Status: The name is not permanent any suggestions?

It's really Complicated.


I got out of the jeep and kinda looked around awkwardly. I wasn't sure if i wanted my friends to see me Lucas. They wouldn't believe that I was with such an attractive guy. He came around to my side and took me by the hand and began to start dragging me away. I quickly locked the doors to the jeep.

We walked hand in hand down the street until we got to a store that he wanted to go into. I cocked my head to the side, questioning. He just smiled and pulled me in to the cold, lowly lit store. Since I had never been in this store, I didn't know what to think. There was all kinds of things: stickers, key chains, clothes, offensive t-shirts, etc. I looked at him and he just shook his head.

"You've never been into Hot Topic, have you," He said, matter a fact.

I shook my head. "I've never had reason to come in here."

We looked around a while and i actually found things I wanted, but i would come back another day. We head back out side, still hand in hand. I pulled him the other direction, toward Barnes and Noble, and he followed. I caught sight of a familiar face and stopped dead in my tracks. My "friend Lola. Great, just great.

I was about to turn around when her face lit up when she saw me and turn to a curiously dark look she had when she saw Lucas. She hurried over calling my name and waving. I waved back without enthusiasm.

"Omg!" She actually said, hugging me. "How have you been? Its been so long since we've talked!"

Actually, it had just been yesterday. But she let go and turned to Lucas. "Who is this?" She asked, more like asking why was he with me.

I turned on my face smile and said. "This is Lucas."

She continued as if she didn't hear me and asked Lucas, "How did you guys meet?" More like, you couldn't do better than her?

"On an Internet dating site. We've been talking for a while now and decided that we need to meet." He turned and smiled at me with warmth in his eyes, either real or fake, i couldn't tell. But it looked real enough that Lola would buy it.

I smiled awkwardly and nodded. "She's still kinda shy about the whole thing." Lucas continued.

Lola lifted an eye brow and looked him up and down, right in front of me and him. "Mmmhmm...." She said with disinterest.

She directed it toward him, but was looking at me. "Well, call me any time if you need any thing. Anything," She added emphasized anything.

When she walked away i rolled my eyes and sighed a relief. "She's a bitch." Lucas said.

"Yea," i said. "Tell me about it."

We started walking again and when we were entering Barnes and Noble, he held the door open for me and i walked through. I walked over to the section that held my favorite author, Laurell K. Hamilton. I picked up her latest book, Bullet, and looked at the cover.

"Hmmm." Lucas said, looking at me.

"What?" i asked, confused.

"I just wouldn't peg you as someone who was interested in Her work." He said, talking about Laurell K. Hamilton.

"You're kidding right?" I said, laughing. "She's amazing. I love her Anita Blake series. Its amazing!"

He nodded and I went to the front counter and bought the book. Lucas grabbed the bag and carried it for me. Only then did it occur to me, that this was the same guy, that that day had put a gun to me and pretty much taken me hostage, even now. I began to sweat, which tended to happen when i got nervous. I began to feel the moisture run down my hand that Lucas was holding. I unhooked my hand from his and wiped it on my shirt.

He noticed that i was sweating, and thinking it was from the heat, took us into the nearest store, which happened to be the Candy Store. I looked down at my hands and they were shaking. I was getting too nervous to be cool around him. I had a bad feeling that something bad was about to happen.
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Don't worry, I've been into hot topic plenty a time. Its just the Character.

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