Status: The name is not permanent any suggestions?

It's really Complicated.

super cute or just really good at acting?

Mom had the food out and brought it to us. I was cut up potato's with sausages and some kind of creamy looking stuff on top. It was really really good. While we ate, Mom sat and talked about me when i was little and did the whole parents-are-supposed-to-embarrass-their-kids thing. I practically hid under my hair the entire time while Lucas sat in the chair next to me, laughing his ass off.

When we were done and mom took our plates, he nudged me and gave me that look. I nodded. "Mom? We need to barrow the Jeep." I said.

"Yea, sure, you know where the keys are."

We stood up and i grabbed the keys off the hook and headed to the back door. When we got to the drive way, Lucas whistled that low, impressed thing guys do. In the back was a 4x4 Jeep Wrangler, Jeep Cherokee, two more Camaro's and a Jaguar.

I rolled my eyes and headed to the Jeep Wrangler. We got in and i started the jeep. "Where are we going?"

He surpised me, again, by shrugging. "I don't know."

I groaned. "I guess the somewhere public? The mall?"

He nodded and i took off down the road.

The top was off on the Jeep and i looked over to see Lucas's hair dancing in the wind. He was really cute, but what the hell is he dragging me into? Am i being pranked? Is this just some weird, cruel joke? I don't even know this guy!

"How old are you?" i asked, looking back at the road.

"25," he answered back.

Ok, so he's older, probably more experianced-i practically slapped myself for thinking that, and blushed. When i got to the mall, i pulled into a space and we got out. When he was next to me, he grabbed my hand again and held it.

"Some of my friends might be here." i said.

He shrugged. "Just play it off. We met over the internet and this is our first date." he looked down at me and smiled. I blushed and he laughed.

He was really cute, or was he just a good actor? I can't tell, but i better know soon
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thanks to those of you who commented! love you all