
Lil' Wayne.

The feeling of finding your idol, your hero, is indescribable. They move you with the words they speak, the lyrics they sing. I knew the moment I heard Lil' Wayne's voice, his deep, scratchy, musical voice that something about him made him it. I listened to him for years, I concentrated on the messages he sent in a select few of his songs. Eventually I started watching interviews, getting a feel for the views he has on things. I learned things that the average Lil' Wayne listener doesn't know about. Despite the people who look for the bad in him, I found there's infinite amounts of light shining from his soul, touching those who care enough to know more about him. I learned that he is a wonderful father, he cares about his children no matter who the mother. Lil' Wayne is a respectable man, a person who has come from so little and made his place in this world. In my heart, the deepest crevice of my soul, I knew. It wasn't until I was sitting on my couch months after months with my earphones plugged in, listening to every remix, every single, every collaboration - that I had it all figured out, that euphoric butterfly feeling. The feeling of being completely infinite whenever his voice surrounded me. It was, in the most simplest terms, my moment of realization. Though I had listened to him for years, admired him for years, the value of his presence and words didn't hit me until last summer. From then on forward I've proudly proclaimed him my hero, and I've defended his honor on numerous occasions. I don't expect everyone in the world to see eye-to-eye with me on the reasoning behind him being my idol, my hero. I also do not plan on preaching to anybody about him. He's my hero for the simple fact that he calms me, he makes me feel invincible. Like I can conquer anything in the world.