Status: El Fin

To Love A Woman


I don’t know what it is but she drives me crazy
I don’t know what she does but she drives me wild
If only she could let me be the man I wanna be
Well she can leave me helpless as a child

“Sergio, vamos.” She laughed as she pulled my hand, leading me towards the car. She hopped into the passenger seat as I placed the picnic basket in the backseat, sat down and started the car. I smiled as I watched her smiling, looking out the window. I couldn’t keep myself from smiling when I was around her, she meant the world to me and no one could take her away, not even her illness. Maricruz suffered from Arrhythmia, a condition where her heartbeat was abnormally fast. She took medication for it, but sometimes that just wasn’t enough, and she would end up in the hospital for weeks at a time, like the past few weeks. She just got out yesterday, so we decided we’d spend the day outside, at the park, we were going to have a picnic. I leaned over the center console and kissed her cheek before turning back to the road in front of me and driving to the park.

I’ve known Maricruz since we were maybe 5 or 6. She moved in next door about a week before school was going to start. Mama told me to play nice, and to be honest, at first I wasn’t going to listen, but that was before I saw Mari. She was beautiful, still is. We became best friends when I saved her from the bullies at school that were picking on her for being new. I always liked her, but as a really good friend, she had stuck with me even through all my girlfriends in high school, but it was when we graduated that I realized that she was really the only one I loved. And now, seven years later, I’m ready to ask her to marry me. She developed her Arrhythmia when we were 8 years old, and I would never ask questions, but I would always be with her at the hospital. I hated seeing my best friend connected to so many wires, but I knew it was for her own good. Before I understood what was going on, I used to pray to God every night to stop having her go to the hospital and just have her stay at my house and play. But after I knew what was going on, I still prayed, but to keep her alive so that I could see her another day because I know I wouldn’t survive without her eyes looking back into mine, or her smile that radiated any room she stepped into.

I don’t know how it is but she has the power
She can make me laugh when I wanna cry
She tells me that I’m in control but I know it’s just a lie
And I don’t mind
Will she love you tomorrow like she loves you today
She can keep your heart guessing but she’s yours if she stays
And that’s what it feels like
To love a woman

“Come on Mari.” I laced my fingers with hers as I walked us towards the center of the grassy field. I laid out the blanket as she took her sandals off, letting her bright pink toenails stand out in the green grass. She sat down and pulled me down with her. I landed with a thud on the ground rolling over, only to have her roll over with me. We were face to face, with me on top of her as she started to laugh only to have me follow suite. I rolled off, keeping my arm around her waist, my hand resting on her stomach. She placed her hand over mine, only to lace our fingers a few second later. I looked over to see her staring at the sky; I already knew she was thinking of the different shapes the clouds created. She was so brilliant, yet as innocent as a child, and that was what I loved about her. She must have sensed me staring seeing as she turned her head slowly to stare back at me. I could sit forever and a day staring into her hazel eyes.

When you’re looking in her eyes you can see forever
You’re captured by the beauty of her soul
You know you’re never gonna find a woman like this again
So don’t let go

She placed her hand on my cheek, cupping my face before smiling and scooting closer so that she could place her forehead against mine. “I love you, con todo mi Corazon.” (With all my heart.) She took our hands that were laced from her stomach and placed them over her heart. I could feel the scar against my skin, and all I could do to keep from crying because of the pain she’s been through, was to smile. I leaned my head up to kiss her forehead, keeping my lips there longer than usual and resting my chin on top of her head, sighing before replying.

“I love you too, mi amor, para siempre.” (Forever.) I sat up, legs out in front, resting my weight on my arms behind me as I watched the kids in front of us playing soccer. She rested her head in my lap as I began to stroke her hair while she messed with the hem of my shorts. I let out another sigh before digging into my pocket, pulling out the ring for Maricruz. “Maricruz…” She sat up and looked at me questioningly.

“¿Qué es Sergio?” (What is it Sergio?) I held the ring out in front of her and looked at the only thing I’ve ever known in my life that has always calmed my nerves: I looked into her eyes.

“¿Maricruz, yo no sé cómo decir esto, pero acaban de necesitar para decirlo... le hace me se casa, por favor?” (Maricruz, I don’t know how to say this, but I just need to say it…will you marry me, please?) She slowly placed her right hand over her mouth as a tear slid down her cheek. I looked into her eyes, trying to see what she was thinking, but all I kept seeing was a future with her, a wedding, kids, growing old, I knew that it had to be what she was thinking because it was all I could think about. She placed her left hand in my outstretched hand and I slid the ring on her finger. She cupped my face in both her hands and lightly jumped on me as I wrapped my arms around her waist, kissing her. Afterwards, she leaned back a bit, still in my lap and took my hands in hers, placing them over her stomach for the second time today. I looked at her as she looked down at her stomach smiling the biggest smile I’d ever seen on her face.

“It’s my turn to surprise you, mi amor.” My smile grew as I realized what she meant. I looked up from her stomach to ask if it was true and she answered by nodding and biting her bottom lip. “Estoy embarazada.” (I’m pregnant.) I was happier than I’d ever been in my life knowing that the woman that I love was mine and was bearing my child. I would go through anything just to know that she’ll love me another day. I had more reason now than ever to believe that nothing could take her away from me, not even her illness. So this is what it feels like to love a woman.

Will she love you tomorrow like she loves you today
She can keep your heart guessing but she’s yours if she stays
And that’s what it feels like
To love a woman
Oh she can make your day
Oh she can take it away
And whether it’s wrong or right
You know it in the end you’d do it all again
To love a woman
♠ ♠ ♠
This song has been stuck in my head, and I've been in a Sergio Ramos mood, so I had to write has potential to become a story...but we'll see because I had another idea for a Sergio Ramos story...maybe...we'll see, just don't hold your breath on it :D