Status: Finished.

What Ever Happens...Happens



Sixth Year, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
December 15th

"Come on Katie, were going to be late for potions, Slughorn hates it when were late!" Allison said as I finished tying my long blonde hair back.

"I’m hurrying." I replied grabbing my books and school bag.

I followed Allison down into the Syltherin common room. We were one of the last people left. Only the people who preferred to be late or didn’t go to class were left.

We walked swiftly out from the dungeons and back to the main hallway. Basically running through the empty hallways towards potions.

We slowed to a walk as we entered the classroom.

It was dark and gloomy. Like usual. Everyone’s heads turned to us as we walked in just when the bell rang.

Slughorn threw open his office door and strutted in. "Good morning class."

Allison and I shuffled into our seats in the back.

"Today I will be giving you an assignment that you will have to complete at the end of this class. It is very simple if you’ve been paying ATTENTION." He said yelling the last word for emphasis.

I bent down and grabbed my quill, ink, notebook and potions manual out of my school bag and put them on the desk.

"Partners?" Allison whispered.

I nodded in reply.

Slughorn than started yelling out random names and announcing them partners for the project.

I sighed.

I flipped my lip as Allison’s name was called and was sent to sit somewhere else.

"Brooks, Riddle. Partners." Slughorn bellowed across the room.

I groaned to myself and sighed.

I looked over and Tom who seemed to have no emotion showing in his face.

He just simply picked up his stuff, though, and sat next to me.

"Your assignment is to make a death potion. It is so deadly that it will kill you if you taste just a drop. Make it right and it will work. Do one thing wrong and it will not. Get to work. You will need page thirty of your books." Slughorn sitting at his podium at the front of the class.

"Well lets get started." I said opening my page.

I stood up and walked towards our cauldron. I looked inside and checked that it was empty.

I looked back at Tom and he had already collected our ingredients.

"How do you know what to get?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I’ve been listening. And I’ve made this position before."

Oh gosh…

I shivered mentally.

This can’t go well…

Tom’s P.O.V

"See ya man." Avery said going off and sitting next to his new partner.

I nodded my head once and turned away.

I looked back at the girl across the way.

Why couldn’t I stop staring…

Her friend that she was sitting with waved and walked away from her to go sit with her own partner.

"Brooks. Riddle. Partners." Slughorn said.

My heart jumped-

Wait, what was that?

My heart felt all nervous and started beating faster.

I stopped feeling anything.

What is this feeling?!?

I got up and grabbed my books. I dropped them onto the counter. Katie didn’t look up when I put them down.

"Your assignment is to make a death potion. It is so deadly that it will kill you if you taste just a drop. Make it right and it will work. Do one thing wrong and it will not. Get to work. You will need page thirty of your books." Slughorn sitting at his podium at the front of the class.

"Well lets get started." She said opening her book.

She stood up and walked towards our cauldron. Katie looked inside and checked that it was empty.

I looked at her once last time before walking to the front of the class.

I went and got the ingredients from the table at the front. People moved out of my way almost instantly. I laughed quietly and walked back to Katie.

Without hesitation I put the ingredients in.

"How do you know what to get?" Katie asked, coming close stand next to me.

My breath caught in my throat as I breathed in her perfume.

I shrugged and managed to speak. "I’ve been listening. And I’ve made this position before."

I laughed a little when I saw her shiver a bit. Like she was afraid of me now. Almost like everyone else in this damn school…

I didn’t want that…

"You wanna try?" I asked eyeing her.

"Sure, I guess." She said as I moved back. "What do I do next?"

"Well it says to add three cups of this," I said holding up a small bottle. "But I always had three and a half."

"Isn’t that too much then?" She asked.

"You can never have to much of this stuff." I stiffly.

She shrugged and measured out 3 ½ cups.

"What next?" She asked.

"You have to squish this here and let the juices of him into the cauldron." I said holding up a small bug creature.

"Gross." She whispered and grabbed a knife.

"Don’t cut. Squish with the side of the blade." I said.

"But it says to cut."

"Trust me." I replied.

She looked at me for a second. Meeting my gaze. Making sure I was serious.

I stared back.

To my disappointment, Katie was the first to look away.

She grabbed the bug and placed it down onto the cutting board. She took the knife and squished the bug hard.

"Now let the juices fall into the cauldron." I said and she did so.

"We’re almost done." I said watching as her face went white.

She nodded slowly and let the bug drain dry.

"Do you want me to do the rest?" I asked as she placed the bug into the garbage.

She nodded again and pulled up a stool.

Katie just sat there. Trying to re-gain herself.

Everyone jumped when somebody’ s cauldron blew up on the other side of the room. Slughorn walked over and sent the boy and his partner out of the room.

Immature freaks…

Katie smiled and giggled a little as the boys got sent out.

I smiled a little at her.

I paused with my hand over the cauldron.

Did I just smile…?

That’s a first…

Was that a real smile…?

I snapped out of it and added the final ingredient to the potion.

"Done." I said stepping back and admiring my work.

Katie got up and looked into it.

"Don’t get too close." I warned her.

She took a small step back. "It looks good."

"It should work."

"Good. I need a good grade in this class."

"Are you failing?" I asked.

Katie looked taken back when she heard me talking to her. I don’t blame her. I don’t usually talk to people. Not even Avery, who was my closet friend.

She shook her head and replied. "No, but I want to get at least a ‘A’ in this class."

"I see." I replied.

"What are you getting? If you don’t mind me asking."

"I don’t mind, %100." I murmured.

"Wow. Do you like potions that much?" She asked.

"It’s not my favorite. I really don’t like school."

"Hmm.." She replied.

I raised my eyebrow at her even though she was looking down.

"Okay everyone times is officially up! Stop what your doing." Slughorn said.

Everyone stood over their cauldron. Most had disappointed looks on their faces.

I looked back down at Katie who looked pretty confident.

"I will come around and drop a leaf in each of your potions. If the leaf dies you have made a perfect potion. If not…well you get the idea." Slughorn said walking around the room.

No one in the whole class had managed to make a perfect killing potion. I snickered to myself at these amateurs.

"Well Miss. Brooks, Mr. Riddle. How did we do?" Slughorn asks coming up to us.

We both stood up from our stools. "Great." Katie says speaking for us.

"I’ll be the judge of that." He replied leaning over our cauldron. He took a leaf and let it flutter to the boiling liquid below.

Almost instantly the leaf sizzled and disappeared.

Just like it should…I thought feeling a bit proud.

"My goodness. Look here class. These two have done it. I bet one drop could kill us all!" Slughorn exclaimed then turned back to Katie and I. "Well done, you two should be paired up more often."

Katie smiled at me and then back at Slughorn. "I wouldn’t mind that."

The tips of my mouth curved up a bit at Katie.

The class stood outside of us. Utterly shocked at what had just happened. Most of them still had their mouths hanging open in disbelief.

"Good. Okay class, clean up, collect your books and get out of here." Slughorn said waving away people on his way back to his podium.

The class quickly filled out.

I grabbed my books and nodded at Katie before heading out the door.


Regular POV

"Hey Kates, how was it working with the freak of freaks?" Allison said coming up to me with her eyes on Tom’s leaving figure.

"It wasn’t that bad. And he’s not a freak. Just doesn’t have much to say is all." I said shoving my books into my bag.

"Whatever you say." She replied and followed me out of the potions room.

"I’ll see you at lunch? Save me a seat?" I asked as we both walked backwards in opposite directions.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second Chapter!