

So here we all are,wondering down the school halls early the first day back,my friends and i all wondering the same thing,weather we'll have classes together...Or not.

"Can you believe it, Bren'? Summers over and another year!"The blonde walking along side me beams,though she's cut off by another one of us.

"Yeah Gretta,so unbelievably exciting...IT'S SCHOOL,how are you stoked on that??"The brunette rolls his eyes at her,flipping his long coppery locks over his shoulder carlessly.

Gretta huffs though,whining," Woah Will,way to rain on my parade..."I just stand back and laugh,but something pulls her lack of attention off William,long enough for her to turnto me,scandalized looking.

"Oh my goodness,Brendon did you hear about the guy that was at Youth last week - " The outburst bringing on a comment from Spencer who had just been hiding away behind us," Yeah, seriously he was ridiculous - Everyone was just chillin',minding there own shit,and he comes in all like wangster..." He recalls calmly enough,still obviously irked though.

"Uh-huh! Then he started hitting on Laura and her sister! " Then surprisingly Will even takes the chance to join in.

"Mhmm,he was a creep..."But that's all he says about it,because honestly,i dont even think William was at Youth with them...Oh well.

We continue walking all looking over our time-tables and figuring out if we have any classes together,when we venture past a group of senior guys,all cut and hunky like they are gods.

Will stares...

"Creep..."Spencer mutters,all of us laughing when Will turns and glares profusely at the other.

"Just because you don't get laid,doesn't mean you get to poke fun at my preferences."William [very maturely] sticks his tongue out at Spencer,knowing he embarrassed him by the way his faced scrunched up in a mocking laughter.

"You all suck..." Is what we're left with,Spencer migrating toward the back again,Gretta just contently giggling as we went.

"But no,really,I'm so excited,maybe we'll all have a class together!" Which starts us all over again on the school subject,until the bell rings and we all scatteroff to class like good little children...

Let's hope for the best...
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Short.But there it is.XD Enjoy
