
Grease And Biology

I'm so excited for the begaining of class, that when I march in and see the teacher for biology I openly grin and people may laugh and call me a bible brat, but I don't care. I am disappointed however that non of my friends are here... So begrudgingly I take the last remaining seet at the back of the class, all by my lonesome...

It's about half way through class when this guy walks in with some lame excuse then taking the seat next to me. I can't help but notice be smells like cigarettes and engine grease, which I admit is alittle wierd and really, what a good way to start off your school year...

Well, maybe if he's unmotivated I can help him, I mean, usually people like him just-

" Hey there..."

I have to do a double take because he's really trying to talk to me in the middle of a lesson on the first day back?Well, no one is to good to pass up a friend, and I'd never admit the scent of his life style pulls me in viciously.

" Hi..." Wow Brendon, way to be socially retarded.

He eyes me casually, twisting his shorn hair between long fingers, comfortable in his awkwardness.Perhaps I was a tad envious of his nonchalance.

" So, you new here, kid?" His voice is just as you'd imagine, an interesting monotone to sum it up, and I can't help but acknowledge the term of superiority.

I seem to just shake my head , a simple no, trying to focus on the lesson, but this guy isn't buying into it...

" No? Well, that's cool...I guess you know your way around then ,huh?"He leans in, watching me as I push my frames up the bridge of my nose.

" Yeah, I... I guess I do."My tone implies a question,and he laughs at me, more smirk then anything though.

" You're cute,"


Before I get over the enitial shock of that statement though he speaks again.

" Thats funny by the way, acting like you don't k ow anything, when you're clearly the biggest nerd in this fucking class..."He's so smug, and the casual rudeness surprises me more.

I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off.

" I'm Ryan by the way, and your dorky ass, is gonna be seeing slot of me."

It's then the teacher calls out " Hey, quiet down Urie."

It's always the innocent one... But regardless of Ryans smirk all through class, and the occasional glance, biology moves on... And maybe he' ll leave me alone next class.

Just maybe.
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Written on my touch so sorry for the spelling errors... XD love you and comment <3