Just Perfect

Just Perfect

All the women adored him and most of the men did too. Or envied him, whatever you like. Doesn’t really matter, everyone had a sort of affection with him. Only a few were brave enough to admit it, others just didn’t know they loved him yet. The ones who pretended to hate him were the worst, pure jealousy was shown in their words and actions. So afraid to give in to a feeling this wonderful. One thing is for sure: EVERYONE loves him in the end, whether you’re aware of it or not.

And it was hard not to love him, impossible if you ask me. He was just almost too perfect for this self destructive and hypocrite world. A world like this one did not really deserve someone as him in this life. The beauty he radiated made everything just fade into oblivion. As if life would never be pretty again after you saw him. Many people had felt that way after seeing him.

His face looked like it was carved by angels. Strong bone structure, yet with soft features. His messy and thick black hair was always taken care of. Half long at the moment, the way I preferred it, but short suited him as well. It did not really matter, his face was so perfect that anything would fit with it. No facial hair right now, also to what I preferred, but if there would have been any, he would have looked just as pretty.

And then there are his eyes. His best feature of all, at least I thought so. Big hazel orbs that would hypnotize you instantly once you met with them. Eyes are the door to the soul is what people say, but with him it was different. He would allow a small look into his soul, but once you saw that you still didn’t know anything. There was a mystery surrounding his eyes, you could never know what he thought by just looking at them. They told a story that was yet untold. One look into those eyes and you were captured for life, always wondering what was going on in his mind. What his story would be.

He not just had a pretty face, his body was to die for. Strong and muscular, but not in a bodybuilder way. Just a little bit of a six-pack, but not one that was rock hard if you would hit it. Not that there was any reason to wanting to hit it, but still. There was a perfect balance between his strong arms, and the gentle touch of his fingers. His arms were covered in tattoos and so was his abdomen. Even the people who did not like tattoos had to admit that his looked great.

Besides a great appearance there was also a personality within. He could be a little stubborn, that would be the only thing that people might dislike about him. He was a warm and understanding guy and most of all, he was loyal. He would do anything for the people he loved and he would never ask anything for it in return. A fun and outgoing guy, little cheeky at times, but not the prick that some people portrayed him to be. Not even close.

His voice was something people were longing for to hear. The sound of angels singing would not even come close to his voice. Whether he sang or spoke, people just melted by the sound he produced. I saw it happening so many times. He would speak to them and they would just stand there, blankly without a response because they were blown away by the beauty of his sounds. Even harsh and violent words would sound like the most beautiful thing you had ever heard.
Everyone longed for a piece of him, envying me for the fact that I got that. I felt so privileged to know him. How many people were jealous of that, wishing they were in my position. So many of them longed for a touch, a look, a word from him. Just the chance to ever speak with him, share a little of their feelings with him. People longed for him to touch them, even if it was just a brief hug or a handshake. Once single glance from him, the acknowledgement that he had noticed them, that he was aware of their presence.

Many of them do and no one was getting it, but me. They all wanted one thing and that was to have him. To be able to say that he loved them the same way they loved him. Having the opportunity to spend time with him, truly get to know him. To know what is going on in his mind, to know how he feels about things. To hear his voice everyday and feel his touch at all times. Lay besides him at night and share their deepest feelings with him. To be able to call him theirs.

That was the reason for their hate against me. They all envied the life that I was living, the position that I was in. How fortunate I was for living this life. Everyday I wake up and think about the luck I have in my life. I was well aware of it, I knew damn well that this was something that did not happen to many people. They just did not see it. All they wanted to see was the hate against me because I got what they all wanted more than anything.

I was the only person in the world able to call Ian Watkins mine.
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