No, this can't be litle Eleanor. Little baby Ella? I knew you would grow up into a beautiful woman."
"Thank you."

And she locked eyes with Jacob. Billy wheeled away, saying to Aedan and Charlie that they should leave the kids alone. Being the type of father Aedan is, he was hesitant, but Eleanor assured him that she would be fine, and he went inside the house with the two men.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Jacob said.

Eleanor stood there for a few more moments, not believeing his words of sympathy.

"Jacob this is Xara," Eleanor said, Xara still standing by her side. "Xara this is....Jacob Black."
"Hello Jacob," Xara said, putting on her best smile while shaking his hand. These girls were the masters of their misleading smiles; Xara tightened her grip on Jacob's hand and pulled him in, kneeing him where the sun didn't shine. Jacob cussed and groaned in pain, and he fell to the floor by Xara. Eleanor tried to stifle a laugh as Xara smirked at Jacob's fallen form, while Bella looked too lost for words and confused.

"Okay," Bella said. "You have to tell me what is going on between you two!"
"Its quite simple really," Eleanor said laughing. "Jacob didn't know the meaning of a real friend and a lying dog when we were younger. He turned his back on me and now his back's on the floor. Sorry Jacob."

The last words, she said sarcastically. The two shape shifters shook their head at him and went back inside, leaving Bella to a fallen Jacob. Bella looked at Jacob, her arms crossed infront of her. Jacob was no longer groaning out in pain anymore, but he looked at Bella with sad eyes.

"What did you do Jake?" Bella shook her heard at Jacob's silence and walked inside of the house. Bella found Eleanor and Xara in the living room, standing in a circle with what Bella found out were her relatives and her pack mates. Eleanor locked eyes with Bella and she signaled her to walk over to her. Bella walked over to her shyly, her pack mates watching her. Eleanor introduced Jameson, Lucky and Jamie to Bella and they welcomed her with warm smiles and hugs.

The people standing in the circle were that of Eleanor's and Xara's parents , Billy, the pack, and some of Eleanor's close relatives. They were discussing the terms of Eleanor and the family living here, though she wanted to go back to Hobart, she was bent on staying here.

"Well," said Xara's mother. "I guess there's no use fighting it. Xara, looks like you guys got what you wanted. Your father and the boys will go back to Hobart and move all of your stuff here."
"W-Wait," Eleanor said, confused. "You guys are moving here?"
"Well why not? What's a pack without its Alpha?"

It took a while for Eleanor to take all of it in, but she squealed with joy and grasped Xara in a tight hug, not wanting to let go. When she let go f Xara, she took a glance over to Bella. She seemed very timid and sad, crossing her arms in front of her. Though she wanted to be happy for Eleanor, she was fearful. Had she lost another friend so suddenly?

"Bella," Eleanor whispered, almost as if she were reading her mind. She took a step towards her and took her hand softly. "Don't be so sad. I told you, I'm not going anywhere. "

Bella smiled, knowing that her words were true to her.

"Well ladies," Xara said, wrapping arms around both Eleanor and Bella's shoulders. "Looks like we're gonna have fun together."