Status: Complete

Bite My Lip and Close My Eyes


He sat in front of the old, second-hand televison set not really paying attention to the mind-numbingly tedious events that were unfolding on the screen. He'd been sat there just channel-hopping for what felt like hours. He's never known a day to be quite this boring before. Maybe he'd finally realised how repetitive his life was becoming. The others had gone out. None of them knew where the keys to the house were so the doors remained permanently unlocked. Not that he really cared. A break-in would at the very least provide something resembling entertainment.

Then a thought struck him - the perfect way to make the hours just fly by. He peeled himself up off the couch and staggered towards the stairs, his legs protesting all the while at being forced into action after hours of rest. It was too hot - at least, that was his latest excuse for his laziness. He backtracked, flipping the latch on the front door so that it was locked. He'd leave the back open, just in case anyone came home early.

God, the whole house reeked. For a fleeting moment he thought that maybe he should clean - an idea that was dismissed almost as quickly as it had been considered. As he ascended the stairs he thought through what he'd actually done so far today. The answer? Not a hell of a lot of anything.

After staring at the phone and watiting for her to call, he's resorted to a frenzied act of onanism. It did nothing for him at all, and when that particular activity loses its element of fun you know you're in trouble. A pathetic sort of day, really.

He walked past his room and saw a note stuck to the door.

B, your mom called this morning while you were sleeping off the effects of last night. She wants to know if you've got a job yet, and says to call her back. - M.

He shook his head. Sure, he'd get a job he despised and wind up just like her. Finally he reached their practice room and made a beeling for the cupboard in the far corner, pulling open the top drawer. He found what he needed, sat on the floor and rolled up. With a deft flick of the lighter the flame danced up, licking at the joint.

He inhaled, then moved the joint away from his mouth. He bit his lip, his other hand moving down to try and finish what he'd started earlier. His eyes snapped shut as both of his methods of distraction began to work in unison, drifiting away to paradise.