Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe


That Saturday morning the Princeton kitchen was clamoring with food. The girls was in and out of the oven baking a roasted turkey with stuffing, and assorted pies from pumpkin, to blueberry, to cherry and chocolate whipped cream; completed with mashed potatoes and gravy. Meanwhile the boys, along with Aedan, were outside grilling burgers and hotdogs. They knew from experience the way that the wolves eat, so they made as much as they could. Eleanor and Xara even volunteered to bake a few dozen cookies for the boys, going from chocolate to sugar, to peanut butter to snicker doodles. At first Eleanor didn’t see the difference in the snicker doodles and the sugar cookies but she didn’t push it.

When they were done cooking, the realized that they gave the kitchen a complete makeover. Shana laughed along with the girls as they cleaned the messy kitchen. After making sure the kitchen was spotless and the food was properly covered and put in the appropriate containers, the girls, as well as the guys, changed into proper attires for this occasion.

Eleanor and Xara figured since it was at the La Push beach, there would be swimming. So the girls pulled out their swimsuits slipped them on. Eleanor was hesitant, she was self conscious with herself, but that’s what teenaged girls do. Eleanor pulled the denim shorts and black sweater as Xara slipped on the yellow dress. The dress Xara had put on was not too short, just above her knees, which was good enough for her, while the black sweater Eleanor wore was an off the shoulder type. Her right shoulder was bare to the world while her left was covered with the cotton. The sleeves were quite long and the material was a little baggy, but not so much to make her look like a slob. The girls brushed their hair a few dozen times and Xara left her soft curls down, the strands brushing over her skin, as Eleanor pulled her waves into a tight ponytail.

As soon as they were done, the pack piled into Eleanor’s small car while the parents, along with the food, rode into Aedan’s pick up truck. The boys wore simple clothes; Lucky wore a white tank top while Jameson wore a black one with matching cargo shorts.

Eleanor drove to Emily and Sam’s household with the music up a little loud. As they reached La Push, Eleanor gripped the steering wheel tight. She wondered how she would survive this, with Jacob and Leah there; she knew it would be awkward. She kept telling herself to stay close to Seth for the remainder of the time; that made Eleanor at ease just a tad, knowing Seth would be by her side at all times.

Her heart started beating a little faster as the blue house came to view. Seth was waiting outside with Jared, Quil and Embry outside of the house, until he saw the two cars pull up in front of the house. Seth and Eleanor’s eyes locked with one another and they both smiled; Seth’s white teeh shining in the sun. When Eleanor spotted Embry, she looked towards Xara, who was smiling softly as well.

The four wolves got out of the car as the Quiluete boys started walking towards them. Seth walked up to Eleanor smiling extensively, while Eleanor did the same. Seth couldn’t contain himself; he wrapped his arms around her warmly. The hug took Eleanor back a little, but she wrapped her arms around his neck in response, taking in his scent. When they pulled away, Eleanor introduced Lucky and Jameson to Quil, Jared and Embry. The boys were a little taken back by their large physique, almost intimidating and daunting, but as they shook hands they could tell they were sociable and friendly. Finally, Eleanor introduced Embry to Xara. Eleanor smiled as she observed her best friend make contact with her imprint. You could feel the warmth surrounding them as they shook hands.

Shana and Aedan pulled up shortly after, and they jumped out of the old pick up. The pack smiled at Eleanor’s mother, but as her father came into view they’re eyes grew wide. They hadn’t seen a man of his size before. Eelanor introduced her father to the boys; Xara and her chuckled at the sight of them looking a little intimidated at her father. Shortly after, Emily and Sam walked outside of the house, greeting them into their home.

Shana and Emily pushed the boys to help carry the food to the beach. Neither of them were surprised at how much the other made; years of experience from cooking for wolves.

As Embry was carrying the sheet of cookies, Xara was already by his side, offering help and already striking up a conversation. Eleanor walked along with Seth as he held a few pies. Seth's hands were occupied, and both of them were fairly disappointed. Seth longed to hold onto Eleanor's hand as they walked towards the beach.

"So," Eleanor began, realizing that the Quiluete boys were missing a few pack members. "Where's hothead?"
"He's with Jacob and his dad getting things ready." Seth replied, laughing a little at Eleanor's use of Paul's nickname.
"And your sister?"
"She was inside the house with mom actually."
"So why didn't she come outside?"
"When she found out you were coming, she wanted to stay home."

Eleanor laughed at the fact that Leah may actually be scared. Leah? The Quiluete boy's hard attitude misunderstood badass female of the group? It's possible.

"So, what, is she coming or am I the excuse for her missing out on the stories?"
"No, she's coming but I wouldn't be surprised if she was more reserved today."

Eleanor smiled at the though. Her flamboyant and "get out of my face" attitude was paying off.

The beach came into view and Seth was finally able to put down the heavy load on the available table. Eleanor's expression changed as she saw Jacob and Paul with Billy. Her face was hardened and her jaw was clenched to the bone. Seth noticed her change of expression and quickly led her away from them.

The packs ate, and conversed with each other. Eleanor and Xara even got to meet Quil's imprint Claire; a little surprised at the fact that this little two year old was "soul mates" with Quil. They also finally got to meet two more young members of the pack, Collin and Brady. After they ate, which was a lot, Eleanor walked along the beach with Seth. She smiled as she saw her pack mates play football with the others, knowing that they were making friends with the other pack. Her heart was filled with warmth as she also saw Xara and Embry together, sitting on the beach with Embry's arm over her shoulder.

"I need to tell you something," Eleanor said, coming to a stop and facing Seth. Eleanor slowly to a hold of his hand and held it with hers. "I think it's time I told you my past."
"A-Are you sure?" Seth said, a little confused. "You don't have to-,"
"Yes; I do. But not here."

Eleanor pulled on his arm and led him into the forest, away from everyone. They walked into the forest hand in hand, not too far as so they could see everyone on the beach. Eleanor leaned against a nearby tree, her back pressed against the trunk while Seth stood in front of her, waiting for her to speak.

"I used to be best friends with you sister." She began. She could feel her heart break as Seth's mouth dropped. "Well, I thought she was my best friend. We went to school together in middle school, I was in sixth grade and she was in eigth. We were in this group of friends and they all made me believe that we were the friends that were going to be together forever.

One day I wanted to use the bathroom during class, so I went. I was walking down the hallway when I heard familiar voices nearby; I knew snooping was a sin but I was so drawn into it. The things I leanred that day, made me who I was right now. I heard things like 'she's so gullible' and 'she's so weak, she'll never apply to anything.' And right away, I knew it was your sister's voice and the others. I wanted to walk away, pretend that I never heard anything because I thought it would have made my life easier. But I stayed there. Listening. A few minutes passed and I heard them coming and that's when I knew I had to run. But I was too late. They found me standing there, bug eyed like a deer in the headlights. My mind was telling me to stand my ground, don't be afraid. But my body reacted differently. I tried to run away, far away but they ran after me. One of them tackled me to the ground and...they beat me.

After what seemed like hours of beatings they finally stopped. They stood over me, smirking. Your sister was the one I was most afraid of. It only made me fear her more when she spat in my face right after. I was left there I'm my own blood and tears. I thought I was going to die; I was praying for it. But I was found and brought home."

Eleanor studied Seth's face for a few moments. What was once a soft and cheerful face, was now hardened and tense.

"Of course, I couldn't let beatings get in the way of my education, so I went back. The beatings and insults came and went all through middle school. And then freshman year came along where beatings didn't exist unless you were a boy, so more insults were born.

And then I met Jacob. He was so sweet and kind to me. He assured me nothing would ever happen to me again; I believed him. We went to homcoming together and he called me beautiful. That night...I fell in love with him.

When they were announcing homecoming king and queen I couldn't find him anywhere, so I tried finding him. All of a sudden I was called into the middle of the dancefloor; I froze, the spotlight hitting me in the face. I looked up on stage and there was your sister, and right behind her was Jacob. She spoke into the microphone that I was weak. Pathetic. That I didn't belong here. And on contact the worst happened. From the ceiling a bucket of fish heads and guts was poured on top of me. The whole gymnasium was laughing, but what really hurt the most was Jacob, well holding back the laughter.

I ran. From La Push high to my home in Forks, I ran in the rain barefoot. When I reached home, my parents were already by my side."

Eleanor ended her story there, hearing her voice crack near the end. She hadn't realized that she was crying until Seth wiped a tear from her face. He cupped her face within his hand softly.

"Ella," Seth whispered softly. "I-I'm so sorry. Had I known-,"
"There was nothing you could do Seth."
"Ella, I want you to know that I am nothing like my sister. I would never do that to you, especially you."
"What makes me so special?"

Seth was hesitant and shy the most around Eleanor. He knew he was supposed to tell her she's his imprint but for Seth it was difficult. He was afraid. Would Eleanor accept or reject? Seth asked her if she ever heard of imprinting and if she knew the aspects of it, and his heart jumped when she nodded a nervous yes.

“Well, Ella….I-,”

Seth was interrupted midway by the shrill of a familiar voice. Both disappointed wolves looked and saw his mother standing not to far away from them. She stood on the beach shouting his name and waving her arms out like as if he couldn’t notice her. He sighed with deep compunction and turned back to Eleanor, who had a small considerate smile on her lips.

“You should go check what she wants.” She said, disappointment faintly in her voice.
“Right..” Seth whispered, just enough for her to barely hear. Before he left, she cupped his face and placed a light kiss on his cheek. As she pulled away, she could see the tint of red placed on his cheeks as he smiled at her.

She smiled as she watched him walk away to his mother. Though she could feel his heart break with every step he took towards her.

Suddenly she heard a ruffling sound and a twig snap in the distance. Startled, she stiffened and turned towards the sound. She froze as she saw Jacob slowly coming behind a nearby tree. She furrowed her eyebrows as she read his eyes, she could sense a feeling of doubt, shame and regret, however a mixture of anger and rage was there as well. He walked towards her with the same stare and she glared at him, she wanted to walk away, but she froze in place. She looked up to him with daunting eyes and a stiff frown as he stood in front of her. She opened her mouth to say something but suddenly he cut her off.

“You really did change since the last time I saw you.” He said his voice gruff and stern.
“Yeah, I don’t really pull off the look of fish heads and intestines.” She replied, anger clearly filling her voice. “Although I think you’d look perfect with heads and blood all over. It’d be an improvement.”

Jacob chuckled at her insult towards him, which only made her angrier. It was supposed to piss him of, not make him laugh. She started getting impatient with him, she wanted him to leave.

“What are you doing here Jacob?”
“This is about Seth.”
“What about him?”
”Seth’s really innocent, and he doesn’t need anyone to try and shut him down. The last thing we need is a depressed little puppy.”
“What, you think I’m not good enough for Seth?”
“No, I just think you’re not the one for him.”
“Well that’s his decision. You have no right to say who’s not right for him and who is. And besides, he’s my imprint, and I believe he imprinted on me as well.”
“Well deny it.”
“Look, nothing is going to take me away from Seth.”
“I’m telling you if you know what’s good for you…stay away from Seth.”

“Jacob!” Both wolves turned to see Seth standing there. His chest was heaving slightly, you could see the rage in his eyes and the way he stiffened his jaw. Jacob was lucky that Seth had shown up, Eleanor was on the verge of phasing and attacking Jacob in battle. Seth walked over to Eleanor’s side; he placed a hand on her shoulder whispering to her if she was alright. As soon as she nodded a yes, he sighed with relief and immediately look towards Jacob. Seth was standing in front of her so she couldn’t see a thing, she moved to the side of the two and watched as both wolves looked infuriated, mainly Seth.

“Who do you think you are?” Seth growled.
“Look Seth,” Jacob said his voice slightly calming. “I’m only trying to protect you!”
“From what, being with my imprint and finally having a soul mate!?”
“It’s not like that!
“Then what’s it like then?”
“She’s not good for you.”
“Where do you get off telling me she’s not good for me? It’s not your place to tell me who’s right for me, especially my imprint.”
“Listen, I’m trying to protect you.”
“Oh, like you protected Ella from utter embarrassment before she moved away?”

Jacob’s mouth dropped slightly, he looked at Eleanor with his brown eyes, they looked sort of sad to Eleanor but she could care less.

“And the last time I checked,” Seth continued, making Jacob turn back to him. “You didn’t have a good choice in love either when Bella chose a sparkler over you. So why should I trust you?”
“Hey, this is nothing like that!”
“It’s exactly like that!”

Eleanor watched as the two canine’s go back and forth with each other. She noticed the pure anger in Seth’s eyes. It made her remember the time when her former pack mate chose his imprint over the pack. She remembered the pain they all went through without him. As much as she wanted to be with Seth, choosing her over the pack was the last thing she wanted him to do.

“Seth!” Eleanor said, getting both of their attention. “Please, let’s just go.”

Seth nodded and grabbed her hand. He was about to pull her away from Jacob when Jacob interrupted.

“So you’re listening to her now? She’s not your alpha!”
“Well if I remember it, neither are you.”
‘Ouch.’ Eleanor thought to herself.

And they walked away, hand in hand. She didn’t bother taking a glare at Jacob as she walked past him, Seth did just that as they walked on the beach. They walked in silence, Eleanor could feel the heat and rage venting off of him as they held hands.

It was close to dark, and everyone was called to gather around the campfire for the bonfire to start. Seth sat close to Ella on the log; feeling a little better as Eleanor held his arm a leaned against him, finally at ease. She looked around and smiled as she saw Xara and Embry sitting near them nuzzled in the same position. Eleanor laid her eyes on her father, and listened in amazement as if she were hearing this story for the very first time. He told the story of their elders and of their tribe in Malawi and how they came to be. He even told them their beliefs in vampires and their relationship with the Cullens. They didn’t detest vampires, however they were always on their feet aware of their hatred for shape shifters. As his story was done, The subject of Eleanor’s little brother came up and why they came back to Forks; Aedan told them of Masson’s sickness and death and the relationship between him and Eleanor which was inseparable.

As he told him the story, Eleanor averted her eyes to the fire, staring at the core of it. She jumped a little as Seth moved his hand and wiped a tear from her eye, she hadn’t realized she started to cry.

The boys, Collin and Brady asked how he and Shana came together as a couple. It was plain and simple; she was sisters with one of his pack members. She was the person whom before changing, Adean didn’t pay any attention to her. But after the change she was his world, and he’d do anything to keep her safe and happy. Her parents tried keeping her away from him, but he had to have her, she was everything to him.

Eleanor smiled as she watched Aedan place a kiss on Shana’s forehead. Married for more than 15 years and she could tell they still loved each other.

“So how do we know this isn’t all a lie?”

All eyes flashed to Paul, who was sitting on the log with his arm crossed over his chest. For the moment, all members of Eleanor’s pack was lowly growling at him.

“Paul!” Scolded Sam.
“What did you say?” Lucky growled, standing up from the log. Paul stood up in defense, now standing toe to toe with Lucky. Everyone stood up from their seats, in slight fear of a possible battle between the wolves. Aedan grabbed Lucky by the arm whispered to him to calm down, as did Sam whispering to Paul.
“You heard me. Where’s your proof?”

Lucky pushed Paul in the chest roughly, throwing him back. Paul landed on his feet, and Lucky jumped back, both of them in a defending stance. Both wolves were breathing heavily, through gritted teeth, anger spilling with each breath.

“Lucky!” Eleanor scolded.
“Paul! Sam reproached.

Both wolves phased as if their names were called on contact. All members cleared away as Paul silvery wolf growled at Lucky’s russet colored form. They paced slowly in a circle snarled at each other.

‘Is this proof enough for you?’ Lucky said in his head, knowing Paul could hear his thoughts in his wolf form.
‘Maybe so,’ Paul thought. ‘But you don’t belong on our territory. We have enough wolves on the rez and the last thing we need is more problems we’re not already facing.’

In response, Lucky roared out in anger towards Paul. It took Paul back a little, as did everyone else. It was rare for a wolf to roar at another. Lucky jumped out, paws first at Paul, hoping to make contact, and Paul jumped at him as well.

But before either of them could make contact, a flash of white and gray knocked Lucky in mid air. Paul landed where lucky was standing, outright confused at the disappearance of his enemy. All members gasped as they saw a white and gray wolf standing over Lucky, a paw on his chest holding him down. Seth looked around, Eleanor was no where to be found. He looked at Xara; he noticed that she was holding Eleanor’s clothes in her hands. So he realized, it was her standing over Lucky.

‘Stand down!’ Eleanor scolded in her mind. Even Paul was taken back a little at the boom in her voice. Lucky started to calm down a little, though he didn’t change back in to his human form. Eleanor stepped off of Luck as soon as he calmed down. She walked past Paul, feeling the surprised eyes on her as she walked past him. She grabbed the clothes from Xara with her mouth and moved behind a nearby tree. Lucky started to walk past Paul as well, flashing a glance at each other. Aedan threw Lucky an extra pair of shorts from his bag; when he caught it in mid air with his mouth he started moving towards another nearby tree. He stopped as he saw Eleanor in her human form fully clothed, walking out from behind the tree. She looked at the wolf with an eyebrow raised, he stared up at her with puppy dog eyes. She sighed and patted his head, and he walked behind the tree. She walked over to Seth and saw that Paul had already changed back into his human form, fully clothed. To her surprise he was looking at her with sorry eyes. She looked up at Seth, who was looking at her surprise.

"Sorry everyone," Eleanor said. She looked behind her, Lucky came from behind the tree and walked over to Eleanor. She looked back at Paul and said, "I'm sure it won't happen again."

Seth wrapped an arm around her and smiled and whispered how amazing she was in her wolf form. She smiled, and looked at Jacob. She frowned as she read his face. It was pure in anger, the way he was glaring at her it was almost enough to make her break.

"Way to keep your pack in check Eleanor." Leah said out of nowhere.
"Some Alpha you are." Jacob scoffed.

Eleanor stood there hard as stone, not bothering to get angry at her. Howeer it didn't stop Xara and Lucky, they growled at Jacob and Leah. When they heard their threatening growl, they stood their ground, glaring at Xara and Jameson. As if on instinct, Xara grabbed Leah by the throat and held her there.

"What did you say?" Jameson and Xara asked at once, as if Leah could answer. She held her tightly shutting her throat close. Eleanor was about to stop them, hadn't Embry pulled her away, calming her down. Aedan pulled Jameson back away from Jacob as well, telling him to calm down.

Eleanor looked at her pack in worry, as they glared at one another.

"Seth," Eleanor said, shaking her head, taking a step away from him. He looked at her with with confusion. "I thought we could do this but we can't."
"W-What are you saying?" Seth asked, his voice breaking.
"Look around you. Seth, our packs obviously don't get along with each other. Maybe Jacob was right, we're not good for each other."
"'re my imprint. But, I have to think of my pack first. Now it's not my place to keep Xara and Embry away from each other...but Seth I....I can't..."

She couldn't even finish. She looked at Seth one last time, he was tearing; she could feel herself starting to tear as well. Not wanting to see her at her most vulnerable, she turned and walked away. As she walked into the forest she started crying, her heart tearing apart as she walked away from Seth. She couldn't stand the sight of seeing him so heartbroken.

"Eleanor!" Shana called out. The pack started going after Eleanor, even if she didn't come to a stop.

"I'm sorry Billy." Aedan said before leaving.
"Me too." Billy whispered. He turned in his wheelchair and looked at Jacob. His look didn't change, as if it didn't phase him at all. Billy shook his head and turned away, dissapointed in his son.
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