Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe

Ask and You Shall Recieve

That same night as darkness fills the house, Xara, Lucky and Jameson enroll themselves into La Push high school. It was arranged that they would stay with Eleanor's family until their houses were fully furnished with and then they would finally move in with their families. They estimated the time it would take to finish, and they should be moved into their homes by the middle of next week. But for now, they settled for Eleanor's quaint home. Eleanor's home was more like a palace, it was perfect for a former Alpha like Aedan and the two wolves like Lucky and Jameson.

In the morning, Eleanor drove the three wolves to school, officially starting their first day at La Push high school. Eleanor brought them to the main office to receive their schedules and gave then a brief tour of the school. Xara and Eleanor didn't have that many classes, only the last two classes: Advanced dance, Art class. To get into advanced dance, students had to audition like it was for a competition, so when they both auditioned, they easily got into the class.

Eleanor separated from her pack, and went into her first period class. When she entered the door and saw Seth, he looked worried and panicked. She walked over to her seat next to him, and when she sat down he looked at her, sighing with relief.

"Everything okay?" Eleanor asked.
"Yeah I just..." Seth said, stammering a little. "When I didn't see you in your seat...I a little scared."
"Scared? Why?"
"I just thought something might have happene to you," Eleanor almost smiled at his sympathy, but her heart jumped at the next thing he said. "Ella, I don't know what I would do if something happened to you."

Eleanor didn't know what to say exactly. It took her by surprise, she stammered with her words, she couldn't find the exact things to say. Seth smiled at her loss for words and she blushed and smiled softly at the way he laughed.

"Look Ella, there's-,"
"Okay class," Seth rolled his eyes at his interrupting teacher. "Get out your psychology books and turn to chapter 1."

Seth sighed with annoyance as the class got out the psychology text books and the teacher started his lecture. Seth started to wiggle in his seat a bit, wanting to talk to Eleanor. The Quiluete boys were having another bonfire this weekend, and Seth wanted Eleanor to go with her. He wanted so share his stump with her or sit at her feet, either way he was fine with it. Maybe even get a chance to hold her hand this time.

As the bell rang signaling the end of the period, Seth was about to ask Eleanor the question, however Seth was called by the teacher, needing to have a word with him.

"I'll see you in music I guess?" Eleanor asked.
"Yeah." Seth answered regretfully, and he watched her walk away with grief.

The little "conversation" lasted longer than Seth thought it would; it ended right when the next class was about to start. He walked into the theater late, receiving an unapproving glare from the teacher. He looked for Eleanor to sit with her, but as he laid eyes on her, the seat was taken. She saw him looking at her and she shot him a sorrowful look with her puppy dog eyes. He found a seat nearby Jared and listened to the teacher.

Seth faded in and out of the teacher, not really paying attention at all. Something about volunteers to sing, Seth didn't know. All he knew was that he wasn't anywhere near Eleanor, and it was tearing him apart. At night it tore him to pieces everytime he was away from her. He didn't know how he had made it the day before when she missed school that day.

"Alright Eleanor, whenever you're ready." Seth shot his head up at the stage, he saw Eleanor up on the stage sitting on a stool infront of a mic. She nodded her head and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Seth. She took another deep breath and she started to sing,

"Everybody needs inspiration; everybody needs a song. A beautiful melody, when the night is so long. Cause there is no guarantee, that this life is easy. When my world is falling apart, and there's no light to break up the dark, that's when I...I, I look at you..."

She sang the rest of the chorus as she and Seth locked eyes. Seth was in awe as Eleanor sang to him, her voice was beautiful to the ear; angelic. The song was true to her heart, whenever she needed to feel right again and feel safe, one look in Seth's eyes were all it took to put her in her place again. Seth wanted to hear more, more from the angelic and soft voice that was Eleanor's, but the bell rang suddenly, interrupting her once again.

Seth sat there as the kids started to clamor out of the theater, and he watched Eleanor talk to the teacher. Seth couldn't stop his heart from racing, couldn't stop his fingers from shaking, he wasn't even able to take a grasp to the armrest.

"Hey Seth," Seth looked to his side and saw Jared taking a seat next to him. "So, have you asked her yet?"
"No," Seth said. "I don't even think I'll be able to. Should I?"
"Well why not? Look at her, she's a total hottie! Plus, hello? She's your imprint."

Seth nodded at Jared. He wanted - no - he needed, to invite Eleanor to the bonfire. He knew Eleanor needed trust to build in a relationship before going anywhere, and at this rate he thought that this would be step up. Sam had known about the imprinting by the way he looked at her when she was in the hospital bed a few days after she arrived in Forks, and sooner or later everyone found out. Quil, Jared and Emily were ecstatic at the young ones imprinting, but Paul, Jacob and Leah weren't. He didn't bother asking why Jacob and Leah didn't approve of Eleanor for by the way she acted around them was enough proof for him that they didn't get along too well, but for Paul, he didn't understand. Seth knew he didn't imprint on her; the way he looks at her with so much hate and anger, wasn't the way you look at an imprint. Sure maybe Paul was trying to mask his feelings, but even Sam would have noticed something; Paul's not that good with hiding his feelings. Seth didn't push it, he knew if he even asked it wouldn't end pretty.

Seth had another chance to ask Eleanor to the planned bonfire, but again, their light conversation was interrupted by the teacher. It simply was not Seth Clearwater's day.

At the end of the class period, Seth walked with Eleanor to the cafeteria where their usual lunch was held. Jared had been with them before, but went ahead with Paul, Embry and Quil. Eleanor had informed Seth that her pack mates were now living with them now, and it wouldn't be fair if she let them alone; Seth though he was disappointed, he understood completely. But before he could let her go, he softly took her hand into his and sighed.

"Listen Ella; I-I was wondering-,"
"Hey Seth." Paul walked up to him and patted on shoulder roughly, making Seth wince. Seth rolled his eyes and looked at Paul, giving him an unapproved stare .
"Paul, we're talking."
"Oh, you have plenty of time to talk later," Paul looked at Eleanor and she glared at him while he shot her a smug little smile, asking her if she wouldn't mind if he "borrowed" little Seth for a while. She was about to answer, but he rudely cut her off. "Great! Let's go Seth."

Paul pushed Seth playfully but roughly away from Eleanor, leaving her fuming with anger and disappointment. She walked away in a huff, finding her pack mates already sitting at an empty table. They looked at her with sympathy as she sat down next to Xara.

"What was that about?" Lucky asked; apparently they had seen the whole thing.
"That; my friends," Eleanor said, the irritation plainly obvious in her voice. "Was the work of the infamous Paul, of the Quiluete boys."
"So that's Paul?" Asked Jameson, taking a look at Paul. "The oh so dangerous hot head? He doesn't look that tough."

Seth had told Eleanor about Paul's temper and anger issues, and she had told her pack. She was told that he was generally a fun and loving guy like the rest of them, but he was a whole new person when he was seething with rage.

Eleanor shrugged it off just a bit and leaned on the table with her arms crossed over her chest. She sighed heavily, blowing away a strand of hair hanging from her face. She looked towards Xara, she had a certain look on her face, looking away from the pack to somewhere else. Eleanor recognized that look, she could see the emotion pour out of her young eyes. So much love, happiness with other unexplainable emotions that were hard to say. Eleanor
followed Xara's eyes and looked to where she was looking.

Eleanor's jaw dropped suddenly as she saw Embry looking their way. She looked back at Xara, then at Embry and then back at Xara once again.

"Well well," Eleanor said, smiling playfully while nudging Xara snapping her out of her daze. "Looks like Xara finally got her imprint."
“W-What!?” Xara said, stammering. “No I didn’t!”

Jameson and Lucky laughed playfully as Jameson patted her on the back with enthusiasm. Xara knew it, when she looked at Embry, she had the same pull Eleanor had when she imprinted on Seth. Truth be told, none of them wanted imprints, not only because of Eleanor’s rough past with love, but because of a former pack member’s unruly heart. Their former pack member had imprinted, however when he told his imprint about himself and the pack, she wasn’t as happy as he anticipated. She told him she couldn’t live with a band of wolves like them, but she did love him. So she gave him a choice, her; the imprint, or the pack. He chose her, and now they were down one pack member.

At the end of the day, her and the pack were walking out of the school, towards the car. She didn’t spend time with Seth in class, for the class was split up into groups and she was nowhere near Seth. She walked out of the school a bit sad, not getting the chance to see Seth.

“Ella!” Eleanor turned around as did the pack, and she smiled as she saw Seth walking towards her. Xara looked at her smiling as she saw the look plastered on her face. Xara nudged her and whispered to her that they would meet her by the car, and with that they left.

“Hi,” Seth smiled to her.
“Hi.” Eleanor said, grinning as well.
"So," Seth said, his voice a little uneasy. "That song was"
"Thanks." Eleanor laughed as Seth was at a loss for words. She had always liked singing, but even she was a little self conscious about her voice.
"Um, d-did you hear about the bonfire this weekend?"
"Yeah, Bella told me about it yesterday, she kind of suggested I go."
"Are you?"

Eleanor looked at him with hopeful eyes, truth me told, she did want to go to the bonfire, but with Seth. She was indifferent about the subject however, with Jacob and Leah there, it wouldn't go so easy.

"I-I was thinking if you wanted to go, you'd...consider going with me? Comes with a meal.”
“I’d love to.” Eleanor smiled widely. She was at awe, no boy had ever made her smile like that before since Jacob. She blushed as Seth softly grabbed her hand and brought it up to his lips and pecked it delicately as if he would damage the fragile skin. “B-But wait, what about my pack?”
“Tell you what, why don’t you and your pack, and maybe your parents, meet the rest of us at Emily’s house, and then you and me can go from there. And besides, I think Embry would love it if your friend would come along too.”
“Well what about Lucky and Jameson?”
“When they meet Jared and Quil, they’re gonna love them.”

Eleanor thought about it, Lucky and Jameson were natural fun loving people, and so were Jared and Quil. They were fun to be with, she had to admit that, especially Jared. And Xara and Embry did imprint after all.

“It’s a deal.” Eleanor smiled. She hadn’t realized that they were still holding hands with each other.

That night, it was agreed with her parents. Her father would explain their heritage and their tribe after the pack tells their stories, and Eleanor decided that she would let everything out that night, tell Seth her past and what happened the day before she moved to Hobart. She needed to tell her imprint everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
FINALLY! This honestly took me days to write, but im very excited to write the bonfire chapter! so I hoped you guys liked it, becasue I enjoyed writing it! Oh yeah, and I was thinking of starting an Alex Riley story, from NXT in the WWE? If anyone is interested, comment on my profile if you have any ideas!