
i thought you were different

So after I left brendon’s I wasn’t sure of where to go, I ended up just going home and sneaking in. Mom’s probably already at work and dads got a poker game that should give me enough time to grab a few things, I snake my way to my room and I start piling clothes into a duffle bag. It’s not until he sighs twenty minutes later that I realize my dads been watching me the entire time. ”ummm…” He just continues to watch me as I finish zipping up my bag.

“William I know you’re a good kid, and your mother can be unreasonable but we both love you .I understand you have to leave for awhile son I just want you to be safe okay?” I nod feeling tears form in my eyes “thanks for understanding dad…” I hug him quickly before rushing down the stairs and out the door. But where am I supposed to go now it’s not like I really have a huge selection, I’m not really close to spencer and gretta’s mom hates me.

Brendon wouldn’t want me to stay there because I just cause problems; I’m pondering a place to stay when I run into someone hard.”Sorry…” “Don’t be Stranger...” I look up Gabes smiling down at me “Oh uhh hi,” He helps me up raising a quizzical eyebrow at my duffel.”You leaving town or something? I shake my head “I had to leave my house for a while, what are you doing out and about?” He smiles slyly “looking for strays to take in.”

I can feel my cheeks heating up “That’s not.. no I couldn’t.. I’d be imposing…” He laughs putting an arm around my shoulders, “no worries it’s only for a little while. Besides I need a new toy to play with for a while..” I’m to tired to just say no and go find a motel somewhere to stay in. We walk through downtown before heading to his place, apparently were gonna have fun but if that means getting drunk again I think I’ll pass this time at least.

He grabs my bag and tosses it to the side before sitting himself onto the couch, he pats the seat next to him and I take the seat without much hesitation; my legs are throbbing slightly from walking. “So umm…” He cuts me off “will you and I are gonna finish this stuff and it’s gonna be awesome.” He grabs the bag of cocaine from it’s ever so faithful resting place, “I’m good thanks…” “come on will a little won’t kill you contrary to popular belief..”

“I’m good really..” “Please will I don’t wanna do it by my lonesome and ryan’s off somewhere doing god knows what…” He gives me this pleading look “No..” I attempt one last feeble time, he smiles sensing his victory.He reaches behind him and pulls forward a small square mirror , i watch him empty some of the cocaine onto it and cut it with a card he'd pulled out of his pocket."I thought you were different..."

I shrug and after watching him i repeat the action and boy what a fucking rush,gabe laughs when i start bouncing a little bit i need to do something anything! "Come on little thing lets have some fun..." He leads me to a room where he shuts the door before kissing me, oh i own the fucking world right now. His lips move everywhere hungry and god it's nice.

His hands travel over my body tugging at my jeans until the button pops ,but i could care less right now. Then he shoves me back onto the bed and crawls up on top of me, i hear his jeans pop and i'm excited but at the same time i'm nervous.As my pants are slowly tugged down i can't stop moving my hands over his body, he just laughs slipping his jeans off.

He then starts to remove my boxers and i couldn't feel any more awkward, i'm sure i look paler then i think i really seemed so surreal when it actually happened though, i cried a little and it felt really weird but it was sure something i'd like to try again... I think...
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sorry it's still kinda short i'm trying my hardest to make these longer i swear..PLEASE COMMENT GUYS!