

Megan Bower clasped her hand over her mouth. She was trying to hold back giggles while her best friend, Justin Bieber, was cracking jokes left and right.

“Justin,” she managed to mumble out. “Shh.” Her blue eyes were wet with tears from laughing and she wiped them away.

Justin shot her an innocent look and a cheeky smile. Megan and Justin were currently in their last period of the day and the whole class had dragged on for the last twenty minutes. Luckily, the two of their desks were side by side and they could do whatever they pleased. To past the time, Megan and Justin had passed notes, talked, chewed a whole pack of gum, played tic tac toe, played rock, paper, scissors and right now they were currently seeing who could be the funniest.

Their teacher, Mrs. Norman, had had her back to the class the whole time. The dark chalkboard was full of notes that she had written down for the class to copy. Geography had never been the strongest subject for neither of the teenagers, so they had ignored everything.

“Hey Meg,” Justin said in a whispered voice. “You know you’re my best friend and all?” Megan nodded her head. “Well,” Justin hesitated and looked around, looking everywhere but in Megan’s direction. “There might be something that I have to tell you,” he finished with an exasperated sigh.

Megan was a little worried over Justin’s odd behavior. Most of the time Justin was hyper and not to mention, always super confident. It was strange to see him nervous and anxious. “I’ll listen J,” she said while smiling. She put her hand over Justin’s hand and was surprised to see him blush.

Turning more scarlet by the second, Justin turned his face. Retracting his hand from hers, he plummeted his thin hands into his grey jacket. “I’m sorry I’m acting so weird Meg,” he said shyly. “It’s just…,” he glanced up at the ceiling as if looking for the right words to say. “There’s something about you Megan that I absolutely adore. You’re my favorite girl, Meg. You’re my number one prized possession and I can’t live without you,” he said. Not looking in her eyes, Justin hung his head down. “I’m sorry if you don’t feel this way Megan. I just.. I like you way too much for you not to know/”

Staring at Justin with her mouth gaped open, Megan was at a lost for words. Did her best friend just confess his love for her? “I.. Justin.. What?” She managed to ask while mumbling.

“Oh Megan, oh girl I want you. There’s so-”

“Mr. Bieber!?” Their teacher, Mrs. Norman shouted out. “What do you think you’re doing. All you have been doing this whole class is talking to Miss. Bower,” she said in an angered tone. She raised her thin penciled on eyebrows and looked at him as if expecting an answer. The whole class had turned around to look at Justin and even Megan.

Justin smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sorry Mrs. Norman. It won’t happen again,” he said reassuringly.

Mrs. Norman lowered her eyebrows and studied Justin. “If you say so Mr. Bieber,” she said. “Next time will come with a price,” she warned him. Returning to her usual facing the blackboard, Mrs. Norman continued talking about geographical locations in Canada.

“Wooo,” Justin said while laughing. “That was close. What do you say Meggy pie?”

Megan blushed; Justin had just used his special nickname that he had only made for her.

“Duh Justin!” She answered back with a smile. “You’re gonna get your cute little self in trouble one day.”

“Meggg..” Justin whined. “I’m too adorable for people to hate.”

Megan frowned. “Where have I heard that before?” She asked.

Justin looked her right in the eyes. “You said that about me one time. I doubt that you remember, but I sure as heck do.”

“One that when that blonde headed chick dumped you?”

“Yeah,” Justin said. “That was when. I’m surprised you remember. Anyway, I was worried about her hating me when you said, ‘Oh Justin, don’t worry about that. You’re too adorable for people to hate.’ I flipped when you told me that Meg. My heart pounded a thousand miles a second. I’m honestly surprised that it didn’t pop out,” he finished with a nervous laugh.

Megan looked at Justin and gave a slight smile. “Justin, I couldn’t forget that. But..,” she hesitated. “What were you trying to tell me before Mrs. Norman interrupted you?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Justin’s husky voice said with excitement. “You’re the prettiest girl I know, so prettier than all the rest. You’re always my numb-”

“MR. BIEBER!” Mrs. Norman shouted out again. It was the second time she had caught Justin disobeying the rules and Justin gulped; he was sure he was going to get in trouble. “How many times have I told you to not talk during my class?” Before Justin could answer, she began rapidly talking. “Get up here right now Bieber, and tell the whole class what was so important that you and Miss Bower could not wait to discuss. Up her now!” She demanded. She hit the chalkboard so hard that dust flew off the board.

Not knowing what to do, Justin timidly got out off his desk and stood beside it. “Just listen, okay?” He whispered in Megan’ ear.

“Now!” Mrs. Norman demanded.

Straightening his posture, Justin walked through the small aisle of desk before getting in front of the whole class. Flipping his hair out of his eyes, he looked at Mrs. Norman and flickered a small smile. “Mrs. Norman, I was just-”

Mrs. Norman cut him off once again. “Don’t tell me, Bieber. Tell the whole class what you and Miss Bower were talking about.” Putting her thin hands on Justin’s shoulders, she jerked his body into position so that he was now facing the entire class.

“Well, if you want to know Mrs. Norman, Megan and I were having a nice little conversation,” taking a deep breath, Justin’s brown eyes shined with anticipation. He felt exhilarated. “I was telling Megan how I wonderful and beautiful I think she is.”

Gasps filled the air. Many of the girls who had had crushes on Justin had turned around and gave Megan an evil stare. Megan’s attention remained focused on Justin. For some reason, her heart was beating faster then normal.

“There’s no reason to be mean to her ladies,” Justin said putting his hands in front of him as if surrendering. “I’ve known Megan since we were toddler. I hate to say this, but nobody can compare to my Megan. This is for you Megan!” He said loudly. He then proceeded to lean against the board and look directly at Megan. “Out of all the girls I’ve ever know, it’s you. I want you. Ooh, so bad. I want you Megan.”

Megan felt tears in her eyes. Justin had left her speechless. “Ohh Justin… I want you too!”

Smiling and throwing his fist in the air, Justin turned around and looked at Mrs. Norman. “I would just like to think you for letting me confess my feelings to not only my best friend, but my dream girl. Or I guess I could call her my girlfriend now.” He looked over and Megan and was happy to see her nodding her head.

The whole class broke into a large applause. Even the girls who had shot evil glances at Justin were heard ‘ooohing’ and ‘awwing’ at Justin’s speech.

“Well, Mr. Bieber,” Mrs. Norman began. It seemed as if she was wondering what had just happened was real and not just a figment of her imagination. Shaking her head, she finally broke into a wide grin that reached her normally hard eyes. “You're never one to be speechless. Please go take your seat next to Miss Bower.”

“Will do,” Justin said smugly. He then bowed to her and pretended to tip an imaginary hat. The whole class laughed.

Walking back through the aisle with a huge air of confidence, Justin took his seat back next to Megan.

“Justin, you’re amazing,” she said.

Justin shook his head and his shaggy hair shook. “It’s not me that’s amazing. It’s you.”