
I don't care

So i've been drinking and i gotta say it's not that bad, there's a bottle in my hand and gabe's lips pressed to my neck. His friend ryan's pretty cool i mean the dude let me join them i don't know why he just did,there's empty bottles on the floor and a bag of cocaine on the table. "Hey does anyone know what time it is?" Ryan sits up wiping at his nose "Umm nine i think.." Damn it i'm past curfew..

"I guess i should call brendon my parents will freak if i go home tonight," gabe removes his lips and replaces the half empty bottle in my hand with a new one already open."your not leaving so soon..." I shrug "fine but remind me to get the number off my sweater later or i'll probably go home and get myself killed."I press the mouth of the bottle to my lips and let the liquid in the taste may not be completely pleasant but it sure gives a kick.

I'm on my third or maybe fifth beer when ryan disappears with his phone i wonder where he's going?But it's whatever i return to looking at the hem of my jeans i never noticed how prominent it is."How ya feeling bonito?" I laugh "i'm just fabulous although i really really think i should be going..." "Oh come on one more drink won't kill you," I roll my eyes big smile on my face "fine but only one...


Well one drink turned into who knows how many gabe's helping me home arm around my waist because god knows i can't hold myself up, "you think you can make it from here?" I laugh "yeah thanks.." I watch him leave before turning the knob as quietly as i possibly can, I manage to get inside closing the door with only a slight click and the turning of the lock into place.I turn around and take a step forward then another but unfortunately i didn't see the end table.

I giggle as i feel for the wall attempting to pull myself up,that's when the light goes on oh joy i woke someone up."William is that you?" Oh it's only my mother... "Hey mom.." I'm leaning against the wall acting as casually as i can She walks down the stairs hair in curlers slippers on her feet, "Where have you been young man and is that..." She sniffs my clothes "alcohol?!?!" I shrug "yeah it is," she grabs my chin and forces me to look at her.

"What have i told you about alcohol young man your grounded!" Her tone is meant to be cruel but it's not it's just damn aggravating.I twist out of her grasp "so i'm not aloud to live my life and have a good time," i push the lamp off the table walking over to the archway leading to the living room."Don't you walk away from me, william eugene beckett jr you will do as i say because i am your mother."

I turn around now i'm a little pissed off " since when are you my mother abby, you don't love me you don't give a damn about me.." "William..." "And guess what mom..." She doesn't respond so i step closer to her and the wall," I " one punch "don't " two punch " CARE!" I slam my fist one last time into the wall my breathing erratic as my fist throbs. "Don't you dare talk to me like that..." That's when i slap her, i don't remember lifting my hand but i guess i did because she's on the floor cupping her cheek.

"What's going on here?" Oh yeah dad's here "and here he comes the only reason i'm still in this house,i'm sure if you had your way i'd have been gone a long long time ago." I watch him help her up and she huddles into him "yeah let him fight your god damn battles i don't care anymore.." He looks at me with stern eyes and a clenched jaw, "come on do it you know you fucking want to."

But he doesn't hit me instead he points to the door "Get out." I smile snidely "fine with me,"i'm sure to slam the door when i leave. As i stumble slightly down the streets i don't know where i am really ,and it's really cold out why don't i have a sweater? Oh that's right i left it at gabe's place,mmmm gabe he's so pretty..... Crap brendon's number was in that sweater he's gonna kill me... But who isn't gonna kill me lately? But i guess it doesn't matter what does matter though is where i'm gonna sleep.

But then again i can't really think about that right now, maybe i'll think about it in the morning. I'll do a lot in the morning... I'm still cold though... As i think about all this stuff i trip over the edge of the sidewalk and fall to the grass, wow it's actually kinda nice down here maybe i'll just sleep for a while...