Status: Active

Make My Heart Feel Safe

Dinner with a vampire

When they reached their home in Forks that night, Eleanor went straight to bed, not bothering to say good night. They watched her go straight to her room with sadden eyes. She changed into her house clothes and laid on the bed, clutching the same blue plush bear to her chest. She laid there on her side, staring out the window into the darkness.

She could see her reflection vaguely showing in the window. In her mind, she could see a hand softly placed on the curve of her hip. She stiffened as her mind created an image of Seth softly placing kisses on her neck, while gently caressing exposed skin. It felt so real, Eleanor turned on the bed making her mind was just playing tricks on her; no one was there. She sighed deeply as she turned on her side once more, her back facing the window this time.

She felt empty inside knowing what she had done. The look on Seth's innocent face was too much to bare for her, however it kept playing it over and over in her head. It hurt even more for the fact that she was the one that caused the pain.

She tried not to think about the pain she caused him, the torture that was inflicted on her as a child in school seemed like baby pain to her. She closed her eyes and waited for sleep to overcome her.

Her eyes open to a bright light. She is sprawled over cold tiles of the floor, she can barely move an inch of her body; excruciating pain hits her as she tries to. She tries to swallow the saliva that builds up in her mouth, it is difficult for her but as she does she can taste blood. She can feel that her body is moist and sticky, though she can't make out what it is.

She hears footsteps approaching her. She tries to shout for help but nothing comes out but a strained cough. Three dark figures appear in front of her, hovering over her. She cannot make out exactly who it is, only that they're smiling at her, she waits for what's to come in fear. She flinches, as one of them spits on her.

Eleanor wakes up, opening her eyes slowly as the dream ends. She sits up, placing the bear down on her bed, and notices the sun was high in the sky. She glances at the clock and sighs. 1:39PM, it reads. She can hear talking downstairs and she gets up from the bed to see who it is.
She trails down the stairs and walks in the kitchen to find her pack mates around the island of the kitchen; they look at her with eyes of sympathy. Jameson holds up his coffee cup to her, suggesting she take a sip, and she walks over to him, taking the cup from him and sips the black coffee.

"Babygirl," Lucky speaks up as she puts the coffee cup down. "Are we good?"
"We're good." Eleanor sighs. Eleanor places her hand on the countertop and leans there, her mind a blank as silence in filling the room.
"Ella," Xara says, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"I'll make it. Hopefully. What about you guys?"
"We'll survive," Jameson spoke. "But Ella, is this really what you want?"
"No, but it is what's right. We just don't get along with them."
"Maybe," Xara spoke. "Maybe we can just befriend the others. We don't have to like Paul, Jacob and Leah."

Eleanor nodded a little in agreement. They did get along with the other members of the pack. Like Jared and Quil, Lucky and Jameson had the most fun with them. When Eleanor saw them playing football on the beach, she had never seen them that happy.

"It would be nice to have more male activity." Said Lucky. "You know, some more people to play football with."
"So...," Eleanor said. "What do you guys want?"
"It's just a suggestion. Jared, Quil and Embry are really chill guys to hang out with, and Jameson and I haven't been able to have any fun like that in months. And it's not really fair to Xara either."

Eleanor and Xara looked at each other with sympathy. It wasn't right for Eleanor to keep imprints away from each other, especially when it includes your best friend.

"It is not my place to keep imprints away from each other when they're meant to be together. And...I can't find it in me to keep friends apart either."

Everyone smiled, even Eleanor gave a small smile; Lucky and Jameson cheered and high fived each other. Jameson lightly patted Eleanor on the shoulder saying she shouldn't short change herself. Meaning she would be able to be with Seth as well. Her smile faded and she started to think, she couldn't be with Seth. Even if she wanted to she knew Jacob and even Leah...maybe even Paul would do their best to keep him away from her.

"I can't do it." Eleanor said, shaking her head. Everyone's smiles faded, and looked at her in question. "There's no way Jacob...even Leah, would let Seth even look at me."
"What does Jacob have anything to do with it?" Jameson asked. "He's just a member of the pack right?"
"No...Jacob's second in command. He has almost as much authority as Sam does."

Everyone sighed with defeat, Lucky held his head in his hands while Jameson hung his head towards the counter. Quickly changing the subject, Eleanor asked if anyone had plans today. Lucky and Jameson had to help their elders move in things into their home, so they'd be busy tonight, while Xara had a date with Embry tonight. Sha had made the date the night before when they met at the bonfire. She wanted to cancel due to complications of last night, and also not wanting to leave Eleanor alone. However Eleanor persuaded her, telling her it was okay to go on the date, knowing Xara was eager to, and the fact that Eleanor already had plans for tonight. Dinner with Bella and the Cullens tonight. Shana and Aedan would not make it tonight, for Aedan would start work at the police station tonight, and Shana would help the elder move into their new home as well. Eleanor would have rescheduled, hadn't not for Shana and Aedan's pursuasive intellect.

Xara helped Eleanor get ready for tonight; she helped her choose something simple, but something to brighten up her look. Eleanor pulled on a women's button up white shirt with the sleeves stopped just above her shoulders with a black tank top as an undershirt. She then pulled on a pair of teal colored shorts accented with a braided brown leather belt. Her waves were down and brushed clean, while her bangs were parted down the middle.

As she finished up her makeup - eyeliner, foundation, mascara and blush - she realizes the time and she starts to clamor and panic, knowing she's running late. Xara helped her slip on her cream colored heels and sends her off. She does not bother bringing her purse, for all she needed were her phone, keys and tiny wallet with her license inside. Eleanor wished Xara and good time on her date with Embry and she finally drove off.

She drove, following the directions that Bella had given her, and she was getting closer to her destination she can't help but recognize her surroundings. She remembers going through here as a child - maybe three or four years old - going to meet the Cullens for the first time.

She grows more nervous as the house is finally in view. She remembers the house, it was the house Eleanor wanted to live in as a child. She gets out of the car nervously, flashbacks of walking up the exact same steps as a child appears in her mind.

'How could I have forgotten this place?' Eleanor mentally asks herself as she looks at the house in awe. As she appears in the door, she can hear voices from the inside. She knocks on the door three times and the voices stopped along with a few shushing sounds.

A few moments later the door swings open and there stood a relieved Bella Swan. Bella smiled at her, and took her hand softly bringing her inside. Eleanor crinkled her nose as she smelled the air faintly. Despite the fact that she had no grudge against vampires whatsoever, she still couldn't stand the dead smell that vented off of them, though she was willing to see past that.

Bella brought Eleanor to another room, and there waiting for her were the most beautiful people she never thought she'd never see. She was awestruck by their beauty, it was almost like she was standing with royalty and she should be bowing in front of them. At that moment, the memory was coming back to her. She remember meeting everyone here, and she kicked herself mentally for not remembering sooner.

They looked at her with smiles, also remembering her baby face and big brown eyes. Esme was the first to react, welcoming Eleanor in a tight embrace. Alice was the same, ignoring the smell that the young wolf had on her. Emmett was more than excited, he picked Eleanor up and she squealed with surprise as he spun her around in the bear like hug.

He put her down and her laughter filled the air. Jasper was next, he softly grabbed her hand and kissed it lightly. The cold skin made her flinch slightly, and she smiled lightly to him. Rosalie stood there, looking at her with soft eyes, which made Eleanor a little uncomfertable.

"Well," Rosalie said, her voice soft and sultry. "We always knew you would grow up to be a beautiful young lady."

Eleanor blushed a mix of pink as the radiant woman coimplemented her. Eleanor followed everyone into the dining room for dinner.

They were friendly to her, despite the fact that she was a werewolf. Edward explained to her Alice and Jasper's special powers, even his own. He and Bella told her about their past together and how they came to be, and even the notorious love triangle between Bella, Edward...and Jacob.

Eleanor couldn't help but laugh as Edward told her about Jacob's obsession with Bella, even when Bella told him it would always be Edward. And Eleanor scoffed as he told her about Jacob running away when he heard about Edward and Bella's engagement.

'Pathetic.' Eleanor thought to herself, and Edward smiled in amusement as he heard her in his head.

The dinner was long. She would have stayed longer if the clock hadn't rung 12AM already. Eleanor gave Bella one last hug before getting into her car and driving off.

She drove in the dark with her headlights on. She listened to the radio, jazz music playing lightly. As much as she had fun with the Cullens that night, she missed Seth. In the back of her mind Seth was there, and how she wanted for it to be the two of them having dinner alone, candlelight, holding hands as they held each other's hand starring into one another's eyes. Maybe they would have kissed.

Suddenly, the car started sputtering, making a hissing sound.

"No, no!" Eleanor repeated, as the car started slowing down. She sighed as she pulled the side, as it came to a full stop. She tried starting the car again and again. No luck. Eleanor pulled out her cellphone, about to call a tow truck, however the battery ran out of life before she could even make a call.

Should she wait? Or should she find her way home? She took off her heels coming to a final conclusion, and she got out of the car and started walking. The wind hitting her bare skin didn't phase her warm blood, but the gravel and stones making contact with her bare feet were killing here. Why she didn't phase into her wolf form? Well, if she walked into Forks in the shape of a wolf would cause quite a commotion.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from behind her. She turned around, no one was there. Her inner wolf took instinct and a low growl vibrated in her throat.

She turned around and started walking a little faster this time. But a few more steps and she could hear footsteps from behind her. She turned around, and nothing.

"Who's there!?" Eleanor turning her body fully, exclaiming into the darkness, not believing that no one was there.

"Eleanor Princeton." Eleanor froze her name was spoken behind her. She slowly turned around, slightly shaking as she saw and man standing in the middle of the road. His skin was pale, white as a ghost. And his eyes were a golden hazel color. What stood out to Eleanor the most, was the corpse smell venting off of him.

"It's no wonder Xavier wanted you all to himself." He spoke. His voice was tantalizing, soft but hard and husky. Suddenly Eleanor's body started to shake, her vision was fading so she fell to her knees. She crouched as she blood spilled from her throat once again. This time, a higher amount of blood came out, and once again Eleanor fainted on the gravel, next to her blood.

The vampire smirked at her fallen body. He walked over to her and scooped her up in his arms bridal style and started walking away. To his master, Xavier. The one who wanted Eleanor all to himself. It took the vampire all of his might not to take a bite out of her skin and kill her in his arms, but as he looked at her he couldn't help but stare at her beauty.

Though he knew she was a wolf, he thought she was beautiful, radiant....elegant. But Xavier wanted her, he was doing this for him.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there's chapter 9! It was so hard writing this chapter, creating dialogue and trying to figure out future plots and scenes but I finally have it! I hope you all enjoyed it! Comments? Subscribe? Thank you all who did it when I posted chapter 8! :)