Status: Active.... It's the re-written version of Arranged Marriage To WHO?

The Gift From Hell

Chapter 2

“Why?” I groaned, running a hand through my hair.

“I can’t think of any other place to go. What about you?” he asked, opening the door of the car.

“Unfortunately, no,” I sighed.

He shrugged, “I guess were going home.” I nodded and he started the car.

“Wait!” I heard over the loud screamo music. I turned around in my seat to see Reva and Payton running up to the car.

“What?” Tanner sighed, frustrated.

“We still wanna hang,” Payton spoke, “if you have a problem with that.”

“What if I do?”

“Then get the hell over it. She’s our friend.”

“But she’s my fiancee,” Tanner retorted.


“More important to me,” Tanner said smiling.

“You know what? No she’s not. We’ve known her ever since we were like 5, 6 maybe,” Reva commented. “She’s our best friend. You can’t find many people like her.”

“I know, that’s why I chose her. I love everything about her. And you two are just the package that comes with it,” Tanner said, turning down the music.

“Guys. Come on, you have to be friends for me. Please try to get along,” I complained.

“I don’t think we can Elizabeth.”

“And why’s that?” I asked, coking my head.

“We were never really friends. The first time I saw you guys I thought you were a snooty crack heads, who got their way on everything. I don’t think of you that way anymore Elizabeth. But them...” Tanner said.

“Crack heads?” I asked, looking over at Payton. Payton looked back at me and we smiled.

“That was a good summer,” Payton laughed.

“Oh I know.”

“What the hell are you two talking about?” Reva and Tanner asked.

“It was a while ago. Reva, you were on vacation with your mother. And Tanner... yo just weren’t here ruining our lives,” Payton explained.

“I’m not ruining her life,” Tanner replied, pointing to me.

“Say’s who?” I asked, looking over at him, eyebrow rising.

“I don’t know,” he said, looking over at me angrily.

“Well then, who knows you may be ruining it.”


“There are no butts,” I smiled.

“Elizabeth,” Tanner said, reaching for my face.

I backed away from him. “I don’t want to see you right now,” I said while Payton opened the car door and I jumped out. I grabbed hold of the door, and slammed it shut.

“Why?” he asked, attempting to grip my hand. I moved it.

“Don’t mess with my friends. Pick me up tomorrow for the concert. If your nice enough to them, please bring them too.”

“Wait what concert?” Reva asked confused.

“The Fall Out Boy concert of course.” I smiled.

“Really? He got tickets for it?” she asked, wide eyed.

“Yeah, I asked him if he could bring you guys. He said he would if it made me happy. And it does.” I said, looking over at Tanner. “I would also love it you guys could get along..”

“I don’t think that’s ever going to happen. Except, I can be friends with Payton,” Tanner said.

“You befriend me, you befriend her too. We’re a package,” Payton said. I smiled, and nodded.

“They are a package. They do everything together.”

“Ugh. Fine,” he sighed. “I’ll try and get along with her too. Just for you though.”

“Whatever. So are we going tomorrow, or what?”

“Yeah, I’ll pick you up. Are you staying at her house?” he asked.

“Yes. Text me later and I’ll tell you where she lives.” he nodded, and drove away.

“So, I’m staying at your house. It’s sleep over day,” I smiled, looking between the two standing in front of me.

“Awesome. Your mom wouldn’t mind me staying over Reva?” Payton asked.

“Nope, you have to remember that you practically live there. Your like the son she never had.”

“Oh yeah. I stay over all the time.”


“So what are we going to do? The usual,” I asked.


“Coolness,” I said. We went over to Payton’s car, and he drove us to Reva’s house.

Payton pulled up to her dark blue house, her mom’s car wasn’t in the drive way. I shrugged, and got out of the backseat. We followed Reva up and into her house.

“Payt, why don’t you go get some close from your house,” Reva said, turning to him.

“I’m surprised that you don’t already have clothes here for him. He’s over here all the time,” I said, hands on my hips.

“Yeah, I don’t feel right having his clothes here.”

“Why?” I asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Ok. So are we going to watch a movie?” I asked, and Payton left the house to his, across the street.

“Yeah,” she sighed.

“Cool. What else?”

“Um... I guess we could play truth or dare. We haven’t played that in forever,” she spoke.

“So true. Let’s do it!”

“Do what?” Payton asked, coming through the door.

“Truth or Dare. This’ll be fun,” I grinned.

“Why do you say that?” Payton asked. I looked him in the eyes and smiled. He realized it after about 5 seconds. “Oh.”

“What the hell?” Reva asked.

“Nothing,” we said.

“Whatever,” she said.

“Alright, let’s play.” I smiled.

“You start,” Payton said.

I sighed, “Payton, truth or dare?”


“Um... Do you like someone at this moment?”

“Yes, honestly I do. Reva truth or dare?”

“Darn, um... dare.”

“Oh. Well then, I dare you to remove any four articles of clothing and leave them off for three rounds.” he smiled.
“Ugh,” she sighed, taking a shoe off.

“That’s not clothes,” he whined.

“Seriously?” she complained.


“Ugh,” she groaned lifting her shirt above her head, revealing her tanktop. I started laughing, as Payton groaned.

“Your never going to win at this.”

“I know,” he sighed.

“Alright. Elizabeth, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” I stated.

“I dare you to kiss Payton, on the lips,” Reva smiled.

“You really?” I asked, smiling.


I sighed, and leaned over to him. He laughed and kissed me lightly. Our lips were locked, and the door clicked. Reva’s mom walked in the room and looked over at us. I laughed and pulled away.

“Hi Ms. Short.” I stated, my cheeks turning a bright crimson.

“Hi Elizabeth, Payton.” she laughed. “Hi sweety.”

“Hi mom.” Payton and Reva said in unison. I shook my head as Payton started laughing.

“Alright guys, back to the game.”


“Payton,” I said. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” he stated. I looked over at Reva and smiled.

“I dare you to stick an ice cube down your pants until it melts.”

“Really?” he whined.

I laughed, “Yes.”

“Ugh,” he sighed, getting off the floor and walking to the kitchen. “Hi Ms. Short. I’m just getting an ice cube.”

“For what sweety?”

“A dare,” he groaned, and she laughed.

“Have fun.”

“I will.” and he walked back into the room. “I hate you Elizabeth.”

I laughed, “Get over it.” He turned around, and shivered. Once he turned around there was a wet spot. “There’s the ice cube.”

“Shut up!”

“Your turn.”

“Reva, truth or dare?” he asked.

“Truth,” she sighed.

“I got a good one,” he smiled. “Are you a virgin?”

“What the fuck?” she asked, looking at him if he had 5 heads.

“Just answer the question.”

“Yes. For sure I am.”

“Good,” her mom said, walking into the room.

“Um..” she stuttered.

“Payton,” her mom said. “Why are your pants wet?”

We started laughing, and Payton blushed. “It was the bet. I had to put the ice cube down my pants til it melted.” Ms. Short started laughing.

“Now that’s dumb.”

“Guys,” reva stated. “I say we stop playing for now.” I nodded in agreement.
♠ ♠ ♠
here's another chapter.
sorry it's taking so long.

I don't want this story to be exactly the same as the first one I wrote. So I'm changing it up a LOT!!!!!!!

no worries. I continue to write.

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tell your friends.

I love you
-Baby Blue(Lizzy)