So The Lion Fell In Love With The Wolf

Where is my mind

After dinner Edward took me to,this place he called the meadow.It was really pretty and all but the way Edward was glowing in the sun was hurting my fucking eyes! Edward burst out in laughter at my thoughts ."Oh Jacob you amuse me!" I rolled my eyes "So you've said before...hey is there a way you could not sparkle?" Edward shook his head "If i could turn it off i would,have taken you to the beach i know you really wanted to go there". I sighed and laid down on the meadow floor ,inhaling the forest scent but it was covered but Edward's. I looked over to find Edward staring at me laying down . I smiled "Thanks for giving me a chance ,sex ed"
Edward smirked and brought his cool hand to my face he held it in his icy grip. "All the better to kiss you my sweet" and that's when he leaned in,my heart went off like hammer i have never really done this before and i wanted him to be clear of that.Edward sorta nodded before his lips pressed against mine.Electricity flowed threw my veins ,his cold lips on my hot ones were a mixture of everything I've been missing.His lips stayed there molding my into perfect place until Edward got cocky and slipped his hand under my shirt.My breathed hitched it felt amazing! I arched my back and pressed my lips harder on his.Edward led a trail of cool kisses down my neck until he reached that one spot on my neck ,and that's when i let out the most embarrassing squeak.Edward paused and looked down at me ,and chuckled ."My puppy is full of surprises isn't he?"
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