
What do you do with a oding *** on your lap

So with no where else to go i ended up going to the park and sitting on the bench, i know i fuck up and i know i'm kind of an idiot but i care about brendon and ryan may not be as cool as i first thought he was. Anyway i'm busy fiddling with the hem of this sweater when some chick stumbles over,i'm getting and std just looking at her. Scraggly red hair make up applied as if she's in drag, she looks at me with glazed over green eyes.

"Looking for a good time stud..." I go to say no and her eyes flutter shut she falls forward face landing on my lap,oh no she's dead...SHIT!!! Oh god what am i supposed to do!! I feel for a pulse my hands trembling , i gasp when i find a small one. Okay calm down william you can.. Take her to gabes he'll know what to do!! So i pick her up and carry her down the street, people stare but maybe it's not because she's draped over my shoulder, maybe it's because she's foaming slightly from the mouth...

I carry her all the way up the stairs to his apartment i knock on the door and wait, hopefully he's home and not that jerk ryan... When the door open i'm so happy to see him i almost jump,he looks at me then at the girl over my shoulder."Bill i'm sorry but i don't do three ways.." "That''s not why i'm here i think she's dying and she passed out on my lap in the park and i was all i dunno what to do..."

"SO YOU BRING HER HERE?!?!?!" He's freaking out now looking around the hall he quickly pulls me inside.He tells me to drop her on the floor so i put her down gently, i strip off the sweater and start to pace. He's searching around for something and all i can do is bite my lip and clutch my hair, he seems to have found it because he pushes me out of the way and straddles her lap.

"What are you doing?!?!?!" I screech as he holds a needle up "it's gotta go into her heart she's fucking oding! Like you seriously had to bring her her fuck william!!" He stabs the needle into her chest and pushes down the syringe, within a minute or two she's blinking and looking around.I'm sweating and my breathings heavy i don't know if it's from fear or adrenaline, but which ever gabe does not look happy with me.

He gets up and ushers her out quickly shutting and locking the door, he turns to me face contorted into anger "You know how much fucking trouble you coulda' got us both in? If the cops had seen you we'd be in fucking jail right now you stupid fucking twit!" Oh god i'm terrified right now, i'm backed against the door i can feel the tears welling up in my eyes.He just looks at me for a moment before heaving a sigh and rubbing his temple,"sorry look just go sit on the couch and stay there okay?"

I just nod what else can i do...
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You all know where this is from pulp fiction man such a good film