Forget Me Not


A loud shrill scream pierced through the ears of the couple walking through the living room of the dark home. The flick of a light switch illuminated the room to reveal an elderly woman holding a frying pan as a weapon. The home became eerily quiet as the white haired woman glared at the couple in fear. Her blue eyes were faded slightly with age, blood shoot and yellowed. They held no emotion at the moment she hurled the frying pan across the room. The cooking instrument was made of cast iron and if it were to smash against anything it would cause it to break. A frightened gasp fell from the lips of the man in the room. He ducked out of the way of the flying object abruptly, causing it to miss his head by mere inches.


The petite woman screamed across the room to her mother, desperation lacing her tone. The woman wasn’t phased. She just stood there her eyes searching for another object to hurl at the intruding couple. Lillian began to cry in her place, begging her mother to remember who she was. The tears staining her cheeks only fell harder when she heard the front door slam shut. He had left her, ran away like everyone else did. Collapsing to the floor was all she could do as her mother chucked a glass at the door. The broken glass fell to the ground, broken into a million pieces. Just as Lillian had. It wouldn’t be long before Mason forgot about her too.